Top Ten Reasons Why Given Everyone In The AVN AWARDS Show RobbyD Took Vince Voyeur On Stage With Him When Robby Won His AVN Award.

Top Ten Reasons Why Given Everyone In The AVN AWARDS Show RobbyD Took Vince Voyeur On Stage With Him When Robby Won His AVN Award.

10. It was “Be Kind to Endomorphs” week.
9. Adella was busy with Captain Morgan.
8. Devon was pleading out to a lesser charge.
7. Tyla Wynn was stuffing her pockets with free dildos.
6. Robby wanted Vince to “Share A Special Moment”
5. Sam and Joone were writing a check to AVN for the trophy
4. Dion wasn’t available.
3. Jesse was prowling the halls, looking for rock stars
2. Teagan was shooting content for another company
1. He was sending a message to the adult industry: “Offer me a deal — somebody, please — offer me a deal!”

Jesse Capps (From Rock Writes:

Hey Mike…

I just had to comment on Arthur’s statement:

Inevitably, the lady concludes that her partner is trying to align her fantasy with his, to get her to see things that he himself fantasizes about (eg female-female). Overall, it’s a recipe for more suspicion in a relationship.

I understand that this comment is not the main point of your post, but it’s worth discussing. I’ve always seen porn as a way to keep couples – especially the men – from straying, creating less suspicion.

Here’s what I mean:

I love to look at beautiful women. I’ll even look at an ugly one if her tits are big enough. Of course I’m gonna wonder what she looks like naked and then I’ll probably imagine my cock in her mouth or something romantic like that. I’m an honest guy, Mike. If I’m dating a chick, I can’t help but look at other girls. It’s in my blood and it flows quicker to the little head than to the bigger one on top. If I’m in a relationship I have the respect and willpower NOT to act on any of those thoughts, BUT…

Watching some porn will cure what sickens me. I get to see a chick who is not my girlfriend get naked. I get to watch her have sex. If I decide to rub one out while watching I’ll also free up the built up poisons in my loins. All the fantasies I may have about the “real” chick quickly disappear during climax, all thanks to porn. Porn would keep me from having those “cheating thoughts” about the “real” chick simply because I get to fantasize about the chick in the movie. We all know what happens after we get off, right? SLEEPY TIME! We’re not even thinking about that “real” chick anymore. We just wanna blow our load and go to sleep, right?

Call me a horny bastard, but even on days where I may have sex once or more – I still want to do the knuckle shuffle on the ole piss pump. I see it as my way of staying honest. Since I’m a single man now I just see it as my way of staying sane! 🙂

Any time I’ve ever watched porn with a female around, she wants to see the girl on girl stuff. Not necessarily because she likes it, but because she knows I do. (Not ONCE have I ever had a chick ask to see two dudes playing hide the salami!) We all know that the majority of porn is targeted to us guys. Couples my ass! It’s a simple fact that guys are horny the majority of the time and we like looking at naked chicks, especially the ones fucking in the movies. Any man that denies that is either a) lying or b) gay. Girls get it. They may not admit to watching it as much as the guys but they know it’s mostly about pleasing all us dudes. The smart ones know that if they do anything to get us worked up into a frenzy – including watching porn – it will benefit them in the end. Literally!

I don’t why I ended up telling you some of this stuff, but I just realized I admitted to looking at big boobs on ugly chicks AND frequently waxing my weasel. I guess it’s all to prove a point.


PS – See if you can work on making me not so single, OK?

PORN – My Anti-Drug.
Jesse Capps | |
Bob Writes:

Here’s a completely unscientific response. I’ve known a few women in my time who enjoyed watching porn, and didn’t just suffer through to please their man.

And you know what — they enjoyed watching girl girl action along with hetero action. Maybe even more than I did, since I’m not a big fan of girl girl.

Not a one of them ever asked me to rent gay porn or bi-porn, or appeared even remotely interested in watching two guys get it on.
Goddess Replies To Ira Levine Who Didn’t Have the Balls To Reply To Me:

(8:58 am) Found this over on Luke’s page. Wow. I’m stealing from Luke now. Gosh, this feels good!
Ira Levine aka Ernest Greene writes:
Good morning,
“Went over and had a look at Goddess’ blog. In addition to her slam at Nina, found lots of friendly, cutesy-poo references to Mike South. Went over to South’s site and found Goddess’ comments about Nina repeated and amplified with a couple of “contributions” from South alter-egos.
South, as you know, is a major AIM-basher who has had bad things to say about me in the past. It would appear to the untrained eye as if South and Goddess might be double-teaming my wife in the service of undisclosed, pre-existing resentments. I’m sure it’s all actually pure coincidence.
Interesting, though, that both Goddess and South took Nina’s reference to minimum-wage jobs out of context and twisted it into a put-down of working people in general and a suggestion that sex work is somehow superior to non-sex work. No one who knows Nina could believe that was her intent for an instant. Her real point is that sex work is no less dignified than any other form of labor, represents a more hopeful alternative in some cases, and certainly doesn’t merit the dismissive scorn of tenured academics.

