Comments on: A Word From Peter Ackworth The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 15:13:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:54:22 +0000 In reply to Dantes.

There is nothing kinky about giving someone VD. Unfortunately it is a side effect of people having polyamorous relationships. In the non-porn kinky world usually tests are exchanged before sexual contact but not always. However, IMO people outside of porn should be able to make decisions for themselves on whether to partake in any sexual activity. That includes whether to exchange tests or not. In porn tests should be exchanged as a matter of course due to talent in most cases not knowing a damn thing about their partner or that person’s morals.

By: mharris127 Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:44:19 +0000 In reply to dodogoodman.

I don’t think just because a man is bisexual that the person should be limited to gay porn. However, I get your point. Gay porn should test as well with HIV negative performers paired with other HIV negative performers. The same should hold true for HIV positive performers being paired with other HIV positive performers (we should really try this in straight porn as well, actually).

For the record Wolf Hudson, Jack Hammer and Maestro Stefanos also perform in both gay and straight productions at Kink. Stefanos also fills in from time to time for Sadistic Rope’s director as a production assistant (with no sexual contact between Stefanos and the female talent in these productions). All three are HIV negative and have a large fan base in straight porn. Are you really seriously going to say that they should only do gay porn? Or does the rule only apply to the relatively unknowns that you have on your list. Give me a fucking break!

By: Nick East Wed, 04 Sep 2013 04:08:54 +0000 In reply to sachertorte.

@sache: an agent sent a girl to a shoot with a HIV+ performer without telling her AT ALL and it’s somehow her fault? Hey, how about giving her the choice to be groped by a HIV+ performer, eh? The reason they didn’t tell her was because EVERY girl they did tell refused to do the scene! Damn!! I love your comments and how callous you really are when it comes to performer safety!!!!
And nobody is buying your slanderous remarks towards the people who actually DO care about the talent’s health and well being!!!!! Let me guess who you are,,,, Princess Donna? Marci Hirsch? Somebody who has much to lose by not shooting scenes, definitely, eh? Well, we enjoy your making light of HIV and all, but your credibility is MUCH lower than ANY of the people you’ve slandered here today. Oops, almost forgot the condescending *sigh*!!!!! You make my point for me, sach, and you don’t even realize it!!!!!!

By: sachertorte Wed, 04 Sep 2013 02:45:52 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

@CPanzram: I don’t see why I should assume that performers are naive. I would expect them to be the OPPOSITE. I won’t work for a company that engages in unethical business practices, so I research them before even considering applying. In a high-risk industry like porn, you should be expected to be even MORE vigilant, not LESS. I DO expect personal responsibility in choosing what you do with your own body. As for diehard BDSM lifestylers, I would imagine that most prefer to keep that to themselves and within their community and NOT appear in commercial pornography. If kink can’t find enough porn stars who ARE actual subs and not just pretending for the paycheck, they either need to work with just that select group that DO enjoy all manner of subbing, and not risk hiring those faking it for the money, or have a competent staff psychologist on hand to evaluate any new talent to make sure they are what they say they are. Would certainly help with any liability issues as well. “He didn’t look all AIDSY so I wouldn’t have known unless he told me.” That’s a rather absurd statement. “AIDSY”? That’s because he DOESN’T HAVE AIDS. HIV does NOT equal AIDS. As I’ve already said, there are people who are HIV+ living for decades without their HIV converting into AIDS. You can’t tell who has HIV by LOOKING at them! I know nothing of the actor you keep referring to, but his death was from AIDS, not from HIV+ status. The two ARE NOT equivalent. Stagliano and Magic Johnson might well outlive you or me.

By: CPanzram Wed, 04 Sep 2013 02:15:32 +0000 In reply to sachertorte.

So, you’re going to base the safety of performers on “Well, I think she knew what she was doing.”. Yeah, she should know that a cattle prod can burn you and split the skin. Was she told that? You always have to assume they are naive. How many men and women in adult have you met or worked with? They’re naive.

