Icanrite Writes:

Dear Mike South:

You are, just a big dumy! Four you to somehow insinyuate that I cant rite all my own colums and press releeses is very insulting too me. If you wurnt so busy shooting boocockys all day and nite you might no what is really going on in the adult indistry. Go fish. We; porn stars are, smart!! its not like in the old days ! when all the actreses were illiterat and on drugs all over the place and stuf

Im not shure what it is you think I do all day, but I can ashure you that my days involve MUCH MOOR than just shooting sex sceens and riting all that HTML kode on my myspace paige
Jesse Joon

LOL OK Y’all are very ill……

22100cookie-checkIcanrite Writes:

Icanrite Writes:

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