Is Riley Reynolds using Hussie Models as a front for low end prostitution?

We got a letter this morning from someone who used to be on the Hussie Models roster. She’s since moved on with her life and put that nightmare behind her. But she wanted to share her story with us in hopes that it might prevent other girls from falling for the same scam she did.

I loved your article about Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models and I thought I would let you know the real truth about him. He claims to be a legit agent but he’s far from it. While I was with his joke of an agency he booked me for several privates. He would send me out for 1-hour jobs at $400 and then he would charge me $100 for booking fees for that job, so I would only end up getting paid $300 for that. I was young and stupid. I had no idea what he was doing was wrong. It wasn’t until after I left and got with a new agent that I found out these collectors he was sending me to bang, were hooking jobs and illegal. I’m happy to finally be away from him. I just hope that other girls will Google him and find out the truth before falling for his “free trip to Miami” scam like I did.

After getting her email I contacted her and this is how our conversation went.

How did you meet Riley?

I answered an ad on craigslist that said ironically, Hot Girls Wanted, and offered a free trip to Miami. I was young and stupid and didn’t question why some random guy would be willing to fly me out to Miami for free to take a few modeling pictures. I realize now just how stupid that was.

Had you seen the Netflix documentary before going to meet him?

No. I hadn’t heard of it. I only watched it after I had already met Riley and was in Florida. One of the other girls in the apartment told me about it and we watched it on her phone together. Had I known about it beforehand I would have never flown to Florida to work with him.

Did you know you were going to Florida to do porn?

No. He asked if I was okay with light nudity and I said sure. I mean I have no problem with my body. But I didn’t realize he meant at the time full on porn. I wasn’t okay with that.

When did you suspect something wasn’t right?

Just before I left he kept going on and on about making sure I had 3 forms of ID. I don’t know. Something about that just seemed odd to me. Still, I didn’t listen to the warning bells going off in my head and got on the flight anyway.

When I got there he met me at the airport and took me to what he called the female model house. It was really just a nasty apartment. He asked me if I had any money on me. I did so he said to give it to him and he would put it in him safe because it’s not a good idea to have it in the model house. It wouldn’t be safe. That made sense to me so I gave him the little cash I had on me. Next, he asked for my id so he could make copies of it. He said after he would give it back. Giving him my money and id was the stupidest thing I could have ever done.

It wasn’t until we got to the model house though that I knew how much trouble I was really in. He told me that he booked me for my first scene. I didn’t even know what that word meant so I asked him to explain.

I was horrified to hear what he expected me to do, which was a full-on IR B/G. I protested. I agreed to come to Florida for some modeling, light nudity only. I wanted to leave but Riley said I couldn’t until I paid him back for the money he was out for the flight. Again I protested. He never said anything about me having to cover the cost of the flight. His ad said “free trip to Miami”. Free means free, not free for now until you get here and can give me the money back.

His nice playful demeanor turned ugly real quick. He ended up leaving not to much after that, reminding me when he did that I better be ready for my shoot tomorrow and I better be on time.

Teressa showed me to my room which I was sharing with 3 other girls. I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor, that was dirty and had no sheets. The room was a disaster, there were clothes and makeup everywhere.

Why didn’t you call your family to help you get back home?

I thought about it but I knew I would never hear the end of it if I did. They warned me before I left not to come that there was no way the offer for a modeling job was legit. I was being scammed. I couldn’t very well call them just hours after I left to tell them they were right. I mean looking back now I probably should have done just that, but I was young and stupid I guess.

I cried myself to sleep only to be awoken a few hours later when one of the girls came in drunk off her ass. I spent the rest of the night listening to her throwing up in the bathroom.

The next day I woke up and had to either go through with the porn scene or call my parents for help to get home.

With the help of one of the other girls in the apartment, I was good and wasted by the time noon rolled around, my call time and went through with my first scene. I don’t remember any of it. And that’s how I got into porn.

I pretty much stayed drunk for the next few weeks and did any scene he told me to do. Well, what I thought were scenes. I would later learn that not all of his jobs were legit scenes. A lot of times they were low end escorting jobs he would send us girls on.

I was too stupid to know the difference. He would explain that I wasn’t getting as much money for these type of scenes because they only took an hour of my time and they were for collectors. I was stupid. I really didn’t know better. It wasn’t until much later that I figured out he had been pimping me out.

