Porn’s Man of The Year: Mark Kulkis

He and his contract starlet Mary Carey attended a Republican Fundraiser with President Bush last night. They hobnobbed with a virtual who’s who of the Republican Party. Kulkis serves as an Honorary Chairman on the NRCC’s Business Advisory Council, a group of business people who advocate a progressive, pro-business agenda.

Though the NRCC kept close tabs on Mary, making sure she didn’t take photos with any members of congress or anything like that, she apparently was a big hit.

When I look at this from outside looking in I see it for the pure genius that it is. True Kulkis coughed up 5 Grand to attend, money that went directly to the Republican war chest, but good lord look at all the PR he bought with that. Nobody in this biz, and I mean nobody gets more for his investment in PR than Mark Kulkis does.

Porners could learn a lesson from Mark too. Many have condemned him for siding up with the Republicans, I applaud it. We need more people in this biz willing to stand up and say hey, Ii’m not ashamed of what I am doing, and help put a human face on this biz. Instead of being paranoid about it we should be pro-active, just like Mark is doing.

Kudos Mark!

BT Writes:

Well, Mike. It looks as if you were correct on Jill Kelly’s stock. The Pink Sheets are indeed the Wild, Wild West.

And yes, quitting doesn’t get her off the hook if she was an officer of the company at the time shenanigans took place.

How long before Jill is back in front of the camera. And, at this point, does anyone care.

Good to see you back.

Speaking Of:

I had a ball shooting in West Palm Beach last week. Aaron you are the BEST! and as always it was great to spend time with Tim and Felicia…I love you guys. Hi Mikki 🙂

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Porn’s Man of The Year: Mark Kulkis

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Mike South

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