Kimberly Writes:

So far this was my only hate mail, I expected more

I can’t believe that you believe animals” DO NOT THINK or have the ability to Rationalize and use Logic.” That is the most narrow minded statement I’ve ever heard from you. Maybe your [I think she means You’re] not as intelligent and aware as I thought! And just because something is OWNED doesn’t mean it should be abused, no matter what kind of animal it is!!!!! It’s bad enough that people beat and mame [maim] each other, we’re suppose [supposed] to be the “intelligent” ones. These animals are taught and bread [bred] for fighting they do not Choose it! Not only is it cruel, this sport has produced a very dangerous bread [breed] of animal. They and their owners pose a threat to innocent children and adults. They are bead [bred] to attack and not let go until their pray [prey] is dead. So, who do you pro posse [propose] protect us from those “dumbass jock” that bread [breed] these Killing Machines? As much as I hate the government sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, we do need laws to protect us from people that don’t feel or think of anyone but themselves!  What about a married couple, is a spouse entitled to abuse the other just because the other chooses to stay? We  need laws to protect those (human & animal) who can’t protect themselves! I wish they did more listening to the people’s needs and less to their own (wallets)!

And as far as animal intelligence you obviously don’t do enough reading! I suggest you do some research on the subject! I personally think animals are more intelligent then [than] some humans! Think about it, why do you think the Dolphins hang around the boat? To just say “Hi”or they know your bait attracts fish!!!!!!!


OK I ain’t gonna beat up on Kimberly about her spelling but ya gotta admit it IS funny. But the thing that really gets me is the lack of reading comprehension. I didn’t write a word of that FRANK DID! and now that I have sufficiently tossed Frank under the bus….It should be pretty obvious that his screed was very tongue in cheek.

Now you will note Kimberly did not say that she was against rat fighting, or for that matter pig fighting, the benefits of which would feed the poor…assuming the poor, of course aren’t jewish but then when is the last time you saw a poor Jewish person? Cept maybe Luke Ford….but he dont eat any kind of meat so it doesnt matter.

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Kimberly Writes:

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