Assemblyman Isadore Hall Releases A Statement On the Current HIV Situation

“It’s too bad the Free Speech Coalition is only concerned about the dignity and respect of its actors after, not before they contract HIV or another STI.

As we have seen throughout 2013, the adult film industry is the most recklessly unregulated business in the United States. Employees in this industry deserve better. Unenforced self-imposed voluntary moratoriums are no way to run a business or protect the public’s health.

The only way for the industry to regain its workers and the public’s trust is to immediately impose a mandatory condom use requirement in the production of all adult films. Short of that, the votes are there to make AB332/640 law in 2014.”

88970cookie-checkAssemblyman Isadore Hall Releases A Statement On the Current HIV Situation

Assemblyman Isadore Hall Releases A Statement On the Current HIV Situation

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84 Responses

  1. Seriously Mike, you are posting Politicians press releases on your blog? Wow. This guy I’m sure has no agenda. Even if you agree with everything he says re-printing politicians press releases seems silly.

    “most recklessly unregulated business in the United States”

    I have trouble taking that as truth without some facts. That looks like an opinion masquerading a a factual statement. I’ve seen Isadore Hall press releases posted here a few times. Don’t know too much about him. Is he known by you to be incredibly upstanding or different than most politicians? Or do you just post him because he agrees with you on this issue?

  2. Do you somehow think that this isnt relevant? That it isnt something that people in porn should know about?
    When Isadore Hall sends me and the LA Times a statement (and no one else) dont you think I have an obligation to the people in this industry to run it?

  3. No. So the guy who supports the mandate has a statement on porn. I wonder what his opinion could be? Why in the world is this singular politicians opinion important? He clearly has an agenda. Why run his PR campaign for him? The only thing I can think is that you run his statements because he wants a mandate and so do you. This shared opinion between the 2 of you justifies posting it in the sense that it’s your site, post what you want. It doesn’t justify it any other sense. This guy has a political agenda. You post this guys stuff as is, without comment because he agrees with you. Again, do you know a lot about this guy? Is he moral, upstanding and worth the reprinting of his thoughts?

  4. Honestly, it may have been a misinterpretation, but I didn’t get the sense that the blog was to advance politicians PR points. It just seems odd/out of place whenever you post this guys PR. Is he super important or respected or does he just share your opinion?

    “obligation to the people in this industry to run it”.

    Are people in the industry just finding out about the governments idea’s about them? This isn’t new or news. You’ve printed this exact same politician saying these exact same ideas before. Who in the industry is getting something from this post?

  5. erik2690 I fully agree with you. Mike South, It’s really sad to see someone like you really running press release for AHF and isadore hall… His own press release is just pure “sensationalism”. You look at every campaign or press releases from ahf and it’s always dirty moves, porn hurts people, porn give hiv.. isadore is a low-life blood hungry politician that was the only one desperate enough to be ahf’s puppet.

  6. Listen dude, don’t condescend like that. If you have a rebuttal, rebut. But don’t come like that. It’s honestly the most immature move. If you honestly felt I didn’t have common sense why right that thought and post it other than to be rude? And I don’t believe in God. If he’s there I’m not positive he is “good”. If you think my points were wrong say that, don’t make a blanket statement about intelligence or intellect. Come on. Also it’s ERIK, it’s in my username just copy and paste. I get that’s a silly complaint, but geez Mick.

  7. Mike South why didn’t you say anything when ahf used pure scare tactics demonizing porn by robot calling 100 thousand people saying “Assembly’s Mike Gatto: Pornographers’ Best Friend in Sacramento” aren’t you a pornographer too? if you wanted to make a difference for this biz you wouldn’t get in bed with these people. I get it you have your favorites in this biz but with ahf you’re going too far ignoring the tactics they use.

  8. Psst… Maybe Mike ran the statement because this politician is one of the major players who will be getting condoms mandated in adult films. Don’t think it will ever happen? Just wait.

    Other than that, How in the fucking shit can you disagree with the guy’s statement? Sensationalism? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this some kind of big fucking joke?

    There is currently an industry wide moratorium in effect to try and find out whether 1 or 50 people have been infected with HIV and you’re sitting here bitching about sensationalism because a government legislator issued a statement about public health?
    Unlike the FSC and everyone else over there with their head up their ass, his job is to protect the people to the best of his capabilities. Do you want him to make a statement talking about how “wonderful” the testing system is while no one even knows just how many people have actually been affected?

    I realize no one wants condoms. I get it. But, you can’t fault a government official for making a statement regarding an HIV outbreak and expect him to talk about how great (the shitty) system worked….

    If you explained the intricacies of this system to anyone with a brain they would think you were out of your fucking mind.

    Obviously, the industry isn’t as dumb as they seem considering the high priced pieces of ass have the capability of getting THEIR scene partners tested TWO fucking days before a shoot.

    You gotta love hypocrisy. I guess those other worthless whores are worth enough for that privilege? What a wonderful system. Even the veteran performers know it’s fucking worthless or they wouldn’t request their partners to be tested two days before a scene.
    (And, NO, this isn’t my fucking opinion. There are multiple interviews out there of girls freely admitting to this..)


  9. Lets be honest here…Im apretty easy going guy, pretty laid back here but if you think I dont know what you are doing then you are either an idiot or you think that i am.

    You can nip at me but eventually I will grow tired of it and I will turn around and bite back.

