Ron Jeremy Is Home From The Hospital

Ron Jeremy is now home from the hospital after  a 3 week stay.  He has lost 45 lbs and has vowed to improve his diet to maintain his health.


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Ron Jeremy Is Home From The Hospital

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8 Responses

  1. This is good news — the going home part. 45 pounds lost in three weeks is not a safe rate of weight loss (I am surprised the hospital allowed it) — I hope now that he is out of danger and feeling better the weight loss rate (10 pounds a month is about the maximum safe weight loss rate) will slow drastically and he will be eating better. I also hope Ron won’t ever have to go through heart surgery again. Best wishes to Ron and his family.

  2. Yeah, 45 pounds in 3 weeks is pretty scary, that would be effectively not eating much of anything at all for that time period. That is in itself a real shock for his system. Here is to hoping that Ron can turn this into a bit of a life changer, getting back to a fit and trim self. Glad to hear that he made it home, that is a big step.

  3. Actually 45 lbs is not amazing when you consider. Ron is a big guy, he is probably on water pills now and probably was fed nothing but an iv drip for a few weeks. All those surgeries probably not a big appetite .

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