The Issue At Hand Is Simple

I have a lot to write about but this post came across on GFY and was so well said that I had to get it out to my readers.  This guy hits the nail on the head.


Obviously it passed.

People don’t care about “pornographers” and think they are assholes… so any campaign like those I saw by “pornographers” was little more than telling people “do the opposite of what we say and want because as you know, we are asshole… OH! and P.S. Oprah Winfrey, Steve Hirsch has an offer for you to do a bukkake scene” – That’s all people read. You are a bunch of dickheads with zero credibility in the eyes of the public. You are scum. You are predators and you are losers. To the public, you are still just a bunch of pimps with gold teeth, unbuttoned shirts, hairy chests preying on runaway teens. Every fucking idiot that got behind the idea to make an appeal on behalf of the industry should be fired from their jobs immediately.

Then there was the fact that there was no single, simple message. “Hope and Change” etc. It was a bunch of unbelievable and nonsensical scare tactics showing people in biohazard suits and direct appeals to consumers (people who could care less) with random, inconsistent messages. Really dipshits? Basic marketing 101. You need a single, simple, clear message that not only resonates with and appeals to the customer but that is instantly credible and believable. You all failed miserably in that department, being the fragmented, individualist, antisocial group of shits that you are. What a shocker.

The issue at hand is simple.


You will not win an argument against safety unless you can prove the proposed measure “for” is dangerous. End of story. This is how it works in the real world. This is why we have warnings on hair dryers not to use them while standing in the shower. Get it? There is no argument against warning people and only arguments for, hence the warning.

This business is so full of ineptitude and stupidity, that its difficult at times to even decide where to begin in pointing it out.

One a final note… Uhm…. really? You honestly think that there should be no rules and regulations regarding the spread of contagious and deadly disease in the work place? What fucking planet are you living on where you don’t see the government eventually getting involved? Testing is extremely flawed. In what other industry does this happen where safety issues aren’t regulated? You can’t cook in a kitchen without a hair net… but it should be ok to run around spraying HIV, Hepatitis and everything else all over each others faces? There is no word that describes how retarded you are to think thats how it should be. In fact, a new word will need to be invented to describe the level of stupidity for most of the morons in this biz.

Every single argument you fucking morons have is a losing argument. Testing is flawed. People fake tests/cheat. Models escort. Disease is rampant. Disease affects everyone.. not just the people on the film set. … and you people are again, proving to the public why you are just a bunch of assholes that should never be trusted or believed and should remain on the fringe.

68850cookie-checkThe Issue At Hand Is Simple

The Issue At Hand Is Simple

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12 Responses

  1. “In fact, a new word will need to be invented to describe the level of stupidity for most of the morons in this biz.”
    Fantastic. I wish I had written that sentence.

  2. I don’t work in the porn industry. I’m simply a long-time consumer of porn and an observer of the industry. As an outsider, I’d say the seeds for this loss began about 20 years ago with the first Max Hardcore movies followed by Rob Black giving the middle finger to the authorities. You had an industry that believed that anything can and should be filmed if someone is willing to pay to watch it, no matter how degrading to the performer. Even people who for the most part don’t want to watch naked people get down will tolerate porn if it’s basic sex. When you start going to extremes just because you can go to extremes, you turn stomachs and you get the attention of people who can shut you down. You may still win on the First Amendment argument, but its hard to convince the nurse who pulls a new pair of latex gloves every time she enters a patients room or the kid who wears gloves and a hairnet to make a sandwich at Subway or the janitor who wears gloves to clean a toilet that its sanitary and healthy for a gal to suck a penis after its come out of her butt or have five guys ejaculate in her mouth after each has penetrated her multiple times. At the least, the condom seems like a common sense safety measure.

  3. People just don’t get that porn is a parallel universe, an alternate reality, one that happens to intersect with the real world, the real universe, and actual reality. If they understood that, they might just leave us alone to complete our self-destructive quest, with or without rubbers.

  4. Origen01, please just shut up? Michael Whiteacre slandered me simply due to my position on the matter! Well orchestrated? You obviously DID NOT read the article! Diane Duke told the government to “keep their noses out of our bedrooms”! They are both OUTSIDERS who made the porn industry seem amazingly STUPID! Since I am stuck in the category of porn performer for the REST OF MY LIFE whether I ever perform again or not is just one reason I will continue to try my best to show that not all performers are as stupid as a bag of erasers! I LOVED this article!!!! COMPLETELY ACCURATE!