    I suggest at this point that you go someplace that pleases you , there are plenty of choices for you.

  10. I am an idiot then. What am I doing here? You make it sound nefarious. My opinion differs from yours. When I have I said anything rude or personal about you or any other commenter? I would love to apologize for it. Your opinion and most of your commenter’s opinions go one way, I like going against that grain and making sure I play devil’s advocate and challenge these strident opinions. I disagree with your biting analogy. Again, when have I been rude or called names? I disagree, but that’s about it. My opinion is truly and genuinely not aligned with yours. Is that hard to believe? “Porn news” is neither pleasing nor non-pleasing. I don’t really know what pleasure has to do with it.

  11. “Don’t think it will ever happen? Just wait.”
    I have no inside knowledge. Do you? Or is this you saying you think it will?

    “Other than that, How in the fucking shit can you disagree with the guy’s statement? Sensationalism? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this some kind of big fucking joke?”
    My disagreement was with Mike essentially retweeting or copy and pasting this guy’s statements which we have seen before. Nothing new. He wants a mandate, we understand. This: “most recklessly unregulated business in the United States” was what I questioned and I have seen no proof to say that statement isn’t sensational.

    “There is currently an industry wide moratorium in effect to try and find out whether 1 or 50 people have been infected with HIV and you’re sitting here bitching about sensationalism because a government legislator issued a statement about public health?”
    The number 50 is pretty sensational when you consider what the HIV transfer rate is. Also, I wasn’t “bitching” about the Assemblyman pushing his agenda, I didn’t understand why Mike was pasting it to his site. I didn’t see it as a public health statement at all. I saw it as a guy taking an opportunity to make apolitical statement about a bill he wants passed. Where was the statement on the public’s health? He was fairly lamenting FSC, but that’s not really a statement on public health.

    “I realize no one wants condoms. I get it. But, you can’t fault a government official for making a statement regarding an HIV outbreak and expect him to talk about how great (the shitty) system worked”
    How have you qualified this as an outbreak?

    “capability of getting THEIR scene partners tested TWO fucking days before a shoot.”
    Considering what the word capability means, anyone has the capability to demand this. It just may hurt their standing in the business. You have to decide your health is worth that decision.

    “(And, NO, this isn’t my fucking opinion. There are multiple interviews out there of girls freely admitting to this..)”
    What part of your comment are they agreeing with? The testing being bad? Please link to these interviews. Appreciated.

  12. @erik2690

    Curious why each day you have a problem with the site host? What and how he ought to run his business? Might be nice to just thanks for having me over…letting me say whatever I want in your comments section.

    Not asking you to agree with or like what he posts, just respect the fact that this site has been running many years and has a track record.

    Hall sending the release here vs AVN or xbiz or others is a huge deal…he’s saying I’m not asleep, pending legislation that will affect the industry…doesn’t matter how swell he is or his moral character… Lots of industry people come here that would never go to LaTimes.

  13. @erik2690

    I love a good debate as much as the next guy…love pissing and moaning over the small shit too…

    Do you nit pick AVN or xbiz who are more in line with your ideals? Both of which will in all probability be posting industry statements decrying Halls PR as proof he wants to shut the industry down, drive it underground, deprive LA county and it’s citizens of the permit fees they lost this year as the industry ran to greener pastures. And of course pitch donating to the industry non-profit set up to fight this industry killing legislation. That is the nut of their rebuttal no matter how they dress it up or down.

    I don’t like or agree with many things posted on AVN, Xbiz but I’m not showing up in their house ripping them a new asshole for posting what they like. It’s simple respect for their right to post what they choose. Disagreeing without being disagreeable.

  14. @xxxwebmaster

    Why aren’t you saying something about how Kearnes spun the OSHA OPIM-STI draft? Either he didn’t really read that draft or he is intentionally misleading his readers.

    Should I be adding political jargon, character assassination and linking the reporter to eight other folks just like him to make my point?

  15. What? Are you saying that because someone sends you their agenda, you must recite it? I don’t love the idea of blogs acting as the wingmen of policy makers. This was no commentary, just a retweet. We know where Hall stands his PR has been posted here before. I do appreciate Mike continuing to let free speech happen in the comments. I really don’t think I have ever slammed Mike or done anything other than question, which I think is good. I have never (granted haven’t been here long) seen you leave a comment just to say thanks to Mike for letting you comment. You leave responses to many of my comments that are questioning towards what I have said. That’s the nature of this. Again, I do appreciate being able to look at the site and comment. Why is Hall checking in and saying “I haven’t forgotten about the mandate” news or new? Also, I don’t believe I have question the mental prowess of Mike or other commenters or called anyone names.

    “doesn’t matter how swell he is or his moral character”
    I personally think if you are giving someone a PR platform it should.

  16. Don’t think it will ever happen? Just wait.
    ”I have no inside knowledge. Do you? Or is this you saying you think it will?“
    ***Mr. Hall’s bill to mandate condoms in LA County has already been passed and is law. The adult industry just decided to not follow the law.
    Mr. Hall will certainly be involved with the legislation of AB640 to mandate condoms throughout the entire state of CA which is expected to be passed next month.

