We just got an email from someone about Cassie Cummings calling about Christian XXX sexually assaulting her. Christainxxx is known for bullying, gaslighting, and manipulations. He is no stranger to harassing female talents who choose not to work with him. There is an alarming amount of talents from 2006 to the current time, sick and tired of his bullying from his once bully pulpit platforms in the past.
For those of you unaware, Christian XXX: Sexual Assault

I was raped by a LV producer named Christian XXX. He preyed on me when I was new to the industry, as is his MO. @/puretslinks is his latest handle and I beg all of you to block him! I haven’t been strong enough to speak out widely but now I am. Fuck him.
He surrounds himself with people who will not call him out. His photog, a cis woman and fellow performer, let him do this to me. She stood silently while he raped me in the hotel room bathroom between scenes. He only stopped because she cleared her throat, indicating that there was more to film. When I arrived at the hotel that day, I was nervous. This was my first hardcore shoot with a man! Sydney waited with me in the lobby since he was late. He greeted us and I left with him to go up to the room. He groped me in the elevator in front of other hotel guests probably knowing I wouldn’t make a scene. When we got to the room, one of the first things he did was complain that he was getting turned down by “nobodies” who would amount to “nothing” without him. “I hate hearing no. It makes me so mad!”
Already, he’s trying to manipulate me with physical and emotional tactics. I should have left but I was afraid. What if he did retaliate? I decided to stay and continue the shoot. I’ve been groped before and lived. I was relieved that his photog was a woman. Solidarity!
In the first scene, I was made to do ass-to-mouth without my consent. I’m a clean slut, so I did it but that needs to be discussed first! Between takes, I went to bathroom to fix my lipstick. He followed me inside, put me in a rear naked choke hold, and raped me. All while he told me it was my fault. I’m too sexy. My body made him do this and I was secretly loving it. He growled all of this into my ear as he raped me from behind. He only stopped because his photog cleared her throat. I tried to compose myself and stepped back out onto set.
The rest of the scene went like it should. Then the photog left. She wasn’t needed for the next scene since it was a POV BJ. Still, I wished she’d have stayed. I didn’t want to be alone with him. Even an accomplice was preferred to being alone with him. I was terrified.
So, I began to appease him for my own safety. I stroked his ego. I made him feel safe in what he was saying to me. I wanted to run but I knew he’d stop me. He’s a very large man and in decent shape. I wouldn’t stand a chance, and he knew it too. When it was time for the next scene, he changed the script and said it was now going to be a POV fuck with BJ. I agreed fearing to say the word ‘no’. I was not paid for this change since I had agreed to a sex scene and a BJ scene, not two sex scenes. I did the scene though.
Thankful that it was over, I packed my things and tried to contact Sydney to come get me. She didn’t answer right away and he offered to drive me home “since we live so close”. Again, I should have said no but I feared what that would lead to. He belittled me throughout the hotel in front of others.
He tried to get me to go out to dinner with him but I pretended that Sydney was texting me about dinner so I had an excuse to decline gracefully. He dropped me off and I told him it was good meeting and working with him as I always say. He left and I went inside trying to keep myself in one piece.
I wanted my first scene away from Sydney to go well and to prove to myself that I had what it takes. It did not, but I do. He raped me and I know there are others like me out there. Since living through this, I’ve learned about many other girls who have lived through the same nightmare. He’s a serial predator and most folks know it. (See: performersspeakout.com) Now I’m adding to that list and I want to keep all of you safe from him. DO NOT INTERACT WITH HIM. He is to be avoided and shunned. He is disgusting and deserves to be run out!
New models, please avoid him and tell your friends about what happened to me. He will do the same to you. He’s done this to many girls before me and since Industry folks, blacklist him from your sets. If you are set to shoot with him, cancel. He’s too dangerous to risk it
So, yeah #MeToo
It seems Amber Chase isn’t the only one to call out ChristianXXX. Here is her statement. It is well known, ChristianX aka ChrissyX harasses females who won’t bow to him and shoot scenes with him.
I have the screengrabs on an old hard drive…. but Christian tried to use pressure and industry connections as intimidation to get me to work with him for free and then publicly slammed me a year later about the incident.
I got my boobs in Dec 2014 and he wanted me to do content trade during avn, I explained that I was still healing, still had stitches and couldn’t get my heart rate up and was pretty busy with my schedule for non-Sex things anyway. He got annoyed and pressured, then he said “you know who my girlfriend is, right!?” I took that to mean I’d never get work through his girl if I did not work with him. Then the next avn, out of the blue, Christian tweeted publicly about how I’d probably still come up with lame excuses to not do content with him that year too.I have very few people on my no list and Christianxxx is on it because he tried to intimidate me into a free scene when I don’t have anywhere near the level of monetization he has and was unable to perform anyway because of the recovery needed for my surgery.