  5. All of the preaching to the choir, and tweeting are hardly an effective campaign. The industry had the endorsement of the major newspapers, business associations, and even the requblican party, and they still couldn’t wage anything that even resembled an effective campaign. They told everyone that the multi billion dollar industry(lol)would be ruined, but they could not even raise 1 million dollars to fight it. And 1 million is just 1/10th of one percents of 1 billion. The people of LA saw right through the lies. James Lee stated that the porn industry brings 1BILLION dollars LOCALLY, through taxes and ‘other services, . What an effing moron. 1 “BILLION LOCALLY” Really? The average person is smart enough to know that it is NOT safer to have sex with a condom, regardless of how often someone is tested.

  6. ANd another HUGE mistake. First they say the industry really cares about perfomrers. Then in their next sentence they say, “We will go underground and make things even worse for performers in you pass this Mealure B” Oh yeah, thats a good campaign slogan. What a bunch of morons, and not to mention the performers they had out their repeating, and tweeting this stuff. Remove gun from holster, aim directly at your own foot, pull the trigger, empty the clip. These guys, especially the lap dog performers out spouting this stuff, believe too many of their own lies, and thats the real problem.

  7. Today, you have two responses about what happens next. First, Larry Flynnt says this won’t change Hustler one bit. They film now in Hawaii, Mexico and the California desert. They’ll do more of that. Others have said they’ll just fly everyone to Nevada for the day. That may work for Flynnt, who has a brand, distribution and a bigger business to fund the expense of getting a crew, talent and equipment into those areas on a regular basis but I have to think that the smaller production houses won’t be able to afford the extra expense unless they can raise their sale prices. Fat chance. On top of that, what I read is that it is not uncommon for porn talent – especially girls – to flake on a shoot. Or for shoots to run over schedule. That’s fine if you can call an agent and get a replacement girl to drive over to a set on short notice. She can’t so easily get on a plane and fly to a shoot on short notice. Run over on a shoot and you’re putting everyone up in a motel and paying change fees to the airlines. And, it presumes that Nevada is going to welcome a sudden influx of porn talent and unregulated economic activity in its state. Nevada, or any other jurisdiction, is reading that porn is a $10 billion business. It’s going to want its piece of the pie. And that leads to additional cost and business regulation. So, unless people who say they want to be respected as legitimate business people decide they want to be outlaws, flying in and out of new locations before anyone finds out, its not a long-term survival strategy.

    Second, Diane Duke says she is going to sue on jurisdictional grounds. She says this is a state issue and not a local issue. She does not say that talent are independent contractors; that they know the risks when they take the job; that condoms lead to more STDs and not fewer STDs; that its a violation of her FIrst Amendment rights; or any of the other arguments tweeted.

    It may be. I have no idea who determines health regulations in California. It may also be her best strategy. However, it also invites the state to get involved and mandate condom use state wide.

    Asking the county for a time out before enforcement seems like a reasonable response and the county is likely to give it since they have to figure this out as well. Although, again, it ain’t rocket science. You’ve already got a health inspection process in place and people request a permit in order to make a film. Again, make producers responsible for enforcement and the fine. Require them to submit a copy of the shoot on DVD or electronically and have an inspector fast forward through the footage.

    Their biggest hurdle is the hostile workplace suit that’s going to follow from female health inspectors who are offended by all the porn in the workplace or the health inspector who refuse or burn out on the job.

  8. All of these performers are claiming that they will move to Nevada to perform and so will the industry. Won’t Nevada just enact the condom laws statewide that are in effect for the small area of the state where prostitution is legal. Also, isn’t New Hampshire technically the only state where shooting porn is legal. Remember, Nevada despite voting for Obama has a very large and vocal Mormon and senior citizen population.

  9. “Asking the county for a time out before enforcement seems like a reasonable response and the county is likely to give it since they have to figure this out as well. Although, again, it ain’t rocket science. You’ve already got a health inspection process in place and people request a permit in order to make a film. Again, make producers responsible for enforcement and the fine. Require them to submit a copy of the shoot on DVD or electronically and have an inspector fast forward through the footage. ”

    Nobody wants to regulate porn. You do realize that the number one reason porn is distributed so freely in this country is because it is so emotionally draining to regulate. Talk to any obscenity investigator and they will tell you two things happen when you are constantly inspecting footage: you will become aroused and/or tolerant towards the material or you will be constantly sickened and generally jaded towards human sexuality. Either way, the individual costs on the investigator are too high for porn footage inspection to be welcomed initiative by regulators.

  10. Origen01; That is a very good point. Maybe that will also give the Porners time to get their shit together and get Workers Compensation and get rid of Diane Duke and some of the FSC clowns.

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