    Other than that, How in the fucking shit can you disagree with the guy’s statement? Sensationalism? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this some kind of big fucking joke?
    ”My disagreement was with Mike essentially retweeting or copy and pasting this guy’s statements which we have seen before. Nothing new. He wants a mandate, we understand. This: “most recklessly unregulated business in the United States” was what I questioned and I have seen no proof to say that statement isn’t sensational.
    ***Mike didn’t copy and paste anything. Mr. Hall sent the press release to Mike and LA Weekly. That’s it. No one else.
    The porn industry is “the most wreckless unregulated business in America.” The key word in this quote is UNREGULATED, btw.

    “There is currently an industry wide moratorium in effect to try and find out whether 1 or 50 people have been infected with HIV and you’re sitting here bitching about sensationalism because a government legislator issued a statement about public health?
    “The number 50 is pretty sensational when you consider what the HIV transfer rate is. Also, I wasn’t “bitching” about the Assemblyman pushing his agenda, I didn’t understand why Mike was pasting it to his site. I didn’t see it as a public health statement at all. I saw it as a guy taking an opportunity to make apolitical statement about a bill he wants passed. Where was the statement on the public’s health? He was fairly lamenting FSC, but that’s not really a statement on public health.”
    ***Your missing the point. The condom mandate law is ALREADY on the books for LA county. His statement was made to reiterate the need for state wide testing due to the industry, yet again, not following the rules in place. He’s the one who got the first law passed. A statement from him was pretty inevitable.

    I realize no one wants condoms. I get it. But, you can’t fault a government official for making a statement regarding an HIV outbreak and expect him to talk about how great (the shitty) system worked.”
    How have you qualified this as an outbreak?
    ***It really doesn’t matter. Call it whatever you want.

    “capability of getting THEIR scene partners tested TWO fucking days before a shoot.”
    Considering what the word capability means, anyone has the capability to demand this. It just may hurt their standing in the business. You have to decide your health is worth that decision.“
    ***Like I said, their health is more important than the other girls. It shouldn’t rely on what your “status” in the industry is whether you get more or less protected than anyone else. That’s bullshit. No one’s health is anymore important than someone else’s.
    The other point I was making is that they obviously know the testing system is worthless if they demand to be tested 2 days before a scene. That’s literally what that action says: I’m not using the testing system it doesn’t even work.

    (And, NO, this isn’t my fucking opinion. There are multiple interviews out there of girls freely admitting to this..)
    ”What part of your comment are they agreeing with? The testing being bad? Please link to these interviews. Appreciated.
    ***No, they state in the interviews that they get tested 2 days before a scene because the have the “clout” to do so. Basically, bragging about how they have enough power to make their scene partners test 2 days before a scene, but those other girls are shit out of luck. What? Does their health not matter as much? bullshit.
    I really don’t feel like going through all the interviews to find them… Just go read interviews from top performers. You should find them there.

  17. “Do you nit pick AVN or xbiz who are more in line with your ideals?”

    No, they seem like much less of a blog site. Honestly I didn’t know they had comments. They also rarely present opinion. They editorialize more by what they choose to post rather than editorializing in their posts.

    “Both of which will in all probability be posting industry statements decrying Halls PR as proof he wants to shut the industry down”

    Again, I genuinely didn’t know they posted original opinion pieces. They seem more like sites that pass along the info they choose.

    “ripping them a new asshole”

    I don’t know. Is that how far I went here? I hope not. Again, this site always felt more like a blog, in format and content. To just paste a PR release of a politician seemed out of the site’s normal pattern. Whenever Mike talks about FSC statements he editorializes. Things can be biased, I actually respect that. Mike has made his stance fairly clear, I respect that as well. This wasn’t news or new though. We know Hall’s position it’s been posted before. What can we glean from this? Did anyone think that Hall forgot about the bill he wants passed? I wasn’t questioning Mike’s ability or complete right to post it. It’s his site! I get that. I felt it was weak in comparison to many posts.

  18. “Mike didn’t copy and paste anything. Mr. Hall sent the press release to Mike and LA Weekly. That’s it. No one else.”

    *** So, the words were written by someone else and posted here with no comments or editorializing by Mike? How did Mike get the words from his email (or other source) to this post. Maybe a copy/paste? That was my point.

    Your missing the point. The condom mandate law is ALREADY on the books for LA county. His statement was made to reiterate the need for state wide testing due to the industry, yet again, not following the rules in place. He’s the one who got the first law passed. A statement from him was pretty inevitable”

    *** None of these thoughts about state wide testing are anywhere in his statement and he doesn’t talk about them not following the law either. You maybe right, but you are reading between lines, his statement doesn’t say those things. His commenting may have been inevitable, but Mike’s posting it didn’t need to be.

    “I’m not using the testing system it doesn’t even work”
    ***I get your point, but actually that means they are using the testing much more frequently.

    *** Using “clout” to gain what might be seen as a unfair advantage or taking less risk happens in many industries. Level playing field is rarely a reality. If someone on a “lower rung” of the porn industry wants a 2 day test and is worried about there safety, they should demand one. It may hurt them in some way, but if safety is the priority make that sacrifice. Standing up for a principle is often how change is made. If a mandate passes and porn tries to skirt it or find other places to go: has anything truly changed? If people inside are truly concerned about their safety, take the principled stand. It creates more “real” change in the long term. I’ve seen a couple performers announce they will only use condoms, this is the way true change will come if it comes. I have my doubts that people inside are as worried about the risks as some people here are. I do believe they should be able to weigh those risks and choose. Ideally, they would have a union maybe, but I guess that’s a whole other issue.

