Stevie Secret Writes:

Mike South
We held a pretty big event for PAW at my strip club in Phoenix over the weekend. I’m out trying to generate some publicity for the cause, the girls involved etc I have a press release below plus there are pictures from the event which you may use at My Site

If you want to put something up on this I’m sure everybody would appreciate it. Thanks!
Stevi Secret

PS I guess we don’t really know each other only of each other. I didn’t know you were such a wild man until I saw you in Tampa. You were great down there, so I guess I’m a bit of a new fan.

Well I reckon ya learned about there, the best way to get me to do something for ya is either to tell me how bad I suck or how good I am and you appear to have figured that out! Thanks Stevie!

While I am no supporter of The Free Speech Cabal I do support PAW.

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Stevie Secret Writes:

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