Comments on: Rob Black Tries To Play Power Broker The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 15 Jul 2023 12:59:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: BT Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:50:00 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

I’ve been trying to imagine New Hampshire-themed porn, since we do take a lot of pride in the state and the source local movement.

Hot gal wearing plaid flannel stumbles onto a frozen lake into an ice-fishing shack and says she’ll take care of his pole ……

Hot gal enters a sugar shack during syrup season and drips maple syrup over strategic parts of her body. Oral sex ensues ….

Naked gal splits fire wood. Strategic butt shots as she bends over to swing the axe. Then she gets mawled from behind …

Couple do it doggy style in a deer stand. She strips off the camou but keeps on the orange blaze vest so she’s not mistaken for a doe …

James Deen is chased naked by a black bear or run down by a moose.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 11 Nov 2013 04:39:54 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.


Lol about it never being the pretty people…we call them FUGLY 🙂

By: Lacey Blake Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:03:01 +0000 In reply to sachertorte.

@Sachertorte –
Sent you something on Facebook…
Wait until you hear this one… it’s a shocker with a little Bel Ami mixed in… 😀

By: Lacey Blake Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:56:22 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

@mharris127 –
Have you always commented on the James Deen blog? Someone recently sent me a link to his blog with a pic. of him from a kink shoot in combat boots (omg. drool…) and I saw your name in the comments… Shit, I may have actually spoken to you on there before? Hahaha!!!

Believe me, you’re not crushing anyone’s dream of becoming a porn star. Looks like Deen is very willing & anxiously waiting to pimp girls out from what I saw… 😉

By: Lacey Blake Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:39:40 +0000 In reply to BT.

@BT –
It’s never the pretty ones unless they’re shitfaced drunk… then it just becomes everyone!!!

I actually have no problem with the nudity, but I can’t stand the frat guys who will start groping and slapping boobs and pinching nipples. Not very nice, but the chick’s are usually so drunk they don’t give a shit…

Or, the guys who whip their dicks out and start trying to slap other people with it… drunk people just can’t control themselves.

By: BT Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:47:09 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

You can let your dick flap in the wind in public in New Hampshire. You just better not stroke it!

One of the other posts referenced The People’s Republic of Vermont – I live on the New Hampshire/Vermont border. It’s also legal to be naked in public in many communities in Vermont, including the one closest to me. Became a big deal about five years ago when a bunch of wrinkled old geezer nudists – guys and gals – began sunbathing in the all together downtown during their lunch breaks. It’s never the pretty people, is it?

Two years ago, some locals planned a Sunday march downtown to celebrate gun ownership in New Hampshire. They were armed to the teeth, which is perfectly legal. And, it was such a nice day that some of the women decided to parade topless. I called it the right to bare arms ….. and breasts.

By: Lacey Blake Sun, 10 Nov 2013 19:51:21 +0000 In reply to BT.

@BT –
Reminds me of New Orleans in a way…
We’re just conflicted. Haha.
Conservative vs. Liberal at every turn…

Bourbon Street in literally a block or 2 away from one of the oldest cathedral churches in the country.

Boobs in public: Perfectly acceptable.
Pulling your dick out in public: Will get you arrested.
(Pulling your dick out on Bourbon Street is never a good idea anyway… it looks *really* small from a balcony.) 😉

By: Lacey Blake Sun, 10 Nov 2013 19:38:52 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Well, I guess there would be no problems with keeping their nipples hard?
Hahaha!!!! 😉

By: LurkingReader Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:20:04 +0000 In reply to BT.


Ski lodge shoots anyone? Nice warm fireplaces to ward off the chill 🙂

By: BT Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:46:25 +0000 In reply to sachertorte.

As a resident of the Granite State, New Hampshire defies easy labels. We are labeled a conservative state. Technically true, but not in the way that conservatism is defined today by the Tea Party. In fact, we had a flirtation with the Tea Party following the 2010 election, and then voted the bums out in 2012.

We’ve had more Democratic governors in the last 20 years than Republican governors; our governor, US representatives and US Senators are all women.

What New Hampshire is, on both sides of the aisle, is libertarian. We do not like regulation in our personal lives. So, traditionally, New Hampshire has had among the most liberal gun laws in the country and among the highest gun ownership rates in the country. We don’t like abortion, but there is easy access to abortion. We’re not against public nudity if you’re not a flasher. You can sun yourself buck naked on the town square in most New Hampshire towns – and women have gone topless on our town square to prove the point – as long as you are not lascivious, whatever that means.

However, don’t confuse antipathy to government in our personal lives to business. New Hampshire has high business taxes – they got to make up the fact that we have no sales or income tax somewhere. Business is highly regulated. And, while there is no law against filming pornography in New Hampshire, there is real antagonism to selling pornography. I have traveled widely in our state, and I am unaware of a single adult book store or strip club in the state – you have to go to Springfield, Mass., Hartford or Boston for adult entertainment.

Six or seven years ago, an adult book store opened in my community, which is the largest in the part of the state where I live. There was a public outcry and calls for the government to close them down. The City said its hands were tied. However, the public boycotted the business and it closed within a few months. The owner reopened in the next town over. Same outcome. He moved one town over again and finally gave up.

Some guy just opened a hookah store downtown. City says he has a legal lease. However, there are daily pickets — people carrying signs – against synthetic drugs and hookah pipes in front of his store. He complains, but the city says, hey, they have a right to protest. I have never seen anyone walk into his shop and cannot imagine who shops there except perhaps kids from the college.

It may be legal to film porn here, but I assure you it would be expensive to set up shop, the reception would be as chilly as the peak of Mt. Washington, and the industry will be highly regulated.

That said, I would like to see Steve and Marci Hirsch toughening it out in an Eastern Mountain Sports parka and Timberland boots in January when its 10 below zero for a week.