  19. Folks, Mike ran Assemblyman Hall’s statement because in addition to being a blog, Mike does publish industry news. Publishing statements from people who are central characters in an issue is what a responsible news organization does. Whether your are for or against condoms, whether you like or loathe the Assemblyman, his view on this latest infection, what he wants the industry to do, and what he’s threatening to attempt in response, is relevant to your industry. Does he have an agenda? Of course. A politician isn’t doing their job if they don’t have an agenda. That’s what they’re paid to do, whether you like the agenda or not.

    What Hall is telling the industry in his statement is that neither he nor his take on this issue have gone away and that he plans on pushing his agenda again in 2014 when the Assembly is back in session.

    Don’t you think its important for the industry to know that?

  20. Who didn’t know that? Were people thinking he forgot about the bill he supports? Is Hall a “central character”? I truly don’t know. I thought he was 1 politician who was making this “his” issue. A plank in his platform if you will. Also, usually, as far as I have seen when Mike posts PR from other sources he adds his commentary or editorializes. That was my criticism. So, my point was that this didn’t really present a new idea or perspective.

  21. He is 1 of 80 Assembly members and I can’t find anything saying he has any special rank within that body.

  22. Recent tweet from Hall: “There were up to 5 #HIV cases in adult film industry in August 2013. No one can prove it didn’t happen on set. #facts #ab332”

    Let’s brake that down. “UP TO 5” meaning or less, also meaning he doesn’t know the exacts of the industry he wants to regulate while hastagging “facts”. Usually when you aren’t specific we don’t reffer to it as fact.
    “No one can prove it didn’t happen on set.” This is a probably well educated politician who seems to not know about burden of proof and where it lies. Not being able to prove something didn’t happen is not evidence for it happening, at all. I’m talking about almost every situation, but especially when 2 infected were bf/gf and a third was their friend. It is quite logical to suppose they passed it amongst each other off set. Forget that though, forget the specific situation all together. Burden of proof lies on his side of that fence. As anyone will tell you proving a negative is near impossible. Any good high level scientist will tell you that they can’t disprove the existence of a flying spaghetti monster. Smart atheists know disproving God is not possible. Obviously this situation is a bit easier to prove, but still a crazy task to put the burden of proof on the negative. Silly tweet by Hall with #facts.

  23. Just to be clear my Thesis on this guy is not that he is dumb or bad. My thesis is that he is no expert and his opinion shouldn’t be treated with too much importance. He has some policy power and can affect, so it should be viewed and weighed through that lens. My opinion is also that this has as much if not more to do with being political and staking to an “easy” issue as it does with caring about safety and performers.

  24. @erik2690
    “Not being able to prove something didn’t happen is not evidence for it happening, at all.”

    Yes, but when dealing with HIV I doubt those who wind up getting it care where they got it and if it is possible then why not use all of the protection you can? Because it may not happen? That’s not the best strategy, is it?

  25. You just have to love the hypocrisy of the FSC, asking to respect the privacy of the people involved in this situation.
    In 2004 AIM released Darren James name, and then they posted on the internet the entire first and second generation list, real names and stage names, and they listed the days that everyone tested. Darren James won a six figure out of court settlement for this provacy breach, and AIM got extemey lucky because EVERYBODY on that list could have sued them.

    But the entire time this was happening, ALL these names being put out there, the FSC made not one single squeak about invasion of privacy, in fact they applauded AIM’s actions. Funny how their opinion of privacy changed when they were the one’s whose ass is now on the line.

  26. @erik2690

    This isn’t a performer it is an elected official who serves the locality where the industry calls home, HIV incident in adult industry is the politicians different than a salmonella incident at a chicken farm is the rural politicians issue to deal with.

    Retweeting as you call it, is simply presenting what was offered and refraining from comment.

    Get a fucking clue…YOU don’t get to define the purpose of someone else’s forum. You don’t have to agree or even like what’s there.
    Do you think FSC is gonna let me post nit picking comments on their site when they post an article bashing AHF over and AHF issue that in no way affects the adult industry…tell where a registered non -profit even in pursuit of advocacy should be posting inflammatory stuff against another non-profit merely BECUASE they don’t like unrelated activities of that org.

    FYI I’m talking about the AHF protest that FSC used to push their agenda of crying wolf vs taking charge and responsibility for and finding a way to ensure their continued existence.

    free speech is all well and fine…I’ll tell ya right now I’m not going into the hood and shouting racial slurs without expecting to get my ass beat!

  27. Why is this case even being discussed by Mr. Hall, AHF or anyone in that sphere? An employee and their actions, when off the clock, can’t be controlled by ANY employer. This guy has said from his own mouth “I don’t think I caught this from a set”, yet the actions of the porn industry are in question? Granted the word “think” doesn’t mean fact, but even he isn’t jumping up and down with the “look what this industry did to me” company line that has been common place all too often before. Frankly I think if you don’t catch it on set it shouldn’t count towards the porn statistics, but against the general populations statistics instead. Porn (where these people worked) had about as much to do with these people’s plight as the US Army did (where that individual worked/trained) with the murdering of the innocent victims at the hands of the DC sniper – none. At some point it boils down to adults making adult decisions; some good and some terribly bad. Now when HIV is running rampant on sets from people engaged in everyday sexual behavior give me a call. However, when it “appears” that the culprit is the ongoing engagement of male/male contact, drug use, bareback sex with an untested population (males and females, straight and gay, escorting and casual hook ups) then I think it is very disingenuous to ride the blame porn crusade without having a true discussion about the root cause.