And that’s my experience with Riley Reynolds. He’s a lowlife. If you are reading this now I only hope it helps you to avoid falling for his tricks. Stay as far away from him as you can.

We appreciate this poor girl for telling us her story.  I hope that others will too. Maybe we can once and for all put a stop to guys like him in this business.

By the way, anyone ever notice the international escorting ads on the Hussie Models website? Check this out.




279590cookie-checkIs Riley Reynolds using Hussie Models as a front for low end prostitution?

Is Riley Reynolds using Hussie Models as a front for low end prostitution?

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20 Responses

  1. I get that many people that are “wasted” or “pissed” don’t look it until they are so drunk that they can barely walk but if someone is really that drunk why would an agent or director even allow the person to do the scene? Jim Powers used to let people get drunk on set and do scenes (he even bought the beer) but it caused too many problems for him and he had to quit doing it. The Most Outrageous Outtakes DVDs from JM Productions show the results of Jim allowing and buying beer on set. I don’t object to someone having a couple of drinks before a scene but would be reluctant to allow alcohol on set and certainly very reluctant to buying the alcohol because of Jim’s clusterfucks mainly caused by drinking on his sets years ago.

    As for Riley’s actions, it sounds like he is a complete idiot and very unscrupulous in his management style. Someone going on a four week bender while doing scenes using his “representation” is ludicrous, was this girl so drunk that she couldn’t even make informed consent? Of course I was able to function half-ass effectively for years drinking a half-fifth to a half-gallon of hard liquor daily so it can be done — if I had to work the next morning I tried to keep it to a fifth or less, people couldn’t tell I was “drunk” (using the then drunk driving standard of 0.10 or 0.15 percent BAC) unless I drank well over a fifth that day and if I drank vodka I didn’t smell like a brewery.

  2. @mharris

    did you read the post? “collectors” are not directors and Riley isn’t a registered agent.

    Not a lawyer but DAMN!!! that girls experience looks like a textbook example of ‘how agents put themselves at mercy of defense lawyer strategy and beg mercy of the court’

    Section 1591 now provides in part the following: “Whoever knowingly in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, recruits, entices, harbors, transports, provides, obtains, advertises, maintains, patronizes, or solicits by any means a person; knowing, or in reckless disregard of the fact, that means of force, threats of force, fraud, coercion … , or any combination of such means will be used to cause the person to engage in a commercial sex act, or that the person has not attained the age of 18 years and will be caused to engage in a commercial sex act,” shall be imprisoned not less than 15 years (not less than 10 years, if the victim is 14 years of age or older and the offender is less than 18 years of age).

  3. Yes, I read the post, Lurk. I actually have more problem with Riley allowing someone to do multiple sexual scenes while on a four week bender than his allowing barely concealed prostitution. The way he did it was terrible but creating a situation where someone feels the need to go on a four week bender while doing scenes must have hit me more when I originally read the article. If he coerced the girls into doing the barely concealed “privates”, I have a problem with it. If the girls went in knowing the situation and freely consented, I don’t. I think the girl should have known that she was being “pimped” out, technically whether for a porn scene or for private pleasure porn industry agents are “pimping” their girls (and guys) out, even if there is an actual scene it meets the definition to me. I don’t have a problem with pimping itself, it is how it is done that matters to me. Riley shouldn’t have been sending her to barely concealed “privates” and if he didn’t tell the girls ahead of time that these “collectors” were actually johns he is a scumbag (actually we already know that he is) but if she didn’t know the score the minute she walked onto those “sets” that is on her.

    More generally, someone on a four week bender would likely have been so drunk that I wouldn’t have allowed her to do the scene for me anyway. Maybe if it was first thing in the morning and she hadn’t been drinking since bedtime she might have slipped through the cracks but certainly by 1pm if she was on that severe of a bender and constantly drunk and I was the director the scene would have been cancelled and Riley would have got a earful from me directly! I am not Jeff Mike Steward, that shit wouldn’t be acceptable on my sets (it should be noted that even his now former director Jim Powers doesn’t tolerate that shit anymore)!

  4. @mharris

    Do not confuse your CHOICE to consume alcohol to the point of gluttony with this girls experience.

    If she willingly signed on to do porn or prostitution it would be one thing, what is described is another.

