Is there more to the Jay Sin story than meets the eye? We got exclusive new deatils ** READER EMAIL

When you first hear a story about someone being arrested, it’s easy to jump to conclusions, especially when a big company like Gamma or Evil Angel make their own statement about the person in question.

In this case, we are talking about Jay Sin. A few days ago a story was released saying that in light of the fact that Jay Sin was arrested for a child porn-related charge they are no longer going to distribute his movies.

Which got me thinking …. if Jay Sin has been in jail for nearly 2 years now, why is this now just an issue? Why didn’t Evil Angel pull all the Jay Sin titles when they first found out he was arrested in 2020? Why now today, is this a big deal?

We got an interesting email that asked that very same question.

Please note this is the letter sent to us below, with only a few typos corrected for clarification purposes.

You know it’s kind of funny that John Stagliano only just now cares about Jay Sin being arrested. He had no problem making money from Jay Sin’s videos for the last couple of years. Why?

He knew Jay Sin was arrested because he’s spoken to Jay’s wife. He knew in 2020. It’s now almost 2 years later. Why now does Stagliano all of the sudden give a shit about it?

Was Jay Sin’s arrest related to his production of movies for Evil Angel? No.

Was Jay Sin’s arrest related to him making child porn? No.

Jay Sin wasn’t even accused of watching child porn. His actual arrest was for having access to a video featuring a child with the intent to view it.

The charges don’t say he viewed child porn or made it. It just said a video was downloaded and that Jay had the intent to view it.

  • He wasn’t charged with possession of child porn.
  • He wasn’t charged with viewing child porn.
  • He wasn’t charged with making child porn.

The only thing anyone can say 4sure is that while on location for a shoot, someone who had access to Jay’s laptop downloaded a video. The video was then deleted and there was no evidence that the video was ever watched.

Jay was offered a plea deal and he took it. Maybe he shouldn’t have. But that’s easy for me 2 say because I’m not looking at facing jail time.

All I know is that nearly 2 years after the fact Stagliano all of the sudden has a problem with distributing Jay Sin’s videos through Evil Angel. Why the fuck didn’t he have a problem with it from June 22, 2020 to March 22, 2022?

Doesn’t that seem a little suspect to anybody else?

I’m not here 2 argue Jay’s guilt or innocence. He took a plea deal and will now have to live with the rammaications of that guilty plea for the rest of his life.

But I do ask that you and your readers at least use common sense and ask yourself why all of the sudden is it a big deal that Jay was arrested? Jay has been in jail since 2020. Nobody cared then. So why do they care now? Why now are they pulling all of his titles? Why now does it matter? It didn’t matter in 2020. It didn’t matter in 2021. Why all of the sudden is it a problem?

If what this person is saying is true, that’s a little confusing because according to the official Evil Angel statement:

Evil Angel has decided to remove all Jay Sin’s content from our online distribution. A conviction of a sexually related crime is against the ethics of Evil Angel. I was informed of his indictment, conviction, and incarceration over the weekend and that was confirmed to me yesterday.

According to Jay’s wife, she spoke with Stagliano herself and informed him of Jay’s arrest in 2020. This greatly conflicts with the official Evil Angel statement given on March 23, 2022.

In addition, how would Stagliano not know of Jay’s disappearance, when he stopped providing new scenes for distribution? Did Stagliano not wonder why Jay hasn’t delivered a single piece of content in 2 years?

According to the Evil Angel website, no Jay Sin video has been released since December of 2021. After years of consistent releases, why did Jay Sin suddenly stop delivering content to Evil Angel for release?

According to the official statement given by Evil Angel, they only just found out “last week” that Jay Sin was arrested. How is that possible?

If, according to his statement, this arrest was against Evil Angel’s policies, why then did they not take action on it when they first found out about the arrest 2 years ago?

I don’t have an answer for you but if you have a story about Jay Sin that you want to share with us feel free to submit your own reader email to [email protected].

I’m not sure if the guy is guilty or not. I’m not here to judge that kind of thing. But I do have to agree with the person who wrote in. The whole timing is a little suspect and does make you stop and wonder what’s really going on?


724886cookie-checkIs there more to the Jay Sin story than meets the eye? We got exclusive new deatils ** READER EMAIL

Is there more to the Jay Sin story than meets the eye? We got exclusive new deatils ** READER EMAIL

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Mike South

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