UK RadFem Group Object! Scapegoats Sex Workers for Global Warming

Proving once again that no one holds women — particularly, attractive women — in lower esteem than feminists, UK RadFem group OBJECT! has launched a new campaign to demean sex workers by bleating about the supposed “Environmental Impact of Prostitution”.  Holy hot air, Batman!

How ‘exciting’! We’re making fun of sex workers!

Sex work Twitter objects

The move by Object! was met with ridicule and derision online. Performer Lorelei Lee’s tweet brought the campaign to the attention of Sex Work twitter

UK RadFem Group Object! Scapegoats Sex Workers for Global Warming

London River and Mxtress Valleycat offered their astute critiques; the latter speculated on the carbon footprint of radical feminists.

Mxtress Valleycat FTW


Smarmy, glib tactics are nothing new for Object!

In 2015, Jerry Barnett at SexAndCensorship reported, “the anti-sex morality group (sorry, I mean ‘feminist human rights organisation’ or whatever they are calling themselves this week) Object ha[d] commissioned a poll on porn.”

Much in the way that AHF’s Michael Weinstein put adult film worker safety uno to a plebiscite in California with Measure B and Prop60, “faced with a complete lack of evidence that can link porn with violence or other harm, Object have cut out the science and gone straight to the public,” wrote Barnett.

And, wouldn’t you know it, OBJECT!’s fan base despises porn!

You see, to feminists, women being paid (usually far more than men) to do sex work is violence, but shaming them for their choices as competent adults, as well as campaigning to put them out of work and in prison, is feminist solidarity.

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UK RadFem Group Object! Scapegoats Sex Workers for Global Warming

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