  28. ERIK,
    You seem to have no problem ascribing ‘agendas’ to Mr Hall, and of course he has an agenda, EVERYBODY has an agenda. But it appears that you are using the word agenda in this case as something bad, a sinister plan.

    Since you seem to know so much about everybody’s agendas, perhaps you could take just a little time and explain to all of us the agenda of the FSC, they certainly have an agenda too, dont they Erik? Please enlighten us to the FSC “agenda.” since you seem to know that Hall has an agenda, why not address the agenda of the FSC, just to be fair.

    And to be fair, YES, Hall has an agenda, and is using this issue for political gain, heck, his district votes 80% in favor of Measure B. How can you blame a politician for jumping on an issue that HIS CONSTITUANTS voted for overwhelmingly?

  29. @erik2690

    The immaturity is coming into someone else’s space and picking them apart…you want to bash mike south..go for’s just foolish to expect you can do it on his forum and not be nit picked back..

    This has gone way beyond opinion about the is bullshit to keep derailing the main post in the comments section to bash vs debate the essence of issue at hand.

  30. Troll
    That is right. look it people, The HOMOS are staying and none of you are going to be safe. So get off all that BULLSHIT that you are going to do this and that. They are not going to be any condoms, and they are not going to be NO eliminating the Crossovers and Christainshitstain’s and No eliminating anything, UNLESS, you organize you’re PATHETIC, Ignorant, PORNO , suck cock asses.

    Remember you suck cock and take it up the ass for a living and the real world doesn’t give A fuck about you, because you are a DRUG user, A WHORE, and a Faggot. YOU seriously fucked up. When the opportunity for you too UNIONIZE and bring SOLIDARITY was there, YOU and the OTHER Paathetic Bitches and HOMOs thought about your cocksucking and asskissing selves and only YOU!

    So Just deal with Mr. Hall’s Bill that will happen and remember, YOU can not catch HIV from the set, The producers/ Production Companies and not the people that are causing the situations that have occurred.

    Its the Derrick Hays, the forces himself on you Whores at the Model house to pay rent and work Ventura Blvd and Escort. Its the Chris over at Foxxx Modeling that is forcing girls to work the New York Escort agencies and having “tricks” pay you extra condomless money.

    Yeah, bullshit. just take it in the ass all of you and deal with more outbreaks and intimidations from the LATATA and the Fucking Stupid Clowns Criminal Gay Organization. The Gay and Leisbian’s in Hollywood that help support the Porn Industry love you…and want you to spread the “Love” and the Big ‘H” so get ready cocksuckers andget your Lazy dope smoking asses back to work. They own you! and the Porn Czar Porno Dan has Big cock Prince Yashua and his other baby boyz’s waiting for you, right now….Its all about money$$, Not your health and safety. So get you butts back to fucking and sucking!

  31. Mandate condom law..bullshit! That’ why JC from OCM Models and other agencies like Derrick Hays are sitting, having Breakfast over at
    Perkos on Vegas Blvd, getting ready, Evil Angel, Vivid, Third Degree, New sensations, and other’s are sitting up shooting locations and the money is flowing$$$. Who needs a gig? Who wants to work? Xmas is coming, Rent is due, Need to fed those children.

  32. Why are both the Congressman and, it would see, the industry both ignorant of Pre-Exposure and Post-Exposure Prophylaxes, and the effect of treatment on the infectiousness of someone with HIV? It is a preventable disease WITHOUT condoms. Just google PEP, PrEP or “Treatment IS Prevention”.

  33. @erik2690

    Kearnes OPIM-STI article is just one of a thousand examples I could give where he pushes the FSC agenda vs informing the industry what that policy could mean..good, bad and ugly…don’t kid yourself..even if it’s presented as news, or’s often just opinion.

    Clearly you modded the point…doesn’t matter what TYPE forum we are discussing…it is not appropriate to keep getting in someone’s face and cry foul when they hit back. You want to mess with someone..expect to be messed back with and don’t whine about that shit.

    Want to dish it out and think it isn’t coming back? Even three year old know..poke me..poke back, till they learn to keep their hands to themselves. Guess you missed that valuable before kindergarten lesson..never to late or too old to learn..hope for you yet:)

  34. Get a fucking clue…YOU don’t get to define the purpose of someone else’s forum. You don’t have to agree or even like what’s there.

    I never said I did. I posted a negative opinion of this post. Did I threaten that if he posted like this again something would occur? Where did my comments try to affect what gets posted, besides stating a negative opinion?

  35. “free speech is all well and fine…I’ll tell ya right now I’m not going into the hood and shouting racial slurs without expecting to get my ass beat!”

    Are you using this as a comparative to going on a blog and saying you don’t like a post? Where did I call a name? If you are comparing these things…wow.

  36. @erik3690

    Stopped reading at UNREGULATED…correct talking point is SELF REGULATED. The industry chooses this approach to justify cherry picking which regulations they like and ignoring or denying those they don’t. If there is a legal loophole that will work to their advantage they are all over it as they should be. Those advantages are there and specifically intended to help offset the legal business burdens.
    IG non-profit status for any and everything they can use it for ..less taxation.. IC vs employee pmt Unemployment, or employer portion to SS, VS REFUSING to adopt ADEQUATE industry appropriate OSHA compliance….refusing to pay for testing

    Then to make it even better they cry wolf and blame AHF and LACPH for holding them accountable…even if they can convince performers and producers it’s okay to get over…they know they get caught and burned.
    LaCroix brags about getting zinged by IRS when he didn’t pay taxes so he had more money to party with, while he begs performers to pony up cash to fight condom legislation.

