Ty Longley missing in RI Nightclub Fire:

The guitarist for Great White lives with Mark Zane and has dated porn chicks Chloe (VCA Contract irl) and Nina Whett. No word on his status but most agree that at this point it doesn’t look good.

Gram Ponante Out at AVN:

Word is he was fired on Thursday. Gram was responsible for the editorial content of the websites.

Carly writes:

No I am not writing lukeford.com I don’t write that boring!

Ya know she has a point….I shoulda caught that. Carly does Pornblography.com and she isn’t boring! My apologies to Ms Milne for that insinuation.

Wankus writes something you all should read….specially You Mark Kernes:

its here

7510cookie-checkTy Longley missing in RI Nightclub Fire:

Ty Longley missing in RI Nightclub Fire:

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Mike South

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