Insane at Dane? East Coast Anthony tells all:

Hi, this is East Coast Anthony here with another tale to tell from the darkside of the Porn world. I was at Danes production offices yesterday, getting the run a round about being paid for an editing job that I had completed last week, when I decided to tell Ed, (one of the owners) that I was sick & tired of all the games that go on here when Dan A/K/A Don Marque, comes to town once a month & plays “Mr. director”. I told him that I felt Dan was living in a fantasy world trying to make these
ridiculous Morality plays, throwing away good money, when he should be concentrating on just directing a good, simple porn movie with hot sex scenes. All of a sudden Dan comes barging into the office yelling, “How dare I question his capability as a director & what he does on his shoots!” I calmly told him “you give me the right when 90% of the jobs I get are full of constant, unnecessary background noise from people that should not be there in the first place, disrupting his movie, literally
trying to sabotage his movie & they get paid, no questions asked, & I get treated like a piece of garbage & left to beg for my money! I have to wonder, whats really going on at these shoots that take 17 hour days, & who really is in charge? Any Director knows, there are certain basic rules that should be adhered to when shooting. Simple rules like, “We’re shooting, everyone please be quiet”. Ed left the room mumbling that, “we need to work this out ourselves” & was gone in a flash. Dan then laid into me for trying to make him look bad in front of his partner & then asked me why was I upset? I finally told him what I had been holding back for years. I felt that I have been loyal, hardworking, & have always done a good, if not, Great job, wether it be Shooting/Directing, or Editing & all this time, I have never been treated with any respect by him. I’m given all the crappy hard jobs to edit. I’m paid less than anybody else. And many times I’ve tried to tell him that I think he forgets we’re in the Porn business, We make movies for guys to Jerk-Off to. Lets be honest with ourselves. We are not doing
remakes of Gone with the Wind! We’re Pornographers & SEX is what drives this business, & its SEX that should be of the utmost importance to us. The customer just wants to see a good looking chick, doing a Hot sex scene. It could be shot against a brick wall on a godamn carboard box, as long as the sex is Rockin, then the consumers are happy. I told Dan that I thought many of his movies are ridiculous. Dan dreams up these sick little morality themes were a guy gets laid & then
robbed & gets an S.T.D by some chick. Or a scene were a guy shoots some girls parents & then he fucks her while the parents lie bleeding to death in the next room. When a guy gets a porn, he is hoping to get turned on. They are certainly not expecting, or want to watch, a scene were a girl is so distraught about having sex with 2 guys that she then takes a gun to her head & commits suicide! This is not Porn…. This is not right…. Its down right sick & I don’t think its what the average guy in Ohio wants to watch.
When people buy/Rent a Porn movie they aren’t looking to have someone shove their morally twisted viewpoints down their throat like some demented side show preacher. They want to see Porn….Hot chicks Being fucked good & hard & loving it. To me its very simple. The problem is, there are to many Wanna-Be’s in this business who somehow come up with the money to make porn, with big Ego’s, & no talent, & they think they’re Francis Fuckin Ford Coppola. People like Dan, who really doesn’t have a clue on how to direct, Shoot, or Edit. If your going to call yourself a director, At least a Porn Director,
you should be able to understand the basics of shooting & Editing . Dan has never done either, so how can he even begin to think hes a director? All he does is hire people with the necessary skills to shoot & Edit, THEY do all the work…..& HE takes all the Credit! Dan just sat there the whole time with his mouth open, looking thoroughly shocked. I guess no one had the balls to tell him this to his face before. I then went on to tell him that I couldn’t believe that he even brags that once the sex scenes start in his movies, he’ll leave the set. He has said many times, “I don’t care about the sex, its the dialogue thats important to me”. How can this man dare to call himself a director? I’ve been on some sets with him shooting over a half hour of single girl masterbation, waiting for him to give some kind of direction, or yell cut or something, only to turn around & he’s just staring at the monitor, practically drooling on himself, rubbing his crotch completely mesmerized by these girls. And I yell Cut & he gets