Warning to all web models!

Do not shoot for the following website: www.myassholehurts.com

These guys are jerks and aught to have the same thing done to them as they do to their models.

What is it that they do, you ask?

They squirt copious amounts of dish washing liquid into the model’s face to get a “pained” look as the soap gets into their eyes. Are the girls aware of this prior to engagement? Of course not. Even if they DID, it wouldn’t make it any less disturbing.

They are registered in Chicago, Il. but have come to Toronto quite often (probably in an attempt to avoid attention in their own f***ing back yard). I’d love to accompany a model to one of their shoots…

This had occurred to one of our models (Jasmine Jade) and we feel that it is imperative that word gets out on these mysoginistic assholes.

Mark Nakamura
Ra Media Enterprises

Thanks Mark…Ladies heed this warning!

8250cookie-checkWarning to all web models!

Warning to all web models!

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