    FYI..there never would have been condom legislation if the industry had actually SELF-REGULATED beyond trying to stuff more cash in pocket!

    Erik every time you try to rip someone up with inaccurate or misleading stuff ..expect to get ripped back.

  37. Where was anything personal about Mike said?

    “This has gone way beyond opinion about the is bullshit to keep derailing the main post in the comments section”

    Where is it beyond opinion on these topics? No “bashing” either.

  38. @erik2690
    Still trying to say how it ought to be done? Where are the regulations that govern how a blog post is presented? Who the fuck made you the blog police?

    FYI…it isn’t up to you to decide how this site owner chooses to exercise his freedom of speech any more than it is mine to tell a producer how he ought to shoot the same type scenes because that is how he normally does it. Maybe he felt like dressing her in a red cami vs the green he is known for or go IR…I’ll buy it if I like it ..leave it on the shelf if I don’t.

  39. @erik2690

    You’re riding the short bus and showing us your place is SPECIAL ed. Beyond that I fail to see what your special rank is here or anywhere else.

  40. “to keep getting in someone’s face”? Internet bud, I didn’t get in anyone’s face. You know how easy it is to decide to not read one of my comments? So easy.

    “You want to mess with someone”? Where did this happen? Listen. I have been called names by other commenters and you were nowhere to be found with critique. This isn’t about me being rude because I wasn’t. If you are truly upset over my comments it has much more to do with my opinion not lining up with yours. Of course the forum matters. If comments aren’t a part of a site, how could you compare the site to this?

  41. @dickhead

    Those only lessen risk. They do not prevent. They make it less likely to contract the virus. Less is not safe. If you take that pill and do a creampie scene you could still wind up HIV+ after it.

  42. Where was “ripping”???? You are ascribing a motivation to my responses that isn’t there. Responding by not agreeing is not “ripping”. Also, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Where did I use the word “unregulated” that wasn’t a quote from somewhere else? I don’t know where you stopped reading?

  43. I didn’t say it was. How do you not get this? He posts anything he wants and then I can express that I didn’t think the post was very good. Where did I say “Don’t post this or else…”? Not liking something is not equal to telling someone what they can do, it is telling someone what you like/dislike. Never did I say that like/dislike needed or must dictate anything.

  44. @brian

    Hear what you’re saying..served on many a, trade and even political. Problem is ..the day FSC set up PASS to facilitate stakeholders in AVOIDING OSHA and LABOR laws vs advocating cooperation and seeking legal loopholes that would benefit the members they crossed the line. Advocacy in pursuing and pushing for regulations that favor and against those that hinder the industry is how it works.

    Do you know of any other industry trade group that allowed and facilitated the very issues that could and did exacerbate the very issues they were formed to contain? Last thing I’d ever want is for FSC to go away..they are actually very effective doing things they like, problem is they aren’t working together to minimize and eliminate the problem issues beyond networking and sharing legal strategies to limit damages when they get hit with legal liability. All industry works together to limit and contain liability..they also find ways to minimize the threat creating those liabilities.

    Look at tobacco…still legal to buy our cancer sticks. Tobacco worked together to actually create and implement new ways of producing their product to ensure industry existence.

  45. What the heck?? You rag on the way I comment and then call me retarded? When have I done this to others? Why is this okay, but saying I don’t like a post is not? When did I get personal? Why call me names? What good did you do there? If my comment was silly, then ignore it and write me off. Why call names? Even if completely wrong who was my comment affecting negatively?

  46. Wasn’t ascribing it as sinister at all. I’m sure in fact he believes it is correct and good. Don’t know the FSC agenda. Certainly much less in depth than most commenters here.

  47. @jilted
    Exactly…Jeffrey Douglas FSC president and attorney. 2011 LACPH notified and offered testing to a known exposure…doesn’t matter on or off set..LACPH was doing their job when Douglas pipes up and cites laws and constitutional rights of refusal, he was correct in those rights…dead fucking wrong when he said ..they don’t have a legal right or court order…and folks believed him BECUSE he is somebody and ranks as a lawyer….FYI communicable disease surveillance and containment is legally mandated and doesn’t require a court order to operate with in the laws and regulations.
    Douglas says..don’t be a serf to LACPH…IM saying …don’t be a serf to an industry that isn’t paying for those tests, has no right to that personally identifiable information even if they did pay for the tests..and is in fact legally barred from that information…
    Next being legally barred from personally identified health information in now way means that they can’t do industry appropriate medical pre-employment testing..including HIV, HepC antibody testing as well as ongoing industry appropriate medical screening. The pre-employment tests are two fold..employer doesn’t hire someone who can’t do job, employee doesn’t get hired where duties and nature of job would harm them or render them unable to perform..then you get into reasonable accommodations..HIV can do job with a condom as an accommodation.

  48. @troll

    Roflmao…Hall…industry is in his district…good bad and ugly it’s his job
    AHF…their purpose is Aids/HIV …figure it out
    Me…I don’t like liars spinning the laws to line their pockets and trick other people into paying their bills….film stakeholders making performers pay for tests:)

  49. LOL You know Isadore Hall has an agenda, but not the FSC? For someone who seems to defend the industry, and give the industry the benefit of the doubt at every turn, to not know the FSC agenda seems a little shady. IMHO you parrot the FSC agenda quite well for someone who claims to not know their agenda.

