As many of you may know and all of you should know President Bush is under a lot of scrutiny for allowing wiretaps of U.S. Citizens without a court order, in defending this action on the principle of security he has chastised the press for leaking this info.
This is a slap in the face to all people who love freedom. President Bush is undermining two of the most cherished principles of our nation one is freedom of the press and the other is freedom from unlawful search and siezure. Let us not forget also our right to privacy which many right wingers do not believe is even a right at all and think that interpretations of the Constitution that recognize a privacy right are in error.
I would go so far as to say that if he in fact, has unlawfully authorized this action, then he should be impeached,,, and I see no lawful way he could have authorized it.
What appalls me even more is how many Americans are supportive of his action, even if it were ten percent that would be far too many. Ben Franklin noted that anyone who would trade freedom for security deserves neither and Ben was right, so much so you can say that anyone who would trade freedom for security will GET neither. It just doesn’t wash that we are better off allowing our government to break one of the fundamental laws of our nation just to keep us safe from “terrorists” or anyone else for that matter.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and that is a price that we , as a nation, have been willing to pay for over 200 years. Anyone sworn by oath to uphold the Constitution of this great land, like the President is should not be willing to bend the rules set forth in said Constitution and it is up to us to make sure that he abides by the same laws that we do.
As a Citizen of this country I am recognized as having “inalienable rights” this means that the government recognizes them as rights that I am born with and are not granted by the government but recognized by it and one of those rights is liberty. As a Libertarian it truly frosts my balls to see this kind of thing happen by the very man who has the most public trust bestowed upon his office.
I think we are at a dangerous crossroad for this country, it seems that more and more the citizens fear the government and it should be the government that fears the citizens. When the citizens fear the government then the government is the enemy and this country should NEVER have a government that makes increasing efforts to turn more and more of it’s citizens into criminals via legislation.
Our President owes us a deep apology.
Lava releasing Shuts Doors Owing Plenty:
Apparently Lava Releasing, run by former HWMIC of Odyessy Group Video, Bob East, has shut it’s doors and defaulted on a lot of debt. I’m getting quite a bit of angry email from producers/directors owed money by Lava…
Goddess Adds a Few:
“webmaster most likely to get other people to write his award categories” Who else? Mike South
“Long haired hippie who shouldn’t dance with his shirt off award” –Tim Case in The South Pole Boogie. HA! That’s what ya get for saying ya won’t take pics of cops for me in Vegas!!
Best collective ass fucking of the porn industry– Rob Black.
1717150cookie-checkShame On You Mr. President:no
Shame On You Mr. President:
As many of you may know and all of you should know President Bush is under a lot of scrutiny for allowing wiretaps of U.S. Citizens without a court order, in defending this action on the principle of security he has chastised the press for leaking this info.
This is a slap in the face to all people who love freedom. President Bush is undermining two of the most cherished principles of our nation one is freedom of the press and the other is freedom from unlawful search and siezure. Let us not forget also our right to privacy which many right wingers do not believe is even a right at all and think that interpretations of the Constitution that recognize a privacy right are in error.
I would go so far as to say that if he in fact, has unlawfully authorized this action, then he should be impeached,,, and I see no lawful way he could have authorized it.
What appalls me even more is how many Americans are supportive of his action, even if it were ten percent that would be far too many. Ben Franklin noted that anyone who would trade freedom for security deserves neither and Ben was right, so much so you can say that anyone who would trade freedom for security will GET neither. It just doesn’t wash that we are better off allowing our government to break one of the fundamental laws of our nation just to keep us safe from “terrorists” or anyone else for that matter.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and that is a price that we , as a nation, have been willing to pay for over 200 years. Anyone sworn by oath to uphold the Constitution of this great land, like the President is should not be willing to bend the rules set forth in said Constitution and it is up to us to make sure that he abides by the same laws that we do.
As a Citizen of this country I am recognized as having “inalienable rights” this means that the government recognizes them as rights that I am born with and are not granted by the government but recognized by it and one of those rights is liberty. As a Libertarian it truly frosts my balls to see this kind of thing happen by the very man who has the most public trust bestowed upon his office.
I think we are at a dangerous crossroad for this country, it seems that more and more the citizens fear the government and it should be the government that fears the citizens. When the citizens fear the government then the government is the enemy and this country should NEVER have a government that makes increasing efforts to turn more and more of it’s citizens into criminals via legislation.
Our President owes us a deep apology.
Lava releasing Shuts Doors Owing Plenty:
Apparently Lava Releasing, run by former HWMIC of Odyessy Group Video, Bob East, has shut it’s doors and defaulted on a lot of debt. I’m getting quite a bit of angry email from producers/directors owed money by Lava…
Goddess Adds a Few:
“webmaster most likely to get other people to write his award categories” Who else? Mike South
“Long haired hippie who shouldn’t dance with his shirt off award” –Tim Case in The South Pole Boogie. HA! That’s what ya get for saying ya won’t take pics of cops for me in Vegas!!
Best collective ass fucking of the porn industry– Rob Black.
Shame On You Mr. President:
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