Brett Rossi Issues A Challenge and Excoriates Diane Duke – Reader Mail

Brett Rossi
Brett Rossi

I’m sure you all have heard the news; an HIV+ performer has emerged just weeks after a syphilis scare and not even a week after an incompetent asshole decided to conveniently hide that he has been actively performing while being HepC+.

First and foremost, I want to commend the current performer who tested positive for HIV and came fourth to the industry, faced her fears and respectfully let everyone aware of her current condition. I’m not going to mention her name as it’s already been mentioned enough. If you don’t know the current situation, you have no business being involved in the porn business as it is and you are a bigger idiot than the world already considers people in porn to be. Anyways, my condolences are with her and those who have been affected by the current situation that is going on with in the industry.

I would also like to say, Diane Duke, you have not proven yourself as an individual who possess the necessary ability to ‘represent’ our industry by any means. The board that voted you to be ‘in charge’ are clearly just as ridiculous as you have currently shown yourself to be. Your PR person should be fired as the statements you release whenever the industry is in a pandemonium are terrible and by far sound uneducated as well as ignorant. You do not know where the disease came from. The fact that you even felt the need to place that in your press release is irrelevant for you to speak upon and proves my previous statement about you. The fact is, there was an active performer in the pool and she was positive for HIV. She worked with other performers and those performers are now a high risk to other performers whether their current tests show they are positive or negative.

Mike South, Rob Black … I get it. Y’all want to be the best bloggers in the biz, with the most information on the current situations and both state you are looking out for the business/the performers in the business. You both have excellent traffic coming to your blog(s) and I’m going to ask for you both to put your differences aside for a moment and prove to the industry that you truly ARE looking out for us and help me execute a challenge to the industry. I want to help educate the industry, I want the industry to WANT to protect themselves and I’m asking for your help. I want to challenge the industry to NOT shoot for the next 3-4 weeks and test every week until’ they return to work. Tell them to not be cheap. Tell them that testing once a week for 4 weeks will cost them roughly as much as they makes in one shoot compared to how much treatment for HIV will cost in the long run if they take the risk of performing during an outbreak, become infected with the disease and are left without any means of income once they are booted from the industry for catching said disease.They can lower their risk by simply not shooting for a few weeks.

Let’s get to the basics as to why I am challenging the industry to stop shooting for the next 3-4 weeks:

Not that any one of you can’t research it yourself, but I’ll enlighten those who are too lazy to do the research.HIV can take months to show positive for antibodies in your system. There are different means of testing and also have different window periods of effectiveness;

Antibody tests (“Rapid” tests) — these give a positive result based on antibodies to HIV, not the virus itself.

2-8 weeks (up to 2 months) after infection, most people will have enough antibodies to test positive
12 weeks (3 months) after infection, about 97% of people will have enough antibodies to test positive

Antigen tests (RNA tests) —these show a positive result based on the presence of the virus.

1-3 weeks after infection, there will be enough viral material for a positive result
(According to my most recent panel, CET shows they are performing an RNA test.)

The current performer that tested HIV+ could have been carrying the virus for longer than we think. Just because you go out, get tested and it comes back “negative” or “non-reactive” should not mean the industry should go back to shooting. This is not something that should be swept under the rug or taken lightly. Take 3-4 weeks off from performing. If you can’t afford it, you have problems and should probably go return that ugly Louis Vuitton bag that cost as much as your rent that is due next week. Performers, you make anywhere between $400-$1500 a scene and the majority of you perform at least 3 times a week. Quick math, that is roughly $6,000 – $20,000 you make a month which is certainly more than the average American makes a month with a College Degree. There is no excuse to not accept this challenge. To not only protect yourself, but your loved ones that you are sexually active with at home as well as your colleagues. Producers, directors, agents, etc do not and will never care about you as much as you will care about yourself as well as your well-being.

PS-excuse the typos and spelling errors. The point is, to protect yourself & be educated on the current situation. Don’t sit around and wait for Diane Duke to tell you when she thinks its safe for you to start shooting again. We have the power, WE are the performers.

81480cookie-checkBrett Rossi Issues A Challenge and Excoriates Diane Duke – Reader Mail

Brett Rossi Issues A Challenge and Excoriates Diane Duke – Reader Mail

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9 Responses

  1. Is she kidding? BRETT ROSSI are you fucking serious? Do you actually think you know more about this stuff than Dr. Miao??? He is a DOCTOR, you are a porn performer. SHUT UP.

  2. Oddly enough she just might working on why you cant trust APHSS Part Two They have the testing protocol for this outbreak VERY WRONG

  3. 1) “the majority of you perform at least 3 times a week”- this is a completely false statistic with no basis. I asked one of the top agents about this and he said it would be much more accurate to say the majority of performers perform at least 3 times per month. That’s a big difference.
    2) No one is going to argue that adult performers are wise investors. But reality is that very very few of them could survive a 4 week layoff without pay and still be able to pay their next rent payment.
    3) Going to the CDC website or Webmd and reading up on STD’s is a good idea… everyone in the industry should become as well-read and educated on the subject as possible. But let’s not become confused here! Reading the CDC websites does not make any of us more qualified to make recommendations than actual doctors.

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