New Blood at AVN:

Sources tell me that there’s a new guy at AVN who will be assuming at least some of Mike Ramones old postion, assuming the role as managing editor most likely. There is wide speculation that this is all a move to gradually ease out Tim Connelly. At this point if he were summarily released it would have made all the blogs right, something AVN doesn’t like to do. With Tim having less and less power and Paul moving back into the forefront it’s pretty easy to see that things are changing for Tim, unrest from several of AVN’s most loyal customers demands change.

Speaking of AVN:

I haven’t gotten the print magazine since January, I have been told I was “cut off”…Damn I liked lookin at the pictures and reading Kernes…..

I Hear that Mike Ramone has been Kicked Upstairs a Notch at AVN:

He has assumed a responsibility as Editor in Chief, a position formerly held by Tim Connelly. Connelly’s involvement is now limited to budgetary and hiring issues. Congrats Mike Ramone.

EbolaMonkeyMan Goes Stream of Consciousness:

Here’s a shocker (the feeling, not the real shocker): Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards are over. HEY DENISE, spots on a leopard don’t change. Dude use to get all coked out and hire hot hookers to do all kinds of crazy shit. GOD DAMN THAT PROBABLY WAS FUN TIMES! If Charlie Sheen’s penis had a camera on it, he probably would have won all kinds of AVN awards. Anyway, why would that girl think that Charlie would calm down and do the family thing for more than maybe a year. Lets face it, Denise Richards, without make-up bitching at you about coming home early and taking out the garbage is not as fun as snorting coke off the ass of two sluts dressed like school girls who are both on their cell phones calling up more coke snorting girlfriends to come over to CHARLIE’S reverse orgy while midgets with platters of E tabs are roller skating around the heart shaped bed while………this could go on forever. Denise, to make a marriage work, sometimes you have pick up your mates hobbies. My suggestion would be to help him pick out the hookers and join in. Life is so short. If that doesn’t work for you, TRY MARRYING A DUDE WITHOUT SOME SERIOUS BAGGAGE YOU DUMB FUCK!
Can anyone tell me why rappers always claim they are “humble” and then proceed to rap about how great they are? I just saw 50 Cent do an interview. He actually had the audacity to say he was “humble.” If by humble he means megalomaniac, I guess he’s right. DUH DUH DUH, DUH DUH DUH DUMB UNIT! Do steroids make you stupid? What a giant douche bag. If he considers himself humble, who does he think is not humble? I mean, I know I’m the shit but at least I’m humble.

Vin Diesel – The Pacifier – WHAT THE FUCK????????
I love you all people.

If you have never been to monkey mans site you should go and the Peter Ata story with Tiffany Mynx is required reading, it may be the funniest thing I have ever read bar none.


14620cookie-checkNew Blood at AVN:

New Blood at AVN:

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