Others have their own stories about Christian XXX including Jamie French who says.
Incident 1.
I was sexually abused in my home in Arlington, TX. by Christian XXX.
On the night of December 31st. 2011 at around 8pm, Christian XXX came to my apartment. We were to drive together to a shooting location a few miles away from where I live.
I had hired him a few weeks prior through an email exchange to perform in a scene for my old website, JamiesFetish.com for the sum of $300.
I let him into my home as I was preparing for our shoot; finishing my makeup, collecting my costume, production gear, etc.
I was upstairs in my two story loft. Christian XXX was downstairs hanging out with my camera man, waiting for me to finish getting ready.
A few minutes pass when Christian comes up the stairs to my bedroom. I had finished my makeup and was touching up my hair when he came up behind me and started putting his hands all over me. He spun me around, grabbed my ass and pulled me in close. He instantly started making out with me.
I was dumb struck and very uncomfortable. I was trying to get ready for a professional shoot, there were no cameras, we weren’t on set and I gave no indication that I wanted to do anything sexual with him before our scene was to commence.
I had hired him of my own volition as he was a known name in the business, the first “star” I had ever worked with. He is imposing in stature and I was naive about abuse in the adult entertainment industry.
As he groped and kissed me, I immediately rationalized that this was simply part of “the business” when dealing with a true “professional”, that this was how the game was played. I pulled away when I thought he had gotten enough, but was pulled back repeatedly.
He finally relented once I insisted that we had a schedule to maintain.
I gathered my things and went downstairs. I put it out of my mind as best I could and resolved to complete our work. I wanted to tell my cameraman, a very good friend of mine, but felt helpless. I had paid for Christian XXX’s performance, written a script, rented a location, paid my camera man and had planned this particular scene weeks in advance.
I was afraid if I had said anything to anyone, they would say, “What’s the problem? You were gonna have sex on film with him anyway.”
We arrived to the set, ran over our lines and began shooting the scene. I forged ahead and did the scene. I wanted to show that I wasn’t rattled and that I could shoot a scene at the same professional level a star of his experience would be accustom to. Although I prepared and produced the scene to the best of my ability, in a timely fashion I was berated by Christian XXX for trying to hard. He was very pushy to get to the sex scenes. I wound up clipping half of my script and storyboards and improving much of the scene in order to get through the experience with as little hassle as possible.
Once the scene was finished, Christian XXX seemed satisfied. I didn’t want to end the experience on an awkward note so after a little small talk, I offered him another part for a horror movie I was working on that I planned on filming the next year in Los Angeles, CA. He thought it’d be a fun experience and agreed to take the roll. We parted ways.
Incident 2.
Christian XXX tried to extort sex from my girlfriend.
During the third week of February, 2013 I was driving around Los Angeles, CA with my then girlfriend, Eva Cassini.
I received a text message from Christian XXX. He wanted to know If I was free to get together and shoot a scene. I said that it would be the perfect time to shoot his footage for the horror movie roll he accepted the year before, (paid roll and easy footage to shoot only taking about four hours of his time.)
He took about 10 minutes to reply. Once he did, he asked if I was with Eva and whether or not she would be able to shoot a scene with him for trade, (free.) I asked her and she said no, she was sore from a recently completed scene and unless it was a paid shoot she wanted to go ahead and take the next couple of days off.
Christian XXX did not like this. Christian argued that stockpiling content for her new website was much more important for her brand than waiting for paid work. I restated that she wasn’t available for trade work. I asked again if he was still interested in shooting he and I’s previously agreed upon scene, (remember I’d be paying HIM for his work.) He took another 10 minutes to respond before he sent a text saying that if he couldn’t fuck Eva, he didn’t think he’d have time to shoot for me.
Eva and I looked at each other and vowed never to work with or for Christian ever again.
Incident 3.
I tried to make amends, Christian XXX gets creepy.
During the Summer of 2015 I thought holding a grudge against Christian XXX was unhealthy for me. I sent him a public Tweet telling him that I’d like to forgive him if he was willing to speak privately. He spent no time sending me a DM. I told him of my grievances, he apologized. I told him that I didn’t want to go my whole life being angry at anyone and that even though we could make amends, I had no intentions of working with him again.
He agreed. A few minutes later, I receive another DM from Christian XXX. He said, “So when are we gonna do another scene together?”
Save for a few random text messages where he sent what I’m sure he thought were snarky, intimidating remarks, I have cut all ties with him. Blocked his number from my phones and all social media accounts that I am aware of.