I’d Rather You Call Me A Nigger

(Email sent to me by a black male performer)

Mr South,

I send this to you because I know you will post it honestly if you post it.

As black man, I am really getting tired of the way we are portrayed by our industry. We are made out either to be animals or monsters. It is bad enough when a gonzo company puts out a title like “Big Black Monster Dicks and Little White Chicks” but now we have a respected company releasing one called “Long Dong Black Kong” is this something that Adam and Eve is proud to put their name on? Some one needs to slap Peter Reynolds upside his fool head with a “Long Dong”.

It is insulting, degrading and I would honestly rather be called a nigger, that way I know where I stand with your company.

Thank you Mike, for letting me get this off my chest.

A. Nigger

You are welcome man and I totally agree with you. If a company makes it’s living doing schtick then hey if you want to be a part of that title gofor it, but for a ccompany like Adam and Eve, I agree with you that it is insulting, I don’t think Phil Harvey intends togo the route of Extreme, but hell what do I know? Thanks for writing man and good luck.


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I’d Rather You Call Me A Nigger

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