Monica Foster Says A Few Words.

Sometimes my reader comments are so well done that I think they deserve a wider audience, whether someone agrees with me or not isn’t relevant if its written with thought and with honesty it’s worthy of a promotion…such is the case with this one from Monica Foster. Thank You Monica.

First off Merry Christmas to readers – those both attached to the porn industry and unattached.

I think it’s great Mike that you re-posted Shelley Lubben’s outreach announcement to entertainers in the Los Angeles porn industry. As you stated, there needs to be a place for those who come to realize that a career in the pornographic system isn’t what they initially thought it was.

To ‘Removed Account’ – what’s wrong with being told that you need to find a regular minimum wage job? Yes, that’s a tough pill to swallow and a hard truth to come to terms with, but there’s nothing wrong with being told that. If anything, it provides an awakening as to that there are no shortcuts in life without consequence. Unfortunately the current Los Angeles porn industry fails to properly outline to new performers (STILL) as to the true magnitude of how a career in porn can alter your life (it opens your life to potential deadly disease, a form of PTSD which hasn’t been thoroughly defined, negative opinion of the type of person you are from mainstream society, stalkers, etc).

It’s taken me a while, but I’ve settled into a regular 5 day a week job and I’m still technically a part time “porn industry professional” as a live webcam model and blogger. I’m happy and part of my happiness I have to attribute to Shelley Lubben.

NOTHING is wrong with receiving a 99 cent store box of trinkets. It’s ENCOURAGING, and ENCOURAGEMENT is PRICELESS (just as a woman’s being, soul and sexuality is). Some people completely unattached to porn don’t even get that for Christmas…

I don’t like the way certain commenters here have stated Shelley Lubben in a liar (she’s not – she’s opinionated and has a certain perspective base on EXPERIENCE) and that she doesn’t help. She DOES help – and I feel her help is distributed on a sliding scale – which is something I’ve noticed her website now openly reflects.

Some women who turn to her DO need a “handout” and Shelley DOES provide that. Sometimes they’re grateful – other times they are not and take another path till they find what they believe they need. In regards to me, I feel in hindsight that Shelley provided EXACTLY what I needed – a reintroduction to Jesus Christ AND belief in MYSELF.

Shelley invited me to an LA City Council meeting years ago when I first made contact with her and that was the best thing she could have done. She took the time to encourage me to share my views with LA politicians as to why performer safety legislation (condom mandates) needed to be written into law. On my own, I never would have thought of addressing (nor would I have had the confidence to speak on) such an issue. Considering the events which have transpired over the past year, I’m very grateful that Shelley provided me with an introduction to the issue, which has been a vital part of the foundation that has shaped my opinions on the matter.

Another thing Shelley has done inadvertently is provide evidence as to how certain individuals associated / affiliated with the Free Speech Coalition will go to extreme lengths to intimidate and discredit individuals with opposing views to their agenda. Shelley has been extensively stalked by Whiteacre and his associates (as have I and others who oppose the FSC’s mantra). Shelley has racked up a treasure trove of ‘good karma points’ from my perspective for handling the situation with the grace and dignity which she has. I’d imagine the psychological attacks on her hard work to have been extremely stressful (and may have even pulled on her self esteem, sense of self worth and faith), but she has persevered with class.

Though Shelley is “anti-porn” officially, from my perspective she isn’t because she has given the industry the benefit of the doubt and a solid chance. Shelley has SOCIALIZED with porn professionals. She’s put her reputation and LIFE (and her family’s lives and safety even) on the line to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and REACH OUT to the WICKED. People who are TRULY anti-porn would not EVER stand in the SAME ROOM with porn professionals. That’s the reality. SHELLEY DID NOT HAVE TO BE AS KIND as she’s been – but she CHOSE to BE (and continues to do so), and what did she get? A huge SLAP IN THE FACE from those resistant to VIABLE JUSTIFIABLE CHANGE, because she stood her ground,

Shelley is FAR stronger from my perspective than 99% of those shielded by the porn industry – and as a reward, God has blessed the pornographic industry with Senator Isadore Hall III – a man who CLEARLY SAW that there was legitimacy, honesty and truth to Shelley Lubben’s research, work and words 🙂

I don’t believe nowadays that all the parties involved with the initial attacks on Shelley knew exactly what they were doing. I remember when it began and who was involved. Many people recruited to attack Shelley were blatantly LIED to by those with foul motive. Fortunately, I think that in a round about way, the attacks may have helped Shelley evolve into a far stronger crusader to deliver the TRUTH about the organized crime element that I hope REAL porn industry professionals sometime soon cast out of their professional sphere, so that the industry can become a legitimate entity.

