Paul Writes:

Stick to the law because you obviously have no idea about how agents work. Girls not told they have a booking, not told the time, not told where to go, not told we need 2 IDs, not told what they will be doing, not told what they will be paid, not told to confirm the shoot, sending pictures that are 4 years out of date wrong hair color and not tattooed plus with a ton of make up on, taking money from the model and shooter, GETTING GIRLS TO RECRUIT FOR THEM WHILE THEY ARE ON OUR SHOOT OR CASTING and a ton of other things. We get a girl from an agant tand then we deal with her direct. That way we know she will turn up knowing what to do. Yes we still pay the agent.

The last one is my biggest bug with them and had it happen in London, CZ and the US. The girls are paid money to recruit other girls to the agency. So on a casting or shoot the fucking Filofaxes come out while they try to recruit girls to earn money. The problem is when they try to recruit a brand new girl we found and trying to keep exclusive for a while. Now we always tell an agent to send their girls at a set time and only that time. And we only shoot girls together from one agent. No mixing with the girls we find or other agents girls.

Over lunch, I had Aloo Gobi, it came to me why this scheme will not work. Should of thought about it before.

An agent earns money by getting a model saturated. It’s not to the agents benefit to have her unsaturated unless producers will pay twice as much. This applies to the model as well who wants to earn money, as much as possible over the shortest period of time.

So what will the agent do with studios who do not bend to their wishes? Stop sending them girls is all they can do, which will hurt them more than the producers not with them and the models. The models will start looking for work without the agent and producers will start looking for models without the agents.

The agents are a convenience and as soon as they become a problem to producers or girls they will find they’re the losers.

Could be the best thing to happen to the business in the Valley.

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Paul Writes:

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