Trinity St. Clair runs a GoFundMe Scam

A Reader Writes:

Several Guys on and elsewhere Are talking about Trinity St Claire using saying she has been asking and steering paying clients for donations to her mother’s MS condition as a method of payment to her escort and hooking activities.

The gofundme thing has been taken down, it isn’t clear is if Trinity removed it or gofundme did.  It comes as no surprise that Trinity is and has been closely tied to Gregg Dodson, all the way back to the Richard Nanula thing, where they tricked Samantha Saint into doing a private.
Gregg Dodson made the following post on TheEroticReview last month:
For the past few months we have been hinting at some big changes coming. Sometimes people have changes happening in their lives and this has recently happened to me.
As of today I will be stepping away from the day to day operations of the Helpubookher2 agency.
I have still agreed to do weekly TER postings for the agency as I cant completely tear myself away from all you loving fans.
However the powers that be have blessed this agency with a beautiful replacement that you all already know and love Please Welcome your new booking assistant the beautiful Trinity St Clair she will be answering your day to day emails
I love you all…see you weekly

No word on why Gregg is “stepping down” but I have been hearing for quite dome time that this particular “agency” is under some pretty heavy scrutiny so my advice is to steer clear…way clear.

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Trinity St. Clair runs a GoFundMe Scam

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