Some People Know When To Quit But Lack The Good Sense To Stay Quit

Long before most of the girls in this biz right now had even smoked their first joint there was guy who had a site that he wrote on semi-regularly. He was even good at it, for a drunken Canadian wannabe rock God. But then the pressure of having people in porn hating him got to him and he quit.

Now he is back…Welcome back brother!

I’m talking about Quasarman aka Mike Quasar. His new blog is here

I promised him a link if he is still funny… be the judge.

His inaugural post is here:

Welcome to, the website dedicated to the mindless meanderings of one of the world’s pre-eminent creators of masturbatory material for men who view women not just as wives, mothers and friends but also as soulless, coital zombies whose greatest joy in life is to be pelted by the semen of strangers. Yes, it’s true. I have been capturing the prurient imagery of intermingled genitalia since Bill Clintons’ first term. Yes, I’ve wasted my life. But let’s move on, shall we?

Many years ago, when I still had hopes and dreams, I accidentally stumbled upon the seedy underbelly of the San Fernando Valley and into the world of “adult video”. At the time, I viewed it as a temporary stepping stone to my larger goal of becoming the wealthiest and most powerful rock God the world had ever known, but a few things impeded my progress in that lofty ambition. First, I wasn’t that talented and second, I was, and still am, one of the laziest people currently employed in the United States of America. If the business of pornography has done anything for society, it has allowed otherwise unemployable malcontents the opportunity to prosper. I am one such malcontent.

What you will find here each day are the pointless ramblings of a pretty regular guy who makes his living in a very irregular occupation. By 10am each day I am usually holding a camera in front of a silicone-enhanced high school dropout in need of money to support her unemployable baby-daddy and by 10pm each night I am clutching a glass of Crown Royal in front of the TV while yelling at my wife for stealing the best years of my life.


P.S. Many years ago I ran a reasonably successful blog called This was long before Facebook and Instagram and youtube, and before people were twittering the announcement of a satisfying bowel movement to their friends and family and well before your grandmother had her own blog. I ran it for almost 3 years but eventually burned out and realized that I had become a pathetic alcoholic trying to summon the inspiration for new daily updates. Twelve years have passed and I’m still a pathetic alcoholic but I’ve decided once more to add my voice to the millions of others out there who believe that total strangers find them interesting.

74520cookie-checkSome People Know When To Quit But Lack The Good Sense To Stay Quit

Some People Know When To Quit But Lack The Good Sense To Stay Quit

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4 Responses

  1. Clearly, Mike has lost all sense of reason and the ability to make informed decisions about his life. I suggest an intervention. And I think I know something about what I’m talking about regarding this.

  2. Were will Mr. Qusarman go to with now Vivid building a studio in Vegas along with other LA porners?

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