News broke today that the military is investigating a decorated Navy SEAL for his side job as male porn star Jay Voom. But what the story didn’t reveal is that his wife of 15 years, is Jewels Jade, a prostitute and works for Gregg Dodson though his illegal escort agency HelpUBookHer.
That’s right … a Navy Seal’s Wife is a Prostitute!
Joseph John Schmidt III, who goes by the name Jay Voom is porn, is a 42-year-old Navy Seal that has served in the military for 23 years, during which time he was awarded several valor awards. For a time he was even the face of the Navy SEAL program on their official website.
But when he’s not off being a bad ass Navy Seal, he’s home with his wife Jewels Jade and starring in porn films under the name Jay Voom.

Right now the United States Navy is currently looking into Jay Voom because he didn’t get official approval for his part-time job as a porn star, nor do I assume they approve of his wife’s job as a Prostitute.
This is a big deal because he’s only 8 months away from retirement, and that means his rank and pension are now at stake. If they decide he violated the military’s rules including the moral clause, he could lose all of that including a lifetime of medical benefits for him and his wife. As he ages, that will be the biggest loss of all.
What’s creating a problem for Schmidt now is the fact that he didn’t fill out mandatory paperwork seeking clearance from his chain of command to work as a porn actor.
What’s creating a problem for Schmidt now is the fact that he didn’t fill out mandatory paperwork seeking clearance from his chain of command to work as a porn actor.
While the Navy Seal chose not to comment, his wife, had quite a bit to say to the media.
She said that she first appeared in porn in 2001, but quit two years later to focus on being a wife and a mother. In 2005, the couple set up a real estate company in Virginia, where Schmidt was stationed at the time. But after two years of losses that Schmidt’s $60,000 a year salary couldn’t cover, the family went into debt and had to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
It was during this time that Jade decided to start stripping to make money, spending long weeks in Las Vegas and sending the money home. Eventually, beaten down by their $1.8 million in personal debt, Jade says she returned to porn.
‘It’s helped our family. It got us out of a lot of financial issues we were going through,’ Jade told the Union-Tribune. ‘I could take care of the child. I could try to get us out of financial debt.’
Jade continued to star in porn when the family moved to Coronado, California in 2009, but said it wasn’t by choice. By that point, she rose to be one of the most recognized porn stars and getting other jobs became impossible due to her reputation.
I love how she claims to be one of the most recognized porn stars. She’s not even in the top 100. I would say she’s a 45-year-old has-been, but that wouldn’t be accurate because has she ever really been? I mean she’s okay but not as great as she makes herself out to be to the media.
And notice how she mentions everything but the fact she’s a hooker and has worked with con artist Gregg Dodson of HelpUBookHer2 for a long time.
So how did he get caught?
Again this is just a rumor, but according to industry gossip, he was caught while working for another porn star’s official website. Rumor is this particular porn star has been on the fed’s radar for some time, especially after her bust in Detroit where the large sum of cash she had on her was seized.
So when Jay Voom was recognized in a scene with another popular porn star by the federal authorities, they tipped off the Navy brass who then had no choice but to take action, even though the rumor is, they had been well aware of his extra circular activities for awhile.
Which also mind you directly contradict the excuse Jewels Jade gave as to why he had to perform in scenes that she produced, to cut costs, by having him as the male performer. If that was the case, then why is he starring in productions made by other companies?
As far as the Navy goes, it’s pretty clear that most if not all knew what he did. A former Navy SEAL who spoke to 10News said that Schmidt’s porn star wife was at SEAL party signing autographs. It’s unclear where and when the party took place. The source told 10News that the SEALs are on call “24/7” and that there no moonlighting allowed.
21 Responses
I get what you are trying to say, but you are being unnecessarily mean, and not necessarily correct. Jewels Jade is not one of the most famous porn stars, but she has a lot of exposure with mainstream sites, and I bet that for the demographic with which she might be co-workers with, she’s quite famous or at least commonly recognizable.
The guy should not lose his pension. He served the country honorably for 20+ years and the pension and retirement should NOT be taken away.
I agree his pension and retirement should not be taken away. That guy didn’t just serve our country like most military guys do, he sacrificed more than most, being on call 24 hours a day. SEALS are always on call and at a moment’s notice can be called away for weeks at a time and from what I hear, for years often were.
