The Saga of Clover & The Realization That The FSC is Useless – Reader Mail

The Saga of Clover & The Realization That The FSC is Useless

In watching Porn Valley through twitter, blogs, and the big two “Adult Industry Sources” over the past days, it has become obvious that the FSC has been reduced to something completely worthless.
First, lets look at who the FSC really is. Two people. Diane and Joanne. Sure it has a catchy name from its better days, but nowadays it is really just two people.
The board is elected by who contributes the most to Diane’s pocket. Plain and Simple.
Let’s look at some of their accomplishments over the past year.
Measure B
AB332 (sure it was shot down in the appropriations committee but you can bet your ass it will be reintroduced on the ballot very soon which will cost the industry much more to defeat again)
Mr. Marcus
When you really get down to the nitty gritty of it. Those were the big 4 challenges the FSC faced over the past year and pretty much all of them failed.
I am writing this to commend LATATA and Mike South on the way the Clover situation was handled.
The fact that the FSC was completely left out of this whole process proved that the industry can represent itself and we don’t need to bumbling buffoons who collect 6-figure paychecks for handing out pieces of gum Tylenol out at tradeshows.
If we really want to look at one of the few Free Speech Issues which the FSC was originally formed to defend, lets look at Minakashiben Patel. Patel owns a gas station in Polk County and was arrested on charges of selling obscene materials. She eventually got her case dismissed, but where was Diane Duke? Losing Measure B? Losing 2257? Covering up for Marcus?
They claim to defend Free Speech but where were they for Rob Black? Max? Minakshiben Patel? It’s like any exclusive club. You wanna be a member? Pay the toll. Non-Profit my ass.
I understand why Rob Black is so bitter and don’t blame him one bit. No one can deny he went to prison for porn. I used to sell Rob’s product and made alot of money with him and for him. We all did. Extreme Associates was one of the hardest best brands out there in the late 90’s. Everyone shits on him, but he produced a quality product. No one helped him when the shit storm came. He sold everything he had and fought until the well ran dry and did his time.
FSC was looking to change their name earlier this year. Might I recommend the “Useless, Pointless and Defeated Coalition”?
Over the past few days I have seen the creation of a new means of Industry Protocol. Mike South and LATATA proved something to us all. I hope everyone sees it.

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The Saga of Clover & The Realization That The FSC is Useless – Reader Mail

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