Men in general are not interested in seeing larger and curvy women. Some are. In fact, a lot are, but there is a market for the other size as well. Where do Kink find the diehard lifestylers that are hotter than the hottest chick in a local community? Oh, that’s right. They aren’t die-hard lifestylers consenting to these scenes.

Let’s face it. The girls aren’t into this in their bedrooms or local dungeons except for a very select few.

If you start shooting nothing but actual lifestylers you will have a product that is hard to sell because they are not visually pleasing.

You think a performer wants to take the large dick of a guy that she may not be all that into for a 2 hour period? Of course not. So let’s beat her as we do it. That’s the mantra, right?

I did not know of Stagliano’s HIV status until he got busted and I read about it. I’ve met him once before I knew that. He didn’t look all AIDSY so I wouldn’t have known unless he told me. I was much older than all of these new comer girls too.

Ignorant or cautious? I mean, we are dealing with lives. If you don’t agree ask the douchey guy from Rocky V. Oh wait, the actor that played him died on Sunday after he contracted HIV. You can’t.

By: sachertorte Wed, 04 Sep 2013 01:49:26 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

@CPanzram: What I am saying is that Katie Summers needs to take personal responsibility for her choices. I cannot imagine that she was naive to the point that she was unaware of kink’s content. She should not have consented to do that scene, or work for kink at all. There seem to be performers doing scenes for kink as subs just for the paycheck rather than actually being subs. Bad idea. And if she asked then to stop, which I didn’t see mentioned, then they obviously should have, which DOES make them liable. None of this is clear. My problem with Katie Summers’ credibility is not just her association with Rob Black. It’s also her assertion she had NO IDEA of John Stagliano’s HIV status- for god’s sake, it’s on his Wikipedia page and has not been a secret for YEARS- KNOW WHO YOU ARE WORKING WITH!- and the fact that she also somehow believes, as Black does, that HIV can be transmitted by someone touching the surface of the skin with a finger. I have an extremely difficult time believing that a porn performer could be that aggressively ignorant about HIV transmission, I wonder if there shouldn’t be basic intelligence and competency tests involved before someone can shoot porn, in addition to STD testing. No, I would NOT deny it if Katie said she was raped, unless she defined rape as someone fondling her butt. As for the physical appearance of the women kink casts. I’m sure you’re aware that only a minority of men are interested in seeing BBWs in ANY type of porn, from straight vanilla to BDSM. You can’t fault them for casting conventionally attractive women. As for size and the ability to handle pain, what statistics are there on that? Skin Diamond is a self-identified masochist, and can’t weigh more than 115 lbs. Bobbi Starr works both sides and is similarly not a large woman, There are far more examples. I know big women who flinch at getting a flu shot. I had a friend who was all of 5’5″ and 120 lbs and enjoyed being flogged, paddled, tied up, and blood play. Please elaborate on what size has to do with it and why kink is at fault for not casting large women. Who has required surgery as the result of a scene? Again, please give names and specific examples, otherwise it comes off as mere hearsay. “I mean, the whore knew she had it coming, right?” Where are you getting this from? I have never referred to a porn performer as a “whore,” nor would I say “she had it coming.” What I AM saying is KNOW WHO YOU ARE WORKING FOR. DO RESEARCH. BE INFORMED. It’s not as if kink’s content is any secret. As for Rob Black, are you unfamiliar with what happened with Krysti Myst on the set of “In the Days of Whore,” which Tom Byron was complicit in? That crossed WELL OVER the line between “fake” and “real.” Even Brandon Iron, far from a gentleman himself, called it “the foulest thing (he’d) ever seen on a porn shoot.” Should turn out to be Satan after all, I place Rob Black on the same level. Yet he acts as if he’s better than they are. And why no mention of infamous misogynist filth like Khan Tusion? How did he somehow get a free pass after allegations of actual coercion, refusing to stop scenes, cast and crew taunting female talent for asking to have a scene stopped. and Ashley Blue’s and Kimberly Kane’s very similar allegations of attempted near-fatal strangulation? In Kane’s case, she wasn’t even DOING A SCENE at the time.

