Hey Mikey, sometime back you wrote a bit about how the girls should behave when signing for a company. Could you please repost that? I am going to make every girl who is going to sign for us in Vegas read it and sign it.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
I didn’t post his name because he may not want anyone to know he reads my site but his request is granted. If you own a company feel free to reprint this and do with it as you see fit, add to it, whatever….
I wrote the following four years ago. Remember if you are a contract girl you are a representative of your company, whenever you step out of your house you are at an industry function.
OK ladies it’s time for some straight talk with you. The annual Adult Expo and InterneXt Shows are coming up and most of you will be involved in some capacity or another. Some of you will have signing or hosting duties, others may just be attending to see and be seen, still others may be brand new and looking to get into the business. No matter which category you fit into your behaviour at these shows reflects directly on you as both a professional and a person, you would do well to heed the following advice. One would think that this would all be common sense but it obviously isn’t.
BE ON TIME! 60% of success in this business is just showing up on time, ready to do your job, whether it is sucking cock or signing autographs you are being paid to do a job and to do it at a particular time. When you are late or unprepared you cost your employer money, and that isn’t cool.
BE PREPARED! That means dressed appropriately and ready with promo materials, sharpies and anything else you might need to get you through the day. If the company that is paying you to sign wants you to dress in specifically designated clothing that is what you do, if you cannot do that don’t accept the job. Your employer has every right to designate what you can wear or will wear in his/her booth while signing.
BE COURTEOUS! If you ever forget that the people coming up to you asking you for your autograph or your picture are the ones who are paying your bills for you then you deserve to starve. Treat your fans with respect. You are not better than they are, you aren’t doing anything to make the world better. You are a porn star, that in and of itself is not worthy of respect, respect is earned by how you conduct yourself.
BE PROFESSIONAL! This is not a party for you. This is not a time for you to get high. This is not a time for you stay out all night and then drag in late to work the booth the next day reeking of alcohol and looking like something the cats drug up. Remember that what you do is a direct reflection on the person or company who paid your way out there and whose booth you are signing in. If you want to massacre your brain cells that is fine but do it on your own time. Your own time is when you get back into your own house. From the time you step onto that airplane to the time you step off of it to return home you are obligated to whomever is paying your way. Your obligation is to put that person or that company in the most positive light possible. You do not talk bad about them, you do not talk bad about promo material they are having you sign. You do not drink at all on the show floor, every minute of every day you are where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there. Do not pick up your next boyfriend while at the show, Los Angeles is full of out of work musicians who will be more than happy to sponge off of you, you may seek them out when you return home. This is not a pussy hunt or a dick hunt, do your job.
I cannot over emphasize how important it is that you understand that what you do and how you behave, not just on the show floor but throughout the entire day and night is a direct reflection on you and the company you represent. It is standard in this business now days that the contract girls have to have babysitters. People whose job is to keep the girl from getting fucked up, keep her on time for her appearances, keep her from running out and partying,. making sure she is dressed appropriately, making sure she doesn’t run off with some guy or girl and making sure she doesn’t say anything embarrassing.
Now just imagine what a girl would be worth if she didn’t have to have a baby sitter. She could always be depended on to be on time, properly attired and pleasant. Nobody had to worry that she would run off on a coke or alcohol binge with some lowlife. Nobody has to cringe when she opens her mouth, praying she doesn’t say anything overtly stupid. Everyone is always confident that she represents her company in the best possible manner. She would be worth a fortune, because she would free up the PR person (read babysitter) to do things that are more important than making sure she doesn’t fuck up.
Are you that girl?
1414150cookie-checkA Company Owner Writes:no
A Company Owner Writes:
Hey Mikey, sometime back you wrote a bit about how the girls should behave when signing for a company. Could you please repost that? I am going to make every girl who is going to sign for us in Vegas read it and sign it.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
I didn’t post his name because he may not want anyone to know he reads my site but his request is granted. If you own a company feel free to reprint this and do with it as you see fit, add to it, whatever….
I wrote the following four years ago. Remember if you are a contract girl you are a representative of your company, whenever you step out of your house you are at an industry function.
OK ladies it’s time for some straight talk with you. The annual Adult Expo and InterneXt Shows are coming up and most of you will be involved in some capacity or another. Some of you will have signing or hosting duties, others may just be attending to see and be seen, still others may be brand new and looking to get into the business. No matter which category you fit into your behaviour at these shows reflects directly on you as both a professional and a person, you would do well to heed the following advice. One would think that this would all be common sense but it obviously isn’t.
BE ON TIME! 60% of success in this business is just showing up on time, ready to do your job, whether it is sucking cock or signing autographs you are being paid to do a job and to do it at a particular time. When you are late or unprepared you cost your employer money, and that isn’t cool.
BE PREPARED! That means dressed appropriately and ready with promo materials, sharpies and anything else you might need to get you through the day. If the company that is paying you to sign wants you to dress in specifically designated clothing that is what you do, if you cannot do that don’t accept the job. Your employer has every right to designate what you can wear or will wear in his/her booth while signing.
BE COURTEOUS! If you ever forget that the people coming up to you asking you for your autograph or your picture are the ones who are paying your bills for you then you deserve to starve. Treat your fans with respect. You are not better than they are, you aren’t doing anything to make the world better. You are a porn star, that in and of itself is not worthy of respect, respect is earned by how you conduct yourself.
BE PROFESSIONAL! This is not a party for you. This is not a time for you to get high. This is not a time for you stay out all night and then drag in late to work the booth the next day reeking of alcohol and looking like something the cats drug up. Remember that what you do is a direct reflection on the person or company who paid your way out there and whose booth you are signing in. If you want to massacre your brain cells that is fine but do it on your own time. Your own time is when you get back into your own house. From the time you step onto that airplane to the time you step off of it to return home you are obligated to whomever is paying your way. Your obligation is to put that person or that company in the most positive light possible. You do not talk bad about them, you do not talk bad about promo material they are having you sign. You do not drink at all on the show floor, every minute of every day you are where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there. Do not pick up your next boyfriend while at the show, Los Angeles is full of out of work musicians who will be more than happy to sponge off of you, you may seek them out when you return home. This is not a pussy hunt or a dick hunt, do your job.
I cannot over emphasize how important it is that you understand that what you do and how you behave, not just on the show floor but throughout the entire day and night is a direct reflection on you and the company you represent. It is standard in this business now days that the contract girls have to have babysitters. People whose job is to keep the girl from getting fucked up, keep her on time for her appearances, keep her from running out and partying,. making sure she is dressed appropriately, making sure she doesn’t run off with some guy or girl and making sure she doesn’t say anything embarrassing.
Now just imagine what a girl would be worth if she didn’t have to have a baby sitter. She could always be depended on to be on time, properly attired and pleasant. Nobody had to worry that she would run off on a coke or alcohol binge with some lowlife. Nobody has to cringe when she opens her mouth, praying she doesn’t say anything overtly stupid. Everyone is always confident that she represents her company in the best possible manner. She would be worth a fortune, because she would free up the PR person (read babysitter) to do things that are more important than making sure she doesn’t fuck up.
Are you that girl?
A Company Owner Writes:
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