From the mailbag:


I love your work and appreciate the comments you post to and elsewhere, but I would like to point out that “prolly” is not a word. The actually word is “probably” but most people say it rapidly and it ends up sounding like the word “prolly” that you invented. Other than that, please keep up the good work.


Actually prolly is a word, because I often write in the vernacular in which I speak it makes sense. most people who read me indicate how funny they think it is that I write just like I talk. They like that and I do it on purpose…so now you know the rest of the story….prolly….

Richard writes:

Go to and check the watercooler section. News folks are all up in arms about last nights story.

I went there and even responded on the message board. In reading the forum I was amazed at how many people actually took this to be an accurate portrayal of the adult industry, these are TV people and they should know better.

Hank Rose sends some Poetry:


I’m an old pro from way back. I only wish I was as good a stud as I am a writer. Here’s an old poem I wrote. My boss won’t print it. He likes to stick to news. But feel free to post it at your site. Make it a must read for every Tom, Dick and Harry who thinks he’s got what it takes…



Hank Rose

If you can be glad and not sad that you grew up in a
broken home
Nor turn out bad or blow your wad when you’re unloved
or all alone

If you can tame your libido’s raging hormones in a
healthy erotic fashion
And love the one you’re with but still lay for pay
with passion

If you can lust and not let love be your aim
If you can expose your naked soul without fear or

If getting it up and in and out and off for you is a
day’s play
If your vote for going to work in the real world is

If you can toil for social perverts and enjoy your job
to the hilt
And live for them as an X-rated extrovert without
moral guilt

If you can find your mojo when all about you are
losing their own
If you can lose your ego when gravity fells your bone

If you can worship sexual mass and yet still know the
true meaning of love
If you need more than one piece of ass but can never
get enough

If you can get it up on cue and live and die by the
money shot
If you can screw no matter who but remember the twat
is bought

If you can thrill the unflinching starlet with kinky
pearl drops of facial cum
Then whores are your world, each and every harlot

And what’s more…you’ll be a stud, my scum

Charlie writes:

I completely agree with you observations on the story last night. The media “slant” was very obvious. Another interesting point that I took from the story was the focus on her “grief-stricken Mother”. She sure enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame, didn’t she? If she was so upset with her daughter’s career choice why was she attempting to “manage” her or broker some other deals with her? Furthermore, AVN had a link to a Salt Lake City newspaper site that featured her Mother on the front page talking about the story.


To be honest, I don’t recall seeing Belladonna in any movies, as I don’t watch a lot of porn (mostly amateur). I searched AVN and other sites to find out about Belladonna and most of her movies are Anal, Double anal, and Inter-racial. If she is being exploited I would argue that she’s certainly capitalizing on it financially. I don’t recall anyone ever talking me into doing anything I didn’t want to do. I mean I never had a bottle of Jim Beam miraculously empty into my mouth without my hand attached!


BTW, I received the Blow Girls 2 DVD…nice work!





As a Libertarian I think Charlie hit the nail on the head, it is about personal resposibility. You make decisions in this life and you live with the consequences, both good and bad. And honestly now is porn any less guilty of “victimizing” Belladonna than ABC and Diane Sawyer are? I think not.

6940cookie-checkFrom the mailbag:

From the mailbag:

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