not likely he will even be charged with anything but doesn’t this just illustrate how ridiculous the “War on Drugs” is? Even the most staunch supporters like Rush Limbaugh are turncoats. Let’s face it, if Rush wants to kill himself with Oxycontin why should you or I care? I say let him assume room temerautre, let Darwinism take over, who the fuck cares if it’s Rush or anyone else. The bigger issue is the huge tax free underground economy surrounding this. With legalized drugs, that goes away and every intelligent American knows that if he or she wants to buy anything from pot to heroin he can probably have it in less than 12 hours. Should be interesting to see how all the little right wing sycophants like Sean Hannitty handle this one.
Not that the Democrats are any better, they are just as hypocritical and scummy…at least Rush wasn’t buying his drugs with money the government took from me at gunpoint and gave to him.
California Guvnas Race Coming Down to the Wire:
With all the mudslinging and general tomfoolery that one would expect. I still say the Republican vote will split and Bustemante will win, Saving Ahnold from embarrassing the Republican party down the road.
I saw Mary Carey on Fox news (I think it was) last night and I have to give the girl some credit, she has handled herself very very well throughout this campaign, she may not have been as serious as some of the other candidates but she used her quirky personality to bring forth the real issues surrounding the campaign and to dream up some unique potential solutions. Sure wiring the Governers mansion probably wouldn’t save the budget defecit BUT, let me tell you, I think its a damn fine idea to let the citizens sit in on the decision making process. Kinda be hard to just outright accept bribes in the house that the citizens pay for when they are all watching.
Mary has kept a good attitude, she took it all in stride when Leno made jokes that I guarantee you would have caused Arianna Huffington to scream like a stuck pig had they been levelled at her, and you just know her “hole has been punched before, gruesome as that may seem. Mary just smiled and showed Jay he was number 1, the American way!
No matter if Mark Kulkis had all this planned or if he just took it as it came, it was pure genius and in my not so humble opinion all but guarantees him a LOCK on the AVN Award for best Marketing Campaign.
Den’s Top Ten:
Top Ten Most Powerful People in Porn
Quotes…………Mike South’s list – CAVR’s list.
Studio…………CAVR Email
Review Date…….10/01/2003
Mike South gave his responds to an article that list the Top Ten Most
Powerful People in Porn:
1> Berth Milton, Jr. Owner – Private
2> Paul Fishbein Owner – AVN
3> Larry Flynt Owner – Hustler
4> Charles Prast CEO – Private
5> Beate Uhse Owner – Beate Uhse
6> Tim Connelly AVN Publisher
7> Steve Hirsch Owner – Vivid
8> David Sturman Owner – Sin City
9> Frank Koretski Owner – Pleasure Productions
10> John Stagliano Owner – Evil Angel
I decided to pick the Top Ten Most Important things to Porn from the perspective that I live in Dayton, Ohio. These are the things that I pay the most attention to.
1> Larry Flynt Great American and 1st Amendment advocate. Took one for you and me and we should never forget this. Made a great move in bringing in Mark Hamilton to run things.
2> John Stagliano Inventor of Gonzo. Inventor of The Fashionistas. Smart enough to bring in very hot director Jules Jordan. And, married Evil Angel’s MVP Tricia Devereaux.
3> Jenna Jameson Yes, I am a late convert to JJ. You have toadmit that she is the STAR. And, she is becoming a cross over. Seems like everybody
has heard of Jenna.
4> Danni Ashe Danni still continues to have the number 1website after almost 10 years on the web! Very impressive. She is the leader of the Net and all the rest are following her.Danni is a marketing genius and her daily emails are very helpful.
5> Dion Giarrusso Wow. What an impression Dion has made on the marketplace! All the new companies follow his RLD lead. Thanks to Dion we
are now getting 2 hours 20 minutes of action and extra’s filled DVDs.
6> Jewel De’Nyle One of the hottest stars in the game today and one of the best directors in the game today and the owner of one of the hottest new companies today (PXP). If you don’t think she is a power, then you haven’t been looking at her DVD Behind the Scene’s extras. And, she’s the one who signed Mason to a new contract!
7> AVN Awards The most talked about awards going. All the gals want to be nominated and want to win. To the people who are really into porn and are true raincoaters, these awards are a joke. No matter what side you fall on, they are controversial and they are powerful.
8> Adult DVD Talk ADT is a website that allows the Fan to give feedback on movies, DVDs, Stars, Rog Reviews Directors and Companies. Also a place for Press Releases. And, chat. Can you image that a fan can get on a site and chat with Stars, Directors, Producers and Owners! Mike South is the very best of the gossip sites that is a must read daily. Mike digs deep into topical items of the day and always includes the facts. Rog is the best. Isn’t it great that you can read a full review of a movie or DVD before you buy it or rent it. Dirty Bob started this way before the Internet days with Video Xcitement magazine and was a decade before it’s time. Rog has taken it to the internet and we all benefit from it. Others have copied Rog, but none have come close to him (and that includes me!). Another title for this number 8 would be the Internet!
