A PSA Regarding DonsWorld Films and DonsWorldEnt

This came to me Via Derek Hay at Ladirectmodels.com TY for the heads up!

Hello Direct Models:


I’d just like to put out an important warning to you all about the twitter account https://twitter.com/DONS_WORLD_ENT or @adult_casting_ .  I may have put out a notice about this months ago, but they appear to be particularly active lately. They have been tweeting many models directly asking those models to message them about shooting, and to fill out an “application form” .  You’ll notice that there is no actual content on their website, and the “application form” they are asking girls to fill out asks for a lot of personal information.  You are advised not to speak to this person, or to simply reply to them and tell them to speak to us (which they will never do, because they’re not actually a legitimate producer).  I believe the person behind this account is the same person who was involved in the Porn Wiki Leaks website, which deliberately released the personal information (real names, birthdates, social security numbers, addresses, etc) of many models, causing great harm to those models.  I believe this application form is an attempt to lure models into providing their personal information under the false pretense that they are a company interested in shooting you.  That information then may be taken and used against you in the future.


For your own safety please do not fill out this form, and please do not communicate with “Dons World”.  They are clearly not a legitimate producer, and are clearly contacting girls with an ulterior motive, which is most likely to collect personal information for malicious use.


Thank you

76420cookie-checkA PSA Regarding DonsWorld Films and DonsWorldEnt

A PSA Regarding DonsWorld Films and DonsWorldEnt

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