Her Body, Her Choice – Unless It’s a Black Guy Apparently

Girls in the adult industry have always celebrated the fact that they have the freedom to do what they want with their body. As the saying goes “HER BODY – HER CHOICE”.

That is however unless her choice is not to have sex with a black guy or a transsexual.

You may recall a few years ago when several females were viciously attacked and threatened by Christian XXX when they placed him on their no list. The rule of thumb in the adult industry is that performers have the right to put anyone on their no list for any reason they want. They don’t have to explain why – no means no.

By allowing anyone to try and shame the women of our industry or bully them into something, undermines the entire system and obviously, it puts performers who did nothing wrong, in harm’s way.

But what if the person the girl puts on her no list was a black guy or all black guys?

Is it still her choice?

Or does it only get to be her body, her choice in certain circumstances – If those circumstances don’t offend our own personal viewpoints?


187262cookie-checkHer Body, Her Choice – Unless It’s a Black Guy Apparently

Her Body, Her Choice – Unless It’s a Black Guy Apparently

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2 Responses

  1. Not really, if these nutjobs want to make their chosen vocation to be taken more seriously, they should abide by the same standards that everbody else has to abide by. A Police Officer can’t choose who he/she has to work with, A Marine cannot say that he/she doesn’t want to serve under a platoon sergeant/lieutenant ; commander (and so forth) who is such and such (whether that person is gay/white/African american/native american etc) either, so why should porn be any different? If you’re hired for a scene, and the male talent is “qualified” ie tested, personal hygiene is the way it should be, he has no issues regarding mistreatment of other colleagues etc, then the color of his penis simply shouldn’t matter. And we all know that this for the most part pertains to whites, but also other actors/actresses who are of a different, but non-African ethnicity, because if an African-American performer uttered the same nonsense about preference, there’s not a snowballs chance in hell that any white owned company (almost all of them) would ever work with them again. You people love to talk about personal freedom(s) when it ONLY applies to you, and you also love to preach about accountability as long as it DOESN’T apply to you. The porn biz is a shitty business, where discrimination is openly practiced, and not shunned, and I can’t say that I feel any sympathy for it, when it gets targeted by certain politicians and the likes. Enough is enough.

  2. @mandumeyandemufayo – Are you on crack or have you lost your freaking mind? Are you really trying to say that a porn star shouldn’t be able to choose who she works with? That she should have to work with whoever the director wants her to work with? LOL Seriously did you just say that a female should have no choice in who she has sex with? REALLY?

    Did you honestly just come here and cry about discrimination while at the same time demanding females be forced to work with someone without being given a choice? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!

    You have issues. Serious fucking issues.

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