9> First Timer The most powerful thing you can put on a boxcover is that a gal is a first timer, or it is the first time she has done a particular sex act on tape. People go nuts over this. And, if the title has the word Teen in it, it is a guaranteed success. So, the boxcover is very important!
10> Digital They took advantage of the power of DVD Playground over VHS, they introduced us to free web camera live broadcasts, they made Tera Patrick a Star and they were smart enough to add an excellent full time PR lady. They continue to be the couples market best friend and they may just hit it big again with their hot new protege, Jesse Jane.
While I am doing lists, here is my Top Five disappointments:
1> Patrick Collins What has happened to Elegant Angel?
It use to be one of the top companies going and it has slipped badly. They invited guys from ADT to visit and make suggestions and they wasted their time.
2> Tera Patrick How do you go from the Number 1 gal in the business with Playboy & Penthouse covers and a hit Web Show to where she is now? Is it the new breasts, new tattoo’s, new hair color, new attitute or new hubby?
3> Ed Powers Ed is still doing his safe BJs, safe toys, safe sex, and pouring condom contents on the gals. And, of course, he does all this while watching himself on his monitor. Ed does this all the while in his own little world.
4> AVN Magazine Print media is dead. The reviews and articles are 3 months old by the time you get to read them. They announce that a Star has signed with a new company and by the time you read it in AVN, she has quit them and signed with another company. And, you have to visit their website to read some of their reviews?
5> Trends Choking, rough sex, mistreating the ladies, new director’s that don’t have a clue, etc. Instead of getting new guys into the business, we get
the same ole guys with new tattoo’s. Time to get back to the basics: * Sex movies should be about sex! * Let’s put the ladies back on a pedestal, where they belong!
Please note: I cheated. I gave my top ten things that influence me and Mike gave the top ten most powerful people in porn. No offense to Mike South, but only John Stagliano and Larry Flynt are people that I know anything about.
* Two people from AVN surprises me because you can’t buy AVN magazine at newstands. It is strictly a trade magazine for the people inside the business.
* Two from Private when their product has been on a steady decline since the late 1990’s. When I first started reviewing, Private was number 1. Now it is rare that I will spend $ to rent them.
I admire Mike South and complete trust his opinions.
I willl only note that Beate Uhse died about a year ago and her heirs The Beate Rottermund Family now own Beate Uhse. Den’s site is probably the nets MOST comprehensive review site.
972150cookie-checkRush to Jail?no
Rush to Jail?
not likely he will even be charged with anything but doesn’t this just illustrate how ridiculous the “War on Drugs” is? Even the most staunch supporters like Rush Limbaugh are turncoats. Let’s face it, if Rush wants to kill himself with Oxycontin why should you or I care? I say let him assume room temerautre, let Darwinism take over, who the fuck cares if it’s Rush or anyone else. The bigger issue is the huge tax free underground economy surrounding this. With legalized drugs, that goes away and every intelligent American knows that if he or she wants to buy anything from pot to heroin he can probably have it in less than 12 hours. Should be interesting to see how all the little right wing sycophants like Sean Hannitty handle this one.
Not that the Democrats are any better, they are just as hypocritical and scummy…at least Rush wasn’t buying his drugs with money the government took from me at gunpoint and gave to him.
California Guvnas Race Coming Down to the Wire:
With all the mudslinging and general tomfoolery that one would expect. I still say the Republican vote will split and Bustemante will win, Saving Ahnold from embarrassing the Republican party down the road.
I saw Mary Carey on Fox news (I think it was) last night and I have to give the girl some credit, she has handled herself very very well throughout this campaign, she may not have been as serious as some of the other candidates but she used her quirky personality to bring forth the real issues surrounding the campaign and to dream up some unique potential solutions. Sure wiring the Governers mansion probably wouldn’t save the budget defecit BUT, let me tell you, I think its a damn fine idea to let the citizens sit in on the decision making process. Kinda be hard to just outright accept bribes in the house that the citizens pay for when they are all watching.
Mary has kept a good attitude, she took it all in stride when Leno made jokes that I guarantee you would have caused Arianna Huffington to scream like a stuck pig had they been levelled at her, and you just know her “hole has been punched before, gruesome as that may seem. Mary just smiled and showed Jay he was number 1, the American way!
No matter if Mark Kulkis had all this planned or if he just took it as it came, it was pure genius and in my not so humble opinion all but guarantees him a LOCK on the AVN Award for best Marketing Campaign.
Den’s Top Ten:
Top Ten Most Powerful People in Porn
Quotes…………Mike South’s list – CAVR’s list.