I don’t agree 100% with Shelley (as I doubt she agrees with me), however I do feel she TRIES – much more than most. Shelley Lubben is HUMAN – therefor not perfect. I don’t like that her primary stalker has made efforts to link her to alleged pedophile Donny Pauling because I don’t believe she knew AT ALL about his activity. In fact, I’m willing to bet that there were several WITHIN the pornographic industry who knew of his propensity for pedophilia (while he was an active pornographer) yet turned a blind eye and SAID NOTHING.

Keep moving forward Shelley Lubben – retain your position as a beacon of hope and a VOICE of that delivers the HARSH TRUTH of the slave system that is a REALITY (yet rarely acknowledged) attached to the pornographic industry. Thank you Shelley for helping me in the way that I needed to be helped.

In conclusion – I want to add that Shelley has MANY supporters within the pornographic industry and on the fringes – few state publicly that they support her for fear of being attacked by the likes of FSC affiliated stalkers, but they do positively herald her efforts and work.

Pornstars – if you want to return to non-adult industry life – Shelley Lubben is a good guide. Depending on the level of help you need, I believe she will do her best to provide it. Keep in mind, she’s a multitasking 24/7 as an activist, wife & most importantly a mother of beautiful young women she’s been given a vision by God to do her best to save from the past she escaped from.

115040cookie-checkMonica Foster Says A Few Words.

Monica Foster Says A Few Words.

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11 Responses

  1. Here’s the thing about finding them some crappy ass waitress job. You stand on your feet all day putting up with people’s shit for little to no money. No money means the person now feels degraded and depressed.

    Now if Shelly REALLY wanted to help, she would help them get viable skills so they could get some sort of decent job that pays a LIVABLE WAGE and even perhaps provides a benefits package.

    That’s real help. Throwing together a gift back of dime store trinkets and a pocket sized bible isn’t going to help them with shit.

    Help those girls learn some viable skills so they can get real jobs. That would be real help. Anything else is just made up crap to get more donations to fill her pocketbook.

  2. Removed, I have to agree. Instead of Shelley spending the Pink Cross donations on her and her family (which is obvious from the tax returns) she should pay for community college classes for her clients. She should also help clients with rent, utilities, gas for their car, food, etc. It is OK to limit the help (say to $2500 a year for all categories combined per client) to keep from being taken advantage of but right now Shelley spending the money attending conventions, bidding on a night with Ron Jeremy at a charity auction (WTF does that have to do with charity anyway) and sending a box with a few dollar store trinkets to clients is much less than she should be doing. She should also stay out of politics, period! If she would do that I would write her a check myself. It is pretty reprehensible when I (I do not run a charity) help people financially more than Shelley/Pink Cross who receives $140K yearly in donations to assist people (and I don’t have $130-$140K a year spare income at my disposal to do so, Shelley could run Pink Cross on $10K administrative expenses a year quite easily, she should save $10K to smooth out cash flow issues since donations don’t come predictably and assist former porn chickies with the other $120K). Yes I help people that I know personally and not the general public but my point still stands.

  3. @removed account

    For folks who want to stay in the industry you’re absolutely correct…for a performer who has hit rock bottom and feels isolated, alone and like life has dumped a huge shit on them those trinkets could be the hope and encouragement they need to enable them to pursue education or viable employment down the road.

    At this time of year many disillusioned folks as well as performers feel even more alone than usual playing a factor in higher than usual suicide rates even among educated financially secure individuals. For those w/o education or prospects the outlook is even more dim. Our Mental health system on its best day can’t handle the demands placed on it.

    The saying…who needs a shrink when they have friends…has some serious truth in it and if Shelly’s trinkets save one life this season then she did more than our overburdened mental health system could do when the soonest appointment is weeks or months away.

    Supporting that doesn’t endorse her opinions or the misstatements you take issue with. As you rightly point out some performers have deep seated self-esteem issues.

  4. Shelley Lubben is terrible. Making girls feel bad about themselves so they do what you want them do, while using the bible and the name of God to grow her cult following… is not okay. Us porn girls don’t want Jesus rubbed in our face. Some of us, like me, are atheist. And I can’t tell you how many times Shelley Lubben tried to brainwash me into quitting the industry. Controlling people is never okay. There’s never an excuse for it. But that’s just my opinion. ?

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