Fifi (Felicia Fox) Comments on Kramski:

I would personally like to thank LFP, Inc. and Hustler Video for being sharp enough to realize when they had a total scumbag working for them. Thank God they finally flushed Kris Kramski like the squallid turd he is.
The good people at LFP who I’ve worked with in the past, from Clive McClean and Mark Hamilton to Morgen Hagen, Angel Defina, and Jimmy Flynt, deserve better than to be associated with a womanizing worm like Kramski.
Karma is a bitch, isn’t it.

All is Quiet in Porn Valley:

All the wheels are in Europe for various shows and nothing of interest seems to be happening in Porn Valley. Even Adella must be bored, she called me yesterday “just to talk”. I know that secretly she wants a threesome with me and Harry Weiss. OKOKOK Im making that up…but damn it’s boring. I cant get dirt on anyone.

This Just In:

Kris Kramski was let go by hustler, seems his antics were not tolerated, he actually charged some of the euro chicks 40.00 to “audition” for his films…..gotta hand it to him though thats ballsy.

Benjaman sends This One, Now We Know Why Nic has Such Big Budgets, it’s for the Catering!

9840cookie-checkFifi (Felicia Fox) Comments on Kramski:

Fifi (Felicia Fox) Comments on Kramski:

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Mike South

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