A Little Post Thanksgiving Porn Chick Drama: First From Tara moon aka Chante)

This came to me second hand

xxx: madness – lol
xxx: she’s dancing in Vegas, flying back & forth every week or so
xxx: was 7 months pregnant & didn’t know it
zzz: whoa
zzz: she okay?
xxx: went to the hospital & got mixed up with another patient with the same name
xxx: as a result, they sent the wrong patient home & kept her, treating her for the wrong problem with the wrong blood
xxx: she lost the baby; the other patient died; she was in the hospital for 6 weeks
zzz: goddamn
xxx: she’s now suing the hospital
zzz: that’s a lawsuit
xxx: major $$$
xxx: just told the father about everything – he’s devistated
xxx: but she’s fine & still dancing in Vegas
zzz: that’s crazy
xxx: flying out tomorrow AM for a another week
xxx: yes it is
xxx: my question – how can you be 7.5 months pregnant & not know it…?
zzz: that’s crazy
xxx: and how was she confused for a dying crack addict with aids…?
zzz: that’s nuts
xxx: and why would you stay in that same hospital for 6 more weeks…?
zzz: that’s chante
xxx: and, as you summed up so nicely, “that’s nuts”

And More From Tami Monroe (aka Mrs Chuck Zane…Thats Mom to Matt and Mark, Aunt to Rob Black)

1. Do you remember the very public & messy fight between Matt & Chuck over catalogue ownwership? After the so called transfer of Zane to MZI Chuck tripped when Matt started to sell of the catalogue (to Explore). Chuck threatened to have Matt’s arms broken & Matt was thrown out of the company which I guess was still Zane with an MZI sign on the door. I wonder if he intended Matt to make the neccesary signatures before or after his arm were broken. Signatures? Are you serious? Do you really think Chuck or Matt give a fuck about the hierarchy or ownership registered with the treasurer? Remember, this is the guy who stabbed his employee with a pencil for suspected stealing. So, how well do you think I’d fare walking in the door of Zane & attempting to regulate justice or at least get MY shit back? After lying with my face on the asphalt & Matt’s combat boot in the middle of my back, I’d say not very well. 2.when the cops arrived Matt was hiding in the Warehouse. This was considered a domestic assault occuring on private property. Matt sent my car keys (which he had taken from me) out with a secritary. At that point the cops would need a search warrant to enter & several more cops to securely enter the building to capture & arrest Matt. I’d be required to press charges & have cops go to Kaiser emergency with me to photograph & document my injuries before they were treated. Later a courtroom full of people would see this. All the employees who had stood around watching me get my ass beat would have to give sworn statements as witnesses which would require spanish translaters for most of the boxers ( most illegal aliens). They would be fired or INS called so fast it would make your head spin. I knew this, they knew this. The same cops (Devonshire) were called a couple of years earlier when an adult film sound&lighting guy named Isreal Gomez who had worked for many companies (Zane included) went nuts & assaulted his girlfriend. He barricaded himself in the Gourmet Video warehouse (1 block away from Zane). When the cops entered the warehouse Izzy shot & killed 2 Devonshire cops before turning the gun on himself. I PROMISE you this fact of two fellow cops recentlyblown away during a domestic call at a porno warehouse was not lost on these two cops who returned my keys. Even without Matt’s arrest there was an auotmatic restraining order. The last thing on my mind was how this would benefit me in a lawsuit against my husband or stepson. This was my family for the past 6 years. I am a good girl & I was a good wife & I had nothing to be ashamed of but my only thought was not wanting these people who were my friends & family to see me cry. Don’t cry! Not here…not now! That’s what was in my head when I accepted a lift to emergency & had my car taken to Bob Smith BMW so I could pick it up later. I don’t feel you have any grounds to criticize or make light of my situatuion until YOU’VE been dragged by the hair & face down in your own motherfucking parking lot by someone you trusted as family. 3. Chuck is back in the country after fleeing to Europe for the past few years where the US courts cannot touch him. Keep in mind you are talking about a man who has perfected the art of bankrupting one company to escape creditors only to form 2 LLCs. The only reason he divided the company into shares was because he fucked over a former employee, Dave Konig. Chuck is VERY clever & smart. He knew the likelihood of a lawsuit & was aware of the probable outcome so he took neccessary steps because he is slick like that. That is the only reason for distribution into shares. So when Dave Konig filed(he did)& won(he did) the debt could not be attatched to Zane & it’s nearly impossible to collect money civily awarded from an individual who knows how to work the system to get over especially if the defendant banks in Lichtenstein or the Bahamas (still one of the most closed banking systems & does not follow post 911 international banking reform). When you speak of 1/2 wit attorneys who can prove hidden assets you speak of forensic accounting who are not family lawyers. My lawyer’s retainer was 10k (pretty standard in LA), an additional forensic accountant specialist would be another 10k…to start. For the past four years Chuck has been in Europe & there’s no legal means of discovery outside the US, so it remains a mystery. He has no explanation as to how he has managed to live in Amsterdam, Germany & Prague or even how he manages to get to&fro flying on lufthansa in business class. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or vomit when I read your little commentary & I wondered if you remembered who & what business you’re talking about when you expressed doubt that these people would dare to do & get away with such things. Firstly, you’re a bit misinformed about the process & penalties of family/civil vs criminal matters. Do you know how hard it would be to invoke seizures or recievership for a civil family with no federal (ie IRS) involvement?You seem to have so much confidence in the moral fiber of Chuck & Matt as law abiding, tax paying & ethical good guys. A girl who was harmed during her one & only scene in the biz tried to bar Zane from distributing it. Apparently she required emergency medical attention & felt traumatized by the incident & did’t want it being sold for entertainment. Do you know how Chuck won? He simply exhausted her assets by drawing out the process untill she could not afford her case. No recall on the shipment, a victory. You do realize you’re talking about the Zicari family?

OK don’t email me to tell me that Israel Gonzales was killed in Elegant Angel warehouse I already know it. Other than that….well It certainly does sounds like the Zicari Family knows how to put the “fun” in dysfunctional…..

I still stand that Tami has 2 choices, she can walk away and she can let the cops and the courts handle it. She is wrong about them needing a warrant to apprehend Matt, a crime was taking place….all she offers is a bunch of lame excuses for not doing what she should do if what she says is all true. Maybe one of the Zanes will ring in here….I just bet there’s another side to this story.

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A Little Post Thanksgiving Porn Chick Drama: First From Tara moon aka Chante)

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