A Reader Credits Me For CET Deciding to do Hep Testing

A Reader Writes:

Good Job Mike!

You made the noise and The FSC and Cutting Edge Testing listened. You deserve the props for forcing them to react. How do I know this? I was there. Your name was the only name that came up when this was being discussed. Several people made calls to Diane Duke asking why Cutting Edge Testing and APHSS were not also testing for Hepatitis. It was no co-incidence that you had that story up before anyone, They specifically wanted you to run it. Keep doing what you do man, you are making a difference.

Thanks man, you arent the first to let me know that I stirred the pot over there, I guess my cage rattling sometimes does produce results!  Glad it happened is all….for whatever reason.

76980cookie-checkA Reader Credits Me For CET Deciding to do Hep Testing

A Reader Credits Me For CET Deciding to do Hep Testing

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