What is the big deal about military members moonlighting as male talent. This is politically correct bullshit on the part of the US Military. At least he has his 20 years in so he shouldn’t lost his pension (I have several family members collecting military pensions, they all have said over the years that pension eligibility is automatic at that point short of defecting to some enemy of the country or embezzling millions from the government). He might get a “general” discharge instead of “honorable” but his pension and CHAMPUS medical insurance should be secure from my understanding. If somehow he receives a “dishonorable” discharge his rights could be affected in a few states where that status is treated like a felony conviction but I think his pension and CHAMPUS benefits should be secure due to the nature of his “offense”.
Whether we agree or not, it’s the rule. Navy SEALS can’t work part time jobs because technically they are on call 24 hours a day.
They cry poor mouth but she has lots of tattoos, breast implants, and facial surgery like lip injections. None of that stuff is cheap.
This article confused me a bit. Jewels has been escorting for years. Her and her husband actually offered escorting together as a couple quite often, even openly on his twitter account. He has shot porn scenes and was even available for a time as a male escort with Pamela Peaks. So, what confuses me is how is this some breaking news? It seems like it was all common knowledge
Oh , and in the past they have had photos on their twitters of him in Navy uniform and I remember seeing one with him and Jewels at a ball. So, it was no secret the guy was in the military and doing porn.
And lastly, this guy served the country for two decades. Fuck anyone who wants to take away his benefits and pension because he had sex on camera or his wife escorted. That has nothing to do with a guy who laid his life on the line for the nation.
Nice to see mostly support for this guy. His job is defending the freedom of our nation so it would be nice if he were free to have sex on film. Curious if this is even considered a part time job.
I think the important fact is that this is not a secret and therefore wouldn’t be something that could be leveraged against him by our enemy’s in a blackmail scenario. I also wouldn’t think it would effect his availability for the seals because he would still leave a shoot to go to work on call.
If he considered this just a hobby would he have to register that? If he didn’t directly charge for services would that get him off the hook? I’m wondering where the threshold is for registration of a second job is. If someone through him $50 here and there for helping his neighbors with lawn work, would he have to register that? If so, what if he did it for free?
I hope things resolve well for these people, and that it will be determined that his actions were acceptable under the rules.
I think the co-escorting jobs are what is going to hurt him. Being a male porn star is bad enough, but they can still argue that it’s a legal profession. Can’t do that with the escorting stuff.
Good point Kelli…. this is sad to me that this is all hitting the fan now years after he started doing it…… seems like a decent fellow and I really hate a witch hunt on someone who has put his life on the line for the country. It didn’t have any effect on his military work as far as we know.
This escorting and porn stuff was not a secret and so to just bring it up this week when he is close to pensioning off is just bullshit in my eyes.
I hope it works out for him. While I didn’t like Jewels and her moaning and groaning about the porn industry (yet always coming back), they seemed like people I would enjoy a beer with and I really dislike how this might play out.
I never cared for her plastic barbie with tons of tats look.
If he didn’t want 2 risk losing his pension maybe he should have thought of that before he started pimping out his wife.
Upon re-reading of this article I have two other comments. The first is now Kendra Lust and India Summer can claim they fucked a US Navy SEAL. They are pictured in the two pictures posted here along with Jay and his wife.
