Another PWL User Apologizes



He lacks the articulate writing ability of Cali But he apologizes none the less.


hello this is steven aka chet stevenhorse and probably 100 other names that are unregistered from pwl.

im not a good talker or typer but i am going to try and do this the best i can.  i would would like to apologize to everyone affected by my actions on that site over the last 6? months or so.
i was a total asswipe to you all of you for no reason whatsoever. i am so very very sorry for it.
i am a very stupid self centered individual and i didn’t think about what i was doing and how it would affect anyone for real.
i don’t know anyone in the business or any of the other pwl posters.
i don’t even remember why i joined up in the first place. i wasn’t a fan of donny’s or concerned with people spreading aids or doing crossover work.
i don’t hate anyone and im not really racist
i was just a bored loser trolling to get attention and i went way way over board.
i didn’t do your wikis or contact anyone but i found out a lot of the information on some you from google and i posted it on the forum. usually addresses or links to facebook and twitter accounts. i also would say all kinds of nasty, disgusting things for shock value.
i’ve been living at home for the last few years, have no job, no vehicle  and no friends. i think i just posted that stuff to pull you in and have someone else to talk to. as ignorant as that sounds.
i never really thought about how bad or hateful the stuff i said was when i posted it. and i didn’t think how you would feel or how your family would feel.  but now i know. i’ve been going over it all for the last week and it was just so horrible i can’t believe it. it makes me sick. i wish there was any kind of way i could take it back but i know there’s not.
i don’t expect any of you to forgive me for what i did or said.
it was really unexcusable
i just want you to know im done, and im not out there working on a new pwl site,  i didnt post anything about you anywhere else, and i won’t go on a site like that ever again.
and i am really sincerely sorry. i know it probably doesn’t sound like it and i really suck at writing but it is absolute honest truth.
thanks for reading and you can feel free to contact me
i understand if you want to kill me or cause me harm.
53300cookie-checkAnother PWL User Apologizes

Another PWL User Apologizes

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8 Responses

  1. It is my understanding that ol’ Chet is PWL user HollyWelinFan’s homeboy. If that is true, and if he will provide information on HollyWelinFan, I can forgive him – even though Chet is one of those who posted information on my own family.

    Please ask him about that bigger fish.

  2. Chet at least rollover on the rest of them. We all want them to come forward one by one. My boy Mike above needs info on Hollywein and they all left you for dead to hang out on a limb. Give us all the 411 t all who have harmed us so we van have words with them.

  3. Yes, you MUST give up HollyWellinFan. That cocksucker will bear the weight of your sins plus his own unpardonable ones. Give him up or suffer the consequences.

  4. Why am I reminded of the end of the movie 8mm where they are all afraid of that guy Machine until he takes his mask off and he looks like George Costanza?

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