I find it grimly amusing that Goddess, South and Left-wing porn-basher Stan Goff all try to paint Nina as a snobbish limousine liberal and shill for porn moguls. I seriously doubt that any of the hundreds of performers she has mentored and nurtured in this business, or the thousands of fans to whom she has been a supportive friend and tutor during the past twenty years, would recognize her in that description.
Just a bit of background in the interest of transparency.”

Not to be rude, but I was really interested in what Nina had to say because Nina was the one defending the industry. As for “pre-existing resentments” and South and I “doubleteaming” Nina that’s ridiculous. South might know him, but I didn’t even know who Ira Levine was until he made the “my wife” comment! And beyond that, I still don’t know who he is. I’ll be sure to google him after The Young and The Restless is over though. And I say that not to be rude, but to waylay Mr. Levine’s next argument that I might be doubleteaming HIM with South.
I am not slamming anyone. I’m stating my opinion and last time I checked, that was still permissible in this country. I have no connection with AIM and quite frankly I could give a shit about politics in porn.

That having been said, I have always admired Nina, and I’ve watched many of her videos in the past. Videos in which she wasn’t vomiting or getting choked, and that was my entire point.

However, I notice that Mr. Levine never addresses the issue of the newer videos in which women aren’t treated with much dignity.
I took Nina’s minimum wage job statement “out of context”? That’s strange because I quoted the entire statement in which she lumped minimum wage jobs in the same sentence with early pregnancies and abusive marriages. Hardly out of context. And while her intent MIGHT have been to show that sex work is “no less dignified,” she made it sound as if it were far superior to other forms of labor.

I’m sure the choking and vomiting is all just part of a plan to allow women to express their feminism and their sexuality.

Count me out just the same.

One footnote: While I am friends with South, Mr. Levine, I’m an intelligent woman with an opinon of my own and eyes to see what’s happening within the industry. I don’t need South or anyone else to tell me.
I am LOL’ing at the “cutesy poo” comment though. Good one

Arthur Writes in a Popular Online Forum:

Couples porn has always be one of the marketing slogans used by the industry in an attempt to become mainstream. One of the reasons it hasn’t worked is that women remain suspicious of the motivation. I’ll explain why.

If a guy shows his sweetheart a couples porn film that contains male-female and female-female, the lady asks herself why there isn’t male-male in it as well – in fact, any fair-minded person would ask this question. Inevitably, the lady concludes that her partner is trying to align her fantasy with his, to get her to see things that he himself fantasizes about (eg female-female). Overall, it’s a recipe for more suspicion in a relationship.

My solution: include male-male in the mix or delete the female-female. My personal view is that there is a whole couples genre waiting to be established with male-female, female-female, and male-male – all in the same movie. Fair and democratic porn is what I’d call it.

See what happens when you have people in a forum who think that because they watch a little porn they are now capable of running Vivid Video.

I’m not bagging on Arthur here, I’m sure he is a stand up fellow but what exactly qualifies him to propose a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist? Allow me to elaborate.

“Couples Porn” is one of many bastardized and/or meaningless terms that this industry has concocted to try to create the illusion that porn isn’t just for men. The assumption is that if you throw a hair brained story, no matter how weak into the mix of sex scenes that this is somehow more acceptable to the fragile female viewer. It completely ignores everything we know about female fantasies and sexuality, but guess what? It is probably the single most profitable area of our business and that’s not because people rent it in video stores….they don’t.

It is because cable TV and Pay per view is a hugely profitable business for porn, and the idea carries over there that a thin story and shitty acting is an acceptable excuse to watch people fuck without feeling guilty…Kind of like saying you read Hustler Magazine for the editorial content. Now how many travelling businessmen are going to be comfy renting a porn with male/male sex in it…anyplace? And how many cable or PPV outlets would be comfy carrying that content? That’s who the cable TV and PPV people are making money from, it isn’t “couples”.

Sure theres some women who like porn, I know some for sure and guess what…they like it dirty, they prefer Private or H2 to Vivid or Wicked, generally speaking. But even at that they are such a small percentage of the market that they are insignificant in the overall scheme.

14470cookie-checkTop Ten Reasons Why Given Everyone In The AVN AWARDS Show RobbyD Took Vince Voyeur On Stage With Him When Robby Won His AVN Award.

Top Ten Reasons Why Given Everyone In The AVN AWARDS Show RobbyD Took Vince Voyeur On Stage With Him When Robby Won His AVN Award.

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