all mad & claims that I’m ruining his movie & that the girl was really getting into it & about to have an orgasm. I couldn’t believe my ears. This Loser actually believes that All these girls are really into it. I mean, the viewer, if hes lucky will only get to see no more than 2 minutes of this footage, the other 28 minutes are purely for dan’s own personal pleasure. That’s not right. You want to get off, get off on your own time, not on the overworked, & underpaid crews time. Thats why his stupid shoots take so long to do. Complete & utter disrespect for other peoples time & energy, while we slave away breaking our ass, he just SITS on his ass & drools at the girls! On the last shoot I did for him, he spent over an hour just dressing the girl making her change into all these different bras & panties just so he could fondle, oggle & drool over this sweet young thing.
To make an already long story short, as I was speaking, Ed walked back in the office & Dan just walked out yelled something at me & slammed the door. He seemed to be in complete shock. With a confused look on his face & having nothing really to say to me. As Ed finally decided to make out a check for me, I started to reiterate to him what I had already
said to Dan when suddenly, the door came flying open & Dan just ran up to me & grabbed me by my arm & kept screaming & pulling me around yelling, “You wanna fight me?, Lets go, right now!” He was a complete & utter Madman! Over & over again as he yanked me around the office by my arm, “I’ll kick your ass, lets go! Ed just sat there watching, not knowing what to do. I told Dan to take his fucking hands off me & that he was hurting my arm, & that of course he could kick my ass, there
wasn’t any question about it. I wasn’t here to fight anyone. Just get my pay & leave. This just made him more upset. My refusal to fight or even raise my hand to him got him so riled up that he was literally shaking from head to toe, turning blue in the face practically. I told him repeatedly to leave me alone & that he was hurting my fucking arm. He would not stop. For what seemed like an eternity, but was probably more like 3-4 minutes, Dan just pushed & pulled & dragged me around the
office saying that we were going to fight. Now I was gettin scared because I’m no fighter, & he could surely kick my ass & that wouldn’t prove anything, but there was no way in hell that he was going to Beat me up & get away with it. This whole time Ed said & did nothing & I screamed at Ed that his partner was obviously insane, trying to beat me up & all I wanted to do was leave with my check. I never once tried to fight back, ( I really had no choice, compaired to me, Dans a pretty big guy). So all at once Ed finally got up, gave me the check & then grabbed me by my other arm & they both pushed me out of his office! All of the employees were standing there as I was shoved out of Eds office & Dan kept a tight hold on me & pushed & pulled me to the front door sayin that he was going to call the cops on me. I felt a little safer now that I was in the outer office & just laughed at Dan & said go ahead & call the cops, you’ve just assaulted me in that office & threatened to kick my ass for the past five minutes, youre a complete joke!
So the end of it all is……. Don’t ever tell Dan that he’s an incompetent director, or he’ll go ballistic on you! If any of his movies
come out good, & if you happen to like anything that you may watch in a Dane movie, its because the cameraman shot it & directed it well, & the editor did a good job putting it all together. None of it could be attributable to Dan’s skill as a director, just the fact that sometimes he hires competent people that do a decent job & make him look good. Dan isn’t responsible, or capable of doing anything at Dane productions except spending alot of money & wasting alot of peoples time, while he lives in his own little fantasy world, thinking that he’s some great big director. All he really is, is just another overated idiot getting away with pretending to be a director because until now, no one has had the courage to tell him to his face that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Just ask anyone who’s worked for him in the past, they’ll confirm what I’m saying. That is, if they have the balls to tell the truth & let you know that Dan doesn’t really direct anything, & never actually has. And don’t you dare try to say anything to the contrary, or he just may try to beat you up to!

East Coast…….”I’ve never been fired from these Porn Scum because I quit”…….Anthony.

Comments from anyone at Dane are welcome.

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Insane at Dane? East Coast Anthony tells all:

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