By: CPanzram Wed, 04 Sep 2013 00:52:34 +0000 @sachertorte: Wow. That’s pretty messed up. Let’s look at what you just said.

Katie Summer says Kink burned her with a cattle prod and that wasn’t something she wanted.

You said that since she is with Rob she has no credibility. That’s messed up. So, if Katie said she was raped you would deny her claim too? In that instance you don’t disregard a statement of abuse. You check to see if it was true. They have the footage.

I’ve been involved in the local BDSM communities for a very long time. I even still own a venue that hosts regular parties to them.

First off, the women in the community that can endure the Kink quality content are often very large women. Some are obese and others are just large. They look nothing like their talent at all. Is trying to tell me that the only women and men of that caliber are in San Fran at their armory? I can go to any munch and no one looks like their talent. In fact, apparently only porn girls are the pretty ones getting prodded and beat to shit. Hmmm. Something smells funny.

Which brings me back to the failed footage. Where is it? If these girls would come to the events I rent out to then they would red-out right away and the scene would be over. You know why? Because she isn’t at risk of losing 11 hundred bucks and future work. Maybe her agent will smack her too. Who knows. He’ll probably just yell at her bunch. That won’t be on her mind during the scene. You have money involved though. Not just on the talent’s part, but the company as well. They have a motive to keep her going and she has one too. They are at risk of having to repay the crew to reshoot. She may wind up being evicted if she doesn’t finish this scene.

She consented though. So it is all cool, right? I mean, the whore knew she had it coming, right? She knew what she was getting into. She knew that she would require surgery as a result of the scene, right?

Normal workplaces do not work like this. Rob got sent to jail for filming staged acts and mailing them. His weren’t real.’s are. These are obviously people thinking they are above this industry. Therefore, they’ll treat the talent as such.

By: Nick East Tue, 03 Sep 2013 18:25:34 +0000 In reply to sachertorte.

@sache: explain your quote:”HIV+ status in not an automatic death sentence and hasn’t been for years.” How dare you say something so callous! Who the HELL do you think you are? Did you really think you’d start commenting on here and be the voice of reason? *sigh*

By: sachertorte Tue, 03 Sep 2013 02:15:15 +0000 In reply to mikestabile.

@mikestabile: “HIV is a serious subject, and we need to discuss it in a way where frank and honest about how it’s transmitted, how it’s not and what the risks are……….I’m shocked at how ignorant some of the comments about HIV are and quickly a witchhunt develops. We need to protect models, but it does no good to act like they’re radioactive.” Agreed. The knee-jerk reaction has been simultaneously illuminating and disturbing.

By: sachertorte Tue, 03 Sep 2013 02:10:17 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.

@CPanzram: Please don’t bring Katie Summers into this. She is close friends with Rob Black and from where i stand she has a credibility factor of zero. This is a woman who claimed she had NO IDEA of Stagliano’s HIV status (it’s on his damn Wikipedia page!!) and apparently believes HIV can be transmitted by a hand touching the surface of the skin. As for, I’m not a subscriber nor a fan of most of their content- I already mentioned that my preferences fall on the “vanilla” end- but it’s extremely clear from the clips I’ve seen that any performer who decides to work for kink KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE GETTING INTO. It’s beyond obvious. If someone uses electrostim implements improperly there may be a burn risk. Katie Summers was not some wide-eyed innocent straight off a farm in South Dakota. She consistently paints herself as a victim and refuses to take personal responsibility for any of her choices. Rule #1 for subbing in BDSM scenes: actually be a true submissive- don’t try to fake it for a paycheck. Rule #2: know what you’re getting into. It takes very little research. Rule #3: take responsibility for your own choices and actions.
