I rarely open my big mouth on legalities BUT this 2257 thang is crazy. Do they really propose we run off discs of info on our talented community and mail them to the world or at least, all the webmasters? Has noone mentioned we are sending out our talent’s real names and addresses and in a lot of cases, their social security number??? Never mind… identity theft, what if someone in a records department goes postal and shows up on an actress’s doorstep and GOD FORBID, hurts her??????????
This is reckless endangerment.
Surely, we cannot do this and sleep… EGADS in damn near 20 years, I thought I saw it all til now…Gigi Appleton
This is an interesting situation because you have two laws, seemingly in conflict. On the one hand you have the government regulating the adult industry (and this the party of LESS regulation) and on the other you have the right to privacy of the individuals who perform in these movies. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out but my guess is that 2257 will not survive in it’s current form.
Which Leads Me To This…Rare But HIGH PRAISE From Me To The Free Speech Coalition:
This time they are on the ball and they are being aggressive about it. Yesterday afternoon (Thursday) The Free Speech Coalition filed a complaint and a motion for a temporary restraining order barring enforcement of title 18 section 2257 until It has had it’s day in court. The suit filed in U.S. District Court in Colorado claims unconstitutionality on more than 20 points.
Paul Cambria, Lou Sirkin and Michael Gross are representing the Free Speech Coalition.
If you have been considering joining the Free Speech Coalition this might be a good time to do so, they should be applauded and rewarded for making a stand in this issue. Good Job Y’all.