The second is the mention of a (I assume pandering or prostitution) bust in Detroit by some unnamed porn performer. If that is Detroit, MI then this unnamed person and her prostitutes are in for some serious prison time. Due to a unique quirk in Michigan’s rape law fornication is double prosecuted as the underlying fornication offense plus CSC (rape) one using a clause allowing any sexually-based crime (which fornication is) to also be prosecuted as rape one. That is an automatic life without parole in prison. Prostitution and pandering are also prosecutable under this law. Fornication carries five years all by itself, prostitution and pandering carry 20 years (plus life without for rape one). The act of procuring a prostitute carries 15 years plus the in this case obligatory rape one life without charge. The fact that the sex was consensual doesn’t matter, any sexually-based crime not specifically mentioned in the CSC/rape statute is automatically rape one if the prosecutor decides to pursue it. This is the same penalty that someone that actually forcibly raped someone else would be prosecuted under plus whatever the underlying criminal law violation is. Ridiculous, I know but that is the God’s honest truth. Prosecutors are not likely to add a rape one charge to a prostitution or fornication charge if the encounter was consensual under normal circumstances (a life without case is highly scrutinized by the trial judge plus almost anyone sentenced to life without parole is going to appeal the sentence which costs the county $250K plus no matter what the outcome of the appeal, too many of those and the county is broke off of its ass so for a fornication or prostitution case the county administrator would strongly discourage a prosecuting attorney from pursuing rape one on this type of case — especially fully consensual fornication) but since this one is public if it isn’t added in this case and that makes its way to the newspapers there is a good chance the Wayne County Prosecutor won’t get re-elected (Detroit is in Wayne County, prosecuting attorneys are elected by the registered electorate in Michigan just like a mayor or city board member would be).
Why do people always quote the maximum sentences…. they rarely, if ever happen, especially when most people plea out.
13 years ago I was charged with something that had a 20 near maximum, and I got 3 years probation as part of a guilty plea agreement and moved on with my life. So, it really annoys me when people make it like some guy is going to get thrown in the slammer for 2 decades… that rarely rarely happens unless the person is a multiple repeat offender and pleads not guilty and forces a trial. (I am of course not including very serious crimes, which being caught in a hotel with a hooker is not in spite of the rhetoric. The last thing most cops want to do is waste time and hours going after a guy who needs a blowjob).
Not to mention he is white, those really harsh full term sentences get handed out to people of color.
Joe, I know California sentencing isn’t as strict as Michigan’s. However, your statement isn’t true in Michigan. We have minimum and maximum sentencing and no matter what short of a pardon or death a convict will do at least the minimum, period. Parole usually (as in about 99% of the time) isn’t granted at the minimum, after that hearings are every other year — meaning for anything serious a convict will be doing at least another 2-4 years on top of his minimum. Also, fornication is the same as rape one due to a unique clause in our rape law. The mandatory sentence for rape one is life in prison without the possibility of parole. If it is plea bargained down to rape three (rape two and four are for sexually-based non-penetration offenses) he would still likely serve at least 15 years. The federal system also has mandatory minimums (and that is how the military code of justice is codified), parole doesn’t exist at all in the federal prison system for convictions after about 2002, short of a Presidential pardon what you are sentenced to you serve — period.
Also, no matter what we think because of Michigan’s fornication, prostitution and CSC law being so strict being caught with a hooker in a hotel room is serious business here. That can and has sent people to prison for life without parole many times — even in the past 30 years. That partially depends on who is the county prosecutor and his thoughts on the matter. In many counties the prosecutor would forgo the CSC one attached charge, in others you can literally kiss your free world life goodbye. There are some areas of the state where fornication law isn’t enforced nowadays but prostitution law is enforced everywhere in the state. I would bet it gives Toledo, Ohio (directly across the border from Michigan) a booming hotel room rental business as unmarried couples (and those fucking prostitutes as Ohio’s prostitution law is much less onerous) flock to there for their weekly/monthly/whatever suck and fuck where at least simple fornicators don’t have to worry about being sent to the five bubba club’s hellhole (prison) if caught.
Hard to believe in what is supposedly a free country (ya right), there are places that would actually put someone in jail for more than a decade for spending some of his hard earned cash just to get a blowjob.
Hard to believe we have a system that guarantees pension and free medical care for life (not just for the employee, but for his/her dependents who did nothing) just for working for 20 years.
I don’t care what your job is, that’s insane. You could join at age 18 and be retired by 38 and we the taxpayers are supposed to pick up the tab for the next 45-ish years?! What other employer, other than the government, offers that kind of a sweetheart deal?
There really need to be some changes in public employee benefits packages, SEAL or not.
Yet another one,in the minority,who’s now written a book complaining about the industry.If things are bad in there why didn’t she do this before now?.What a fraud.I’m for chasing out any scumbags in there who might make them do rough stuff but I question her timing.I used to like Jewels Jade a lot,now I consider her one of the worst liars alongside Lisa Ann and Mia Khalifa.Clearly she’s the one wearing the pants in that marriage.