Barry Writes:

This is exactly the reason you’re not reading about it on Top Pro Talent. While I admit, it’s entertaining Mike, I’d rather read it on your site, then ours.

We see it as no more of a BS hype the likes of Pamela and Tommy Lee, only Tommy actually has a band people enjoy and use as a household name. We also don’t like the dig to Elegant Angel DP put in their press release when a lot of industry folks know the real story behind that fiasco. Good for them for not sending their talent. There’s never a phony “business as usual”, Bill Clinton style response from The Wanker Show when they book those girls on KSEXradio, and there shouldn’t be with The Tera Show either. BASIC: Is she gonna be there or not? Having problems? Fine, things happen to all of us, we’ll reschedule when you work it out. It’s pretty easy if you’re up front about it. Her show dates are never consistant anyway so who cares if you have to move it back a week?!

TPT ran the factual info about the host missing in action and that’s about all the attention we felt it deserved. All the info on the no neck lover/manager, ugh….who cares….I just hope he doesn’t start e-mailing me! Ok, I feel better now. 🙂

Awesome site Mike….you’re linked proudly to ours!


Thanks Barry even I agree that this is rather boring but my hits have gone a good deal higher since I started this covereage, so I guess someone likes it and Tera is news, course I think Evan is getting way more play than he deserves out of this. For all of his posturing it appears he hasn’t really got anything substantive to say.

Tera Patrick, take note:

From the Cincinnati Post:

By Kimball Perry
Post staff reporter

Kelsey McNamara didn’t become a blushing bride Saturday as she planned — but it wasn’t because of her fear of being thrown in jail for marrying a man accused of beating and threatening to kill her. It turns out her fiancé, a man court records identify both as Lester L. Thomas and Thomas L. Lester, can’t marry her.

“He’s not divorced yet,” said Rob Larson, one of the defense attorneys involved in the case. Larson — who received a wedding invitation — said the name of the groom-to-be, regardless of how it is listed in court records, is Thomas Lester.

The couple planned, despite an order from Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Melba Marsh for Lester to stay away from McNamara, to wed at a ceremony last Saturday night. It never happened.

“They haven’t gotten married,” Larson said. “His divorce never got finalized. He’s still married.”

That was news — as were the planned nuptials — to Gary Goldman, Lester’s other attorney. “They didn’t invite me.”

Goldman also declined a request to interview Lester. “I don’t think he should be talking to you right now.”

The judge doesn’t think Lester should be walking down the aisle just now — especially with a woman who told police Sept. 16 that Lester beat her, bit her, choked her, held her hostage in her Price Hill apartment and then threatened to kill her, all in the presence of her 2-year-old child.

Lester, 22, goes on trial Jan. 13 for abduction, a charge that carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

He and McNamara, though, insist they are perfect for each other, so much so that she admitted to the judge she violated the court order — in place to protect her from Lester — by taking their wedding invitations to his home to show him how excited she was about the wedding.

“She said, `You can’t control who I marry and when I marry them.’ She’s determined to get married,” Marsh said of McNamara, who is an adult dancer and has posed for explicit nude photos on a Web site.

Marsh told Lester that, if he violated the temporary protective order to stay away from McNamara — for instance, by marrying her — she would have throw him behind bars and put “a million-dollar bond on your head.”

I’ve called on Tim an Fifi who know every peeler in the Cincy/Dayton area to identify Ms McNamara I’d really like to interview her.

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Barry Writes:

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