  50. @dickhead

    The industry is very well aware prep/prop (sp) you’re delusional if it even enters mind that they might consider it…..that stuff costs money!

  51. Wait, I didn’t say they didn’t have an agenda. I said I have no deep knowledge of it, in fact less than most commenters probably. I haven’t done much research on their doings that’s all. I first heard of FSC about 6 months ago, so it stands to reason I know less about there overall agenda than most.

  52. And what do you know about Isador Halls agenda. Seeing as how his name never came into the picture until early this year and yet you know he has an agenda.

    Can you tell us what you know about Isador Hall’s agenda?

    And for some reason I thought you had some connection to the industry, sorry for making that assumption. I ‘assume’ now that you say you havent heard of the FSC until six months ago that youre not affiliated with the industry, or am I wrong in that assuption too?

  53. for the record i didnt copy and paste anything that was a direct email to me From isadore Halls Chief of Staff someone with whom I have ongoing communications, the nature of which arent important except to say that I believe we can accomplish more working together than we can being adversarial, sadly I dont get much help from people in porn, which makes it difficult to suggest compromise.

  54. Isadore’s (correct spelling) agenda seems to be to get that bill passed or enforced. Assumption correct, not part of the industry or affiliated tangentially.

  55. @mike
    Duke tossing the sanctimonious word around too…decrying media and wanting “substantive” discussions ..BUT..big ass but here…she wants it to be by performers..not politicians or pundants who say they speak for them….

    Lol Duke…kinda like daddy telling kids …don’t tell I beat the shit out of me to not be a mean ass drunk and it will all be better?

  56. Erik, thanks for the spelling correction. Talke a look at Mikes article on Jan 28, two weeks before the AHF/Hall press conference announcing ab332. I wrote it. I know a little bit about what I speak.

  57. And how did the words from the e-mail get on your site? A copy and paste I would presume. Even if you wrote it again word for word without a copy and paste it is the same affect. I wasn’t saying you copied from some other site, I was saying you posted what Isodore’s people asked you to post in a copy and paste manner. You rarely do this. Were you ever “adversarial” toward Hall? I could have sworn you posted his PR here before.

  58. @erik2690
    You’re correct about the politicians agenda…that’s what they do..present bills and push to win.

    He isn’t part of the industry or affiliated…the industry is in his district, giving him cause to address the issues presented by his voters…doesn’t matter if those voters are in or out of industry..they are the ones who tell politician what to do.

    In Ohio…egg farmers and puppy mills…chicken shit run off caused big flack with a polluted river..diseased and bad tempered dogs,

    both sides of any issue have people pushing legislators for their cause, that’s grassroots lobbying, feet on the ground etc. every industry hates outsiders pushing them to change when doing so will surely affect their bottom line.
    Egg farmers hated environmentalist groups pushing for clean rivers, puppy mills hate SPCA…FSC hates AHF….it’s like a love to hate kind of thing. If animal lovers left puppy mills alone they would have been happy..if puppy mills didn’t sell bad dogs …just how it works.

    The minute I attack you for what you believe and support…I can expect that my right and choice will be attacked right back…like playing battleship. That is our first amendment…equal right to free speech.

    When you really get into it, you’d be amazed at how polar opposites on some issues work together for others….because they respect and admire the talents of the person who can make it happen…nobody likes taking their licks, everybody likes winning.

  59. @jilted: Please clarify, did you write that post? Why are you not credited?

    @LurkingReader: Please find where I was surprised that Hall made a comment. That was never my complaint. I didn’t say Hall didn’t have a right or shouldn’t make a statement. That doesn’t make his statement new or news to people. It’s the same position and agenda he has held previously.

    “doesn’t matter if those voters are in or out of industry..they are the ones who tell politician what to do.”

    Maybe at this lower level of politics that is true. Let’s not pretend that most of these things don’t come down to money though. Politicians will defy constituents wishes if they think it could impact them negatively. Let’s not pretend voters are in control in many cases. Anything to do with restricting or regulating porn is an easy “moral” issue to get people riled up about.

  60. @Eric,
    At the time it did not suit my agenda to take credit for the article.
    That being said, believe me, theres alot more where that came from. A while ago someone asked me, who is your source for your information? I told him/her,” I am the source for this information, if youre hearing it anywhere else you’re hearing it second hand.” Lacey, how do ya like that one. Please stroke my ego some more.(lol) Again, thanks Lacey, nice to know youre appreciated.

  61. @jilted

    You seem very legit, but I would love an explanation here. In the article that you wrote: Mike says he got a “tip” (from you) as you said you didn’t want to be cited. Here’s what I don’t get. This comment from you on that post:

    “Looks like Mike had the scoop again. Any more info from this source Mike? This looks like it will get very interesting. I will need a large popcorn and cherry soda to watch this on unfold.”

    Is this you trying to make it see as if you aren’t the source? Is it like an inside joke? You are lauding Mike’s ability to get a scoop, when in actuality you wrote this and he just pressed ‘Enter’? What am I missing?

  62. @erik2690

    Let’s get this straight..@LurkingReader: Please find where I was surprised that Hall made a comment.