    “It wasn’t until we got to the model house though that I knew how much trouble I was really in. He told me that he booked me for my first scene. I didn’t even know what that word meant so I asked him to explain.
    I was horrified to hear what he expected me to do, which was a full-on IR B/G. I protested. I agreed to come to Florida for some modeling, light nudity only. I wanted to leave but Riley said I couldn’t until I paid him back for the money he was out for the flight. Again I protested. He never said anything about me having to cover the cost of the flight. His ad said “free trip to Miami”. Free means free, not free for now until you get here and can give me the money back.”

    That all happened BEFORE she got shitfaced to cope with/escape the situation. You’re living in some fucking utopia if you think the producers/clients Riley booked her with don’t know and weren’t prepared to deal with the situation. Then again you think vodka doesn’t smell or seep out of a drunk’s pores and have never mentioned using any stimulants like cocaine, Adderall or meth to counter the effects of a daily 5th.

  5. I like the first comment…Riley looks like the Forrest Gump of Porn! I heard he has a real problem with anyone criticizing his strange looking hairline? The mugshot looks better than his current look.

    BTW Riley did his own recruitment video in front of the illegally operated CamSoda house in Coconut Creek, Florida with Lexy Bandera and she said on camera with Riley Reynolds and Jason Woolery, his recruiter that her first scene she did she had to “reimburse” Riley for the flight! She answered that same ad on Craigslist “Free trip to Miami” crap. Riley posted this recruitment video on YouTube then tried to make it a pay to view. He was listing his business illegally at the CamSoda house and living there illegally too. The “real” owners had their lawyer demand for that YouTube recruitment video showing that infamous white colonial style house with the long driveway and crooked lamp posts to be taken down. Their lawyers and law enforcement have a copy Riley…for evidence of course.

  6. This is the same guy who bragged that the FBI showed up at his door? This must be why. He’s not very smart.

  7. Lisa there is a reason he is referred to as the Forest Gump of porn.

    Stupid is as stupid does and he commits a deluge of stupid acts.

    Why cant five talents come forward and file a complaint to the labor commission.

    He violates many of the Labor commission talent agency laws.
    I heard there is a man in Los Angeles who is setting up a crowd fund and swears to matching the desired amount to cover the process to its entirety of getting his license pulled permanently

  8. Would that man setting up a crowdfund to pay for getting Riley’s “license” yanked Mark Spiegler by any chance? When a certain man pissed Mark and 99% of porn off he went to great lengths to force him to take a certain website down, he would almost certainly be willing to back taking down and (figuratively) lancing the boil Riley that is squarely on the head of porn’s dick — and Spiegs has the money to match any donations!

  9. Lurk, I have never used cocaine other than the one time it was used on me during a nose surgery (and I was unconscious at the time). I have never used meth, either. I have used Adderall but not combined with my years ago practice of drinking my “daily fifth” (if she managed to get cocaine, Adderall or meth in an unfamiliar city while working on sets with 4-5 people maximum unless there was a gang bang almost every day she is a better woman than I). I can attest to the fact that vodka doesn’t smell anywhere near as strongly as most whiskies, gins, tequilas and beers after drinking the equivalent amount of alcohol as is in a fifth of 40%/80 proof vodka. The “free trip to Miami” should have actually been free, that bothers me as much as the coercion into barely disguised prostitution dates. However, assuming that call time was after noon if this girl was drinking during all of her waking hours a producer should have been able to tell from her behavior that she was smashed/bombed/pissed/drunk out of her mind and cancelled the scene. The girl said she was “good and wasted” when she went to her first scene and “pretty much stayed drunk for the next few weeks”. I doubt at 18 or 21 she was “experienced” enough in drinking booze to not look drunk as hell on set while on a bender like that! I was in my 30’s, 40’s and 50’s and had drank hard since college — my body had plenty of time to develop a tolerance to alcohol by the time I was on the dais at 2pm after a six vodka, double entree, sides and dessert lunch lecturing and looking as sober as can be. As you can see, my gluttony wasn’t restricted to Smirnoff or Crown Royal.

  10. @mharris

    Once again you’re trying to make this all about you including responses to the relevant topics you placed on table.

    Saying it again…You’re living in some fucking utopia if you think the producers/clients Riley booked her with don’t know and weren’t prepared to deal with the situation.

    Do you think Riley only took this girl’s ID & cash? hmmm how did the booze get into the model house?

    Pointing out that you never mentioned personal experience using stimulants to counteract booze was a nudge to widen your horizons beyond your experience.