Studio…………CAVR Email
Review Date…….10/01/2003
Mike South gave his responds to an article that list the Top Ten Most
Powerful People in Porn:
1> Berth Milton, Jr. Owner – Private
2> Paul Fishbein Owner – AVN
3> Larry Flynt Owner – Hustler
4> Charles Prast CEO – Private
5> Beate Uhse Owner – Beate Uhse
6> Tim Connelly AVN Publisher
7> Steve Hirsch Owner – Vivid
8> David Sturman Owner – Sin City
9> Frank Koretski Owner – Pleasure Productions
10> John Stagliano Owner – Evil Angel
I decided to pick the Top Ten Most Important things to Porn from the perspective that I live in Dayton, Ohio. These are the things that I pay the most attention to.
1> Larry Flynt Great American and 1st Amendment advocate. Took one for you and me and we should never forget this. Made a great move in bringing in Mark Hamilton to run things.
2> John Stagliano Inventor of Gonzo. Inventor of The Fashionistas. Smart enough to bring in very hot director Jules Jordan. And, married Evil Angel’s MVP Tricia Devereaux.
3> Jenna Jameson Yes, I am a late convert to JJ. You have toadmit that she is the STAR. And, she is becoming a cross over. Seems like everybody
has heard of Jenna.
4> Danni Ashe Danni still continues to have the number 1website after almost 10 years on the web! Very impressive. She is the leader of the Net and all the rest are following her.Danni is a marketing genius and her daily emails are very helpful.
5> Dion Giarrusso Wow. What an impression Dion has made on the marketplace! All the new companies follow his RLD lead. Thanks to Dion we
are now getting 2 hours 20 minutes of action and extra’s filled DVDs.
6> Jewel De’Nyle One of the hottest stars in the game today and one of the best directors in the game today and the owner of one of the hottest new companies today (PXP). If you don’t think she is a power, then you haven’t been looking at her DVD Behind the Scene’s extras. And, she’s the one who signed Mason to a new contract!
7> AVN Awards The most talked about awards going. All the gals want to be nominated and want to win. To the people who are really into porn and are true raincoaters, these awards are a joke. No matter what side you fall on, they are controversial and they are powerful.
8> Adult DVD Talk ADT is a website that allows the Fan to give feedback on movies, DVDs, Stars, Rog Reviews Directors and Companies. Also a place for Press Releases. And, chat. Can you image that a fan can get on a site and chat with Stars, Directors, Producers and Owners! Mike South is the very best of the gossip sites that is a must read daily. Mike digs deep into topical items of the day and always includes the facts. Rog is the best. Isn’t it great that you can read a full review of a movie or DVD before you buy it or rent it. Dirty Bob started this way before the Internet days with Video Xcitement magazine and was a decade before it’s time. Rog has taken it to the internet and we all benefit from it. Others have copied Rog, but none have come close to him (and that includes me!). Another title for this number 8 would be the Internet!
9> First Timer The most powerful thing you can put on a boxcover is that a gal is a first timer, or it is the first time she has done a particular sex act on tape. People go nuts over this. And, if the title has the word Teen in it, it is a guaranteed success. So, the boxcover is very important!
10> Digital They took advantage of the power of DVD Playground over VHS, they introduced us to free web camera live broadcasts, they made Tera Patrick a Star and they were smart enough to add an excellent full time PR lady. They continue to be the couples market best friend and they may just hit it big again with their hot new protege, Jesse Jane.
While I am doing lists, here is my Top Five disappointments:
1> Patrick Collins What has happened to Elegant Angel?
It use to be one of the top companies going and it has slipped badly. They invited guys from ADT to visit and make suggestions and they wasted their time.
2> Tera Patrick How do you go from the Number 1 gal in the business with Playboy & Penthouse covers and a hit Web Show to where she is now? Is it the new breasts, new tattoo’s, new hair color, new attitute or new hubby?
3> Ed Powers Ed is still doing his safe BJs, safe toys, safe sex, and pouring condom contents on the gals. And, of course, he does all this while watching himself on his monitor. Ed does this all the while in his own little world.
4> AVN Magazine Print media is dead. The reviews and articles are 3 months old by the time you get to read them. They announce that a Star has signed with a new company and by the time you read it in AVN, she has quit them and signed with another company. And, you have to visit their website to read some of their reviews?
5> Trends Choking, rough sex, mistreating the ladies, new director’s that don’t have a clue, etc. Instead of getting new guys into the business, we get
the same ole guys with new tattoo’s. Time to get back to the basics: * Sex movies should be about sex! * Let’s put the ladies back on a pedestal, where they belong!
Please note: I cheated. I gave my top ten things that influence me and Mike gave the top ten most powerful people in porn. No offense to Mike South, but only John Stagliano and Larry Flynt are people that I know anything about.
* Two people from AVN surprises me because you can’t buy AVN magazine at newstands. It is strictly a trade magazine for the people inside the business.
* Two from Private when their product has been on a steady decline since the late 1990’s. When I first started reviewing, Private was number 1. Now it is rare that I will spend $ to rent them.
I admire Mike South and complete trust his opinions.
I willl only note that Beate Uhse died about a year ago and her heirs The Beate Rottermund Family now own Beate Uhse. Den’s site is probably the nets MOST comprehensive review site.
Rush to Jail?
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