Guest Editorial

Comments on Porn & Politics
Source: PR 101
by: Steve Nelson

(FLAGLER, FL) — Recently in the news there’s been more clamor about friends who I haven’t heard from in quite a while. Scott Janke, the politician who married a pornstar ( is evidently up for another Town Manager position.

Scott Janke deserves a good job, and finally he’s being seriously considered for one, but Jazella Moore deserves credit too!

In the press release I read that Scott and Jazella’s marriage may be in trouble. The press release talked about Scott and his ”estranged wife.” It’s so sad to see the whole ordeal have such an effect on a nice couple to the point that they would have to separate!

Jazella deserves credit for supporting her family any way she can. The character ”Jazella Moore” is a character that Anabela Janke plays in adult movies. The real woman is Anabela. She’s the one who was a single mother and now caring for her elderly mother. It’s tough out there, and acting in adult movies was a perfectly legal occupation last time I checked.

Anabela didn’t live the porn lifestyle, either. She worked occasionally to support her family. The mainstream media has tended to objectify her and forget the human being behind the persona. Supporting her triplets and sick mother is understandably a tough job. She deserves a lot of credit and respect. Hopefully her last movie, ”The Councilman’s Wife,” will help to pay their rent.

I’m currently trying to reach them but no success so far. For more information look to and search ”Scott Janke” for the stories there. They call Janke ”the number one choice,” and ”the most personable,” of the candidates they are considering for Town Manager. There is some commentary on Jazella and their tragedy in Fort Myers Beach that got Scott fired, too.

Hopefully these good people will overcome the bias in the mainstream media and public opinion, and recover to the happy lives they had when first married. More on this as more comes to light. As always, we here all wish both Scott and Jazella the very best!

Well said Steve.

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