    “However, assuming that call time was after noon if this girl was drinking during all of her waking hours a producer should have been able to tell from her behavior that she was smashed/bombed/pissed/drunk out of her mind and cancelled the scene”

    Applying the “should” above to Riley or the producers/directors/clients he is working with conveys expectation they are scrupulous and the IF applied to the girls conveys idea that she is lying.

    “was this girl so drunk that she couldn’t even make informed consent? ”

    CONSENT??? surely you jest…..Riley has her cash & ID and says she has to pay for the ‘free trip plane ticket’ BEFORE they even got to the model house.

  11. Lurk, IMO whether the producers were prepared to deal with the situation they didn’t do so morally or properly. Also, IMO the girl didn’t have the capacity to properly consent to what she was doing. However, the producers probably didn’t know how Riley tricked her into performing in porn scenes. They had to know that she was blitzed out of her fucking mind when she arrived on set. I have to go on what information the producers reasonably should have had when laying blame on them. Riley is a scumbag, pure and simple. However, if she was as drunk as she claimed and on a four week bender, the producers should have known just based on how she was walking and talking — and let her perform anyway. Not all producers schedule scenes for 10am and she admits she was drunk before noon! There is also the legal concept of capability to consent and if she had a fifth aboard before even leaving the model house for a scene I don’t know how she could hide her impairment from the producers. Most of the barely legal chicks are barely 100 pounds, alcohol’s effects are mostly based on the size of the person drinking and at that size and likely tolerance level she was probably blitzed well before she got through a fifth of booze. Yes, I do expect producers to be scrupulous. However, evidently they weren’t in this case.

  12. I love it that a Florida lawyer is using this posting in a demand letter to Hussie Models, LLC lawyer and who is the personal representative to the corporation to go after Riley Reynolds aka Brian Omally in a filed lawsuit in Florida on behalf of a new 18 year old porn talent.

    The porn industry drama is better than any mainstream soap opera! Maybe other victims will come forward to collect the money he fraudulently stoke from them!

    How does he get away with this? He is using the performers write offs for his benefit in taxes because they don’t know any better that they should be getting the benefit!

    Plus he is doing deductions from scenes that he books in Florida in his invoicing. Charging them top dollar for an illegal model house to boot and deducting their income!!

    What a complete fucking idiot this man is and his trusted assistant Teresa Hardman. She is aka Le Sheriff on Social Media. Talk about exploitation and she too has her own daughter shooting porn for Riley. It is sick and completely dysfunctional!! Hopefully they will all be going down for the count.

  13. Riley Reynolds “personal assistant” as she calls herself, Teresa Hardman just changed her social media name to Hardman Productions, LOL @xteresahardmanx

    I guess she lost her “Le Sheriff” badge! She certainly collected more transporting models fee than an Uber driver on Hussie Models billing! She is just as guilty with possibly cooking the books!

    The lawsuit against Hussie Models, LLC just posted in public records in Pinillas County in Tampa and have listed the exhibits and they are very damaging.

    Samantha Junker is now the announced manager for Hussie Models according to a posting I just read? Is she managing long distance out of Toronto where she lives and works? How is that possible?

  14. Who do I contact to give information on Riley? I have footage, emails, his financials, and texts.

  15. I know a few agencies have been looking into Brian but as far as contacting the right individual, i’m unclear. Also if I said the FBI or the county sheriffs office you may end getting a huge run around. This may be a long shot but Jaymie’s lawyer has been looking into O’Malley’s life for the past 9 months. He may not be interested in what you have as it doesn’t effect his client but if anyone knows who’s after Brian or would be interested it would be her lawyer.
    Brandon Kolb
    Make sure you reference case number 522018CA005892XXCICI
    If you prefer an email address let me know at [email protected] Please look into an encrypted email service like protonmail if you don’t have one. It is a must when/if sharing any sensitive material. Good luck either way.

  16. Sorry for the double post but I hadn’t seen the post by porn news and since I can’t edit mine all add this. Steph if you have actual evidence of a crime and want to see Brian be held accountable for his actions then I advise you to go to the proper authorities not the porn blog press. I’m sure any rational person would say the same thing. Hopefully someone comes though with a more suitable contact then Brandon. Either way just be careful with holding evidence that could be used in an already ongoing criminal matter. I say again, good luck.

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