I was in Barnes and Noble last night, after dinner with Lisa (not a porn chick) we decided to go and just browse. I love to read. When we got there we were milling about, I showed her a copy of Animal Farm that is Illustrated by Ralph Steadman. Of all the books I own that one is one of my most prized, it’s simply amazing.
As I am perusing the book shelves she comes up to me with a book and asks if I knew about it. It was the new one by Traci Lords. Oddly enough I wasn’t even tempted, what could this little con artist have to say that I would possibly be interested in reading? She was a psychopathic liar while she was in porn why would I think she had changed. I’d sooner read Tera’s autobiography. I told Lisa I didn’t know it was out but I had no real desire to read it. If any of you want to read it and tell me what you think please do so.
Instead I opted for “This Just In” by Bob Schieffer and “Sex Money Kiss” by Gene Simmons (this one being a limited edition autographed copy) They are probably all autographed….anyway I haven’t read the Gene Simmons yet but I am completely mesmerized by “This Just In”. Schieffer covered the news in some way since 1960 and the breadth of his career covers the most tumultuous times in this country. The same man who got an exclusive interview with Lee Harvey Oswalds mother the day Kennedy was shot was also on hand on 9/11. The stories are told with genuine feeling, I detect very little bias and they range from heartwarming to heart breaking, from hilarious to tragic. I am only halfway through it but I highly recommend it. Wonder if I can get Schieffer’s autograph?
Dont ask me for hints, hell even I didn’t know most of the answers….
I am a man of many talents, I can run from Bull’s with horns in Pamplona, all the while dodging the bull that Kernes is flinging….
Traci Lords I Don’t Give a Rats Ass:
I was in Barnes and Noble last night, after dinner with Lisa (not a porn chick) we decided to go and just browse. I love to read. When we got there we were milling about, I showed her a copy of Animal Farm that is Illustrated by Ralph Steadman. Of all the books I own that one is one of my most prized, it’s simply amazing.
As I am perusing the book shelves she comes up to me with a book and asks if I knew about it. It was the new one by Traci Lords. Oddly enough I wasn’t even tempted, what could this little con artist have to say that I would possibly be interested in reading? She was a psychopathic liar while she was in porn why would I think she had changed. I’d sooner read Tera’s autobiography. I told Lisa I didn’t know it was out but I had no real desire to read it. If any of you want to read it and tell me what you think please do so.
Instead I opted for “This Just In” by Bob Schieffer and “Sex Money Kiss” by Gene Simmons (this one being a limited edition autographed copy) They are probably all autographed….anyway I haven’t read the Gene Simmons yet but I am completely mesmerized by “This Just In”. Schieffer covered the news in some way since 1960 and the breadth of his career covers the most tumultuous times in this country. The same man who got an exclusive interview with Lee Harvey Oswalds mother the day Kennedy was shot was also on hand on 9/11. The stories are told with genuine feeling, I detect very little bias and they range from heartwarming to heart breaking, from hilarious to tragic. I am only halfway through it but I highly recommend it. Wonder if I can get Schieffer’s autograph?
If yer in the mood for a word puzzle Dirty Bob sends this:
Dont ask me for hints, hell even I didn’t know most of the answers….
I am a man of many talents, I can run from Bull’s with horns in Pamplona, all the while dodging the bull that Kernes is flinging….
Traci Lords I Don’t Give a Rats Ass:
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Mike South
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