Comments on: The Moratorium Will Be Lifted Late Next Week – Reader Mail The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 07 Jul 2023 11:26:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: jilted Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:04:37 +0000 In reply to jilted.

No, I am not a performer. I am the source. This particular article was written two weeks before Assemblyman Hall had his press conference with AHF to announce AB332.

By: Toby Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:45:06 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

13 days PLUS however many days the detection window is for each STD included in the test.

Ohh, will that 14 day test also include Hep C? Inquiring minds…

By: DWB Tue, 17 Sep 2013 10:12:23 +0000 In reply to kate.

Rod said he doesn’t know Delgado? If that is true, then everything being said about #3 is false.

By: Lacey Blake Tue, 17 Sep 2013 06:32:37 +0000 In reply to Billy.

Charity Bangs is one smart chick. I love when performers think for themselves instead of just going with usual same old bullshit.

Let’s discect this new 14 day policy real quick:
1. They’re getting ready to lift the moritorium, so they have to do something to make it look like they are being proactive.
2. So, they take it from mandatory testing every 28 days to every 14 days. This will make it look like they are actually doing “something” to make the industry safer…
3. Now, performers will be required to test every 14 days. Sounds good on paper… CET just doubled their profits. Another bonus!

Then you have to consider the bullshit within this new 14 day requirement:
1. If the testing system is so wonderful and there have been no on set transmissions since “supposedly” 2004, then why change the testing windows? Is something wrong with the 30 day window? Why every 14 days? Couldn’t you just make it once a week? How are these testing windows even fucking determined? Do they just pick a number out of a hat?

So, now, instead of showing your co-stars a 27 day old test, you will be showing them a 13 day old test. What the fuck? On what fucking planet does that make sense?

If the testing system works so well at 30 days, then why even change it to 14? Why would you need to fix something that you claim has worked miraculously since 2004?
The real answer: To make it LOOK like they’re actually fucking doing something to help protect the performers.
Well, at least they’ll only have to worry about those 13 untested days instead of the old 27 untested days now… Well, that was nice of them. I guess you can never be too careful, right?

By: Billy Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:04:57 +0000 Interesting convo going on Twitter.

Charity Bangs
“Who else isn’t surprised FSC/APHSS, who practically owns CET is RECOMMENDING 14 day test window. Hello double the business. Not I.”

Dan Leal – Porno Dan ?
mrwhiteacre CharityBangs Let me interject. Derek did NOT want to resume production. He told FSC to wait.
Michael Whiteacre ?to
PornoDan CharityBangs September 2011, I was there Dan. Shy led the charge, Derek backed her.

Who is Michael Whiteacre? Shy Love and Derick Hey call the shots on when producers can shoot?

By: CPanzram Tue, 17 Sep 2013 02:42:52 +0000 In reply to jilted.

I never once assumed that he knew aside from doctoring his tests to show that he was in the clear even though he “technically” was. Rob makes it seem like it was a malicious attack on the industry, but it was only people being stupid and then those they are affiliated with being even dumber.

Knowingly or not he did infect people. The point now is to focus on how this can be prevented. What would you say is a good way?

The only reason I side with Rob on a lot is because he is the only one doing something to the extent of what needs to be done. He is hardcore on condoms and testing, but feels escorting acceptable and that is something I find bothersome. Even a high class john could be danger. Magic Johnson and Easy E liked sex. What if they would have hired porn girls? Just because a lot of the girls do it doesn’t make the industry safer. It actually puts them in harm unless you do daily testing and even then it isn’t 100%.

Do performers sign off on their ability to sue since there isn’t a 100% guarantee that they won’t catch something?

What would be your solution jilted? Throw what Rob says away and if you had a plan to do what he is doing what would it be? You always have good responses on here and I would like to hear your point of view on the situation. Not just what needs to be done, but how to get it accomplished.

By: kate Tue, 17 Sep 2013 00:16:35 +0000 In reply to jilted.

jilted: I was just wondering.. are you a performer in the industry?

By: jilted Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:59:40 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

Syphilis is repoted to county health too. Its just that the county had no idea that Jesse Spencer was an adult indutry actor when they got that report, and he never told his private physician that he was in porn.

Marcus NEVER worked while he knew he had syphilis. He just didnt recognize the symptoms. Once he tested and got the diagnosis he ut was treated, waited the prescribed amount of time and then retested, But that retest showed positive on the initial screen, as it always does once you’ve been infected. It was this result that he doctored. He NEVER knowingly exposed anyone.

This is another perfect example of misinformation being repeated so many times that is just becomes an urbal legend truth.
This type of speculation adds nothing of substance to the debate, and only serves those who use misinformation to scare and intimidate people. The FACT that the industry test is not a viral load test only shows that they are using this misinformation for personal gain. People like Rob Black will rarely let the facts get in the way of a good story.

By: Lacey Blake Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:47:02 +0000 In reply to jilted.

@jilted – I have a feeling this is a much different scenario, but isn’t that what Mr. Marcus did?
Or, I guess you couldn’t really hide HIV since it needs to be reported.
If someone is willing to infect others with syphilis then HIV wouldn’t be considered that hard of a stretch, would it?

By: CPanzram Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:04:45 +0000 In reply to jilted.

” Doesn anyone really think that someone is going to try to cheat the test in order to infect porn stars? But just keep repeating it over and over again and soon enough the uninformed start to follow along.”

Well, the option is there. Someone can do it. Why leave yourself open? Let’s say one person does. It isn’t worth not guarding yourself when lives are in question.

“have you ever tested positive for HIV or been diagnosed as a carrier of the HIV virus.”

What is stopping someone from writing “no” when they have? Fear mongering and thinking of all of the scenarios is fine in my opinion when dealing with deadly diseases.

Assuming that this was an off-set transmission isn’t a good idea especially when the origin cannot be determined.