    Duhhhh….the big ass deal you’re making out of him using this opportunity to push his bill…that’s his job.

    That was never my complaint. I didn’t say Hall didn’t have a right or shouldn’t make a statement. That doesn’t make his statement new or news to people.

    The weather isn’t new either…it is daily news to update and inform.
    Pushing the bill means getting the info out there…if they didn’t tune in last time they might be listening today…the HIV incident provided an opportunity, Hall took it and used it. Why not take advantage of free advertising of your cause vs an expensive media buy

    It’s the same position and agenda he has held previously.

    Yep…till this bill goes to a vote he’s gonna use every opportunity he gets to send his msg out…that’s how the winners operate…FSC does the same thing with their agenda…kinda how it works.

    “doesn’t matter if those voters are in or out of industry..they are the ones who tell politician what to do.”
    Maybe at this lower level of politics that is true.
    At every level…works the same in non governmental politics too…check out some of the lobbying going on for nominated FSC board members. It isn’t mainstream news is industry news.

    Let’s not pretend that most of these things don’t come down to money though. Politicians will defy constituents wishes if they think it could impact them negatively.
    And you think non-profit boards don’t do the same…it’s called parliamentary procedure 🙂

    Let’s not pretend voters are in control in many cases. Anything to do with restricting or regulating porn is an easy “moral” issue to get people riled up about.

    Lmao…issue doesn’t have to be ‘moral’ just has to matter to the ones pushing it..lots of big fights have no MORAL implications.

    Porn thinks everyone is picking on porn…uses excuse that people don’t like them to abdicate responsibility. OSHA is an equal opportunity pestilence they don’t care what you do or make as long as you don’t negligently or willfully disregard industry appropriate ways to keep workers safe…or ignore OSHA completely with…we are unique..people pick on us…yeah so what..that’s got jack shit to do with keeping the people who work there safe…if you’re saying you can’t do it…fine see ya later..if you work with us we will help you create a way…where are they singling porn out? Go look at OSHA check out all the INDUSTRY specific stuff they got for how many different industries they said..get safe or get done. They don’t even say guarantee safety..they say prevent the shit happening to lowest possible risk level ….porn refuses…they get picked on.

  63. @erik2690
    What do you hope to get asking/posting this?
    What is your agenda? Purpose or objective?

    Advocating …doesn’t mean petty ass bullshit …throwing every damn thing on the table hoping something gets picked also doesn’t mean applying a question asked of you in one context to try and fit it to your cause…

    I asked you if you if you not picked the sites you are aligned with in make my point …you aren’t picking on WHAT is being’re picking on it merely to be adversarial, contrary and annoy your opponent.

    Asking if mike south has been adversarial to Hall is just plain nonsense. It has no context or content. What point do you hope to make by asking this?

  64. “the big ass deal you’re making out of him using this opportunity to push his bill…that’s his job.”

    ***Never made a big deal about Hall pushing his bill. Again please find a quote. You keep making me repeat myself. My negative opinion was of Mike’s posting not of politicians doing what they always do.

    “The weather isn’t new either…it is daily news to update and inform.”

    ***So in your experience this site is more of a weather report than an opinion piece? If I was used to seeing PR statements here with no commentary then this post would seem normal.

    Lmao…issue doesn’t have to be ‘moral’ just has to matter to the ones pushing it..lots of big fights have no MORAL implications.

    ***I didn’t say all issues have to be. Issues involving porn inevitably become moral issues for many voters. Whether they should be or not.

    Don’t know where I brought up OSHA? I know for a fact I never have because I know almost nothing about that organization.

  65. “What do you hope to get asking/posting this?
    What is your agenda? Purpose or objective?”

    *** To question and challenge stringent opinion and question factual claims that don’t have evidence.

    “Advocating …doesn’t mean petty ass bullshit …throwing every damn thing on the table hoping something gets picked also doesn’t mean applying a question asked of you in one context to try and fit it to your cause…”

    *** This sounds like your OPINION of what I am doing. I have opinions too.

    “I asked you if you if you not picked the sites you are aligned with in make my point …you aren’t picking on WHAT is being’re picking on it merely to be adversarial, contrary and annoy your opponent.”

    ***Very oddly worded. I read from several sites. Reading and responding to things you don’t agree with is a good practice. If you are advising I only read what I agree with, I humbly say that is silly advice. I am being contrary to many things here, that is correct. If I am annoying you:1. Don’t read my comments, scroll past. 2. Certainly don’t respond to my comments if I am annoying you, make a logical choice there.

    “Asking if mike south has been adversarial to Hall is just plain nonsense. It has no context or content. What point do you hope to make by asking this?”

    *** “I believe we can accomplish more working together than we can being adversarial”, that is the context. I thought maybe Mike was implying he had at one point been adversarial toward Hall and it hadn’t worked well.

  66. @Erik,
    You asked, “What am I missing?” I wouldnt know where to begin answering that question(just kidding, couldnt resist), but the comment was meant to be an inside joke to Mike. And this post here is not the first time I have credited myself with that article. I sent it to Mike in an email, he printed my email, word for word. And before the Kazoo took over Adultfyi I wrote about 20 articles that appeared there over the past 2 or 3 years, I am also the person who got TTS to start Hep C testing, I have also written the IIPP plans that several companies use today.(Injury Illness Prevention Plans/OSHA mandated)

  67. Thanks for the explanation. The inside joke was the confusing part once I understood that you wrote the piece.

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