Trinity St. Clair and The Great Cheese Heist, Part II: The Return

“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.” ~ Paulo Coelho, “Veronika Decides to Die


Trinity St. Clair and The Great Cheese Heist, Part II: The Return
Say ‘Cheese’!


In April, we published a Reader Email concerning porn star, pimptress and wanted fugitive Trinity “Sticky Fingers” St. Clair‘s Woodland Hills cheese heist.

It read, in pertinent part

She used to shop at the Ralphs market where I work in Woodland Hills. I say “used to” because she got herself 86’d from the store after being caught trying to steal some cheese.

She looks unassuming in person, and she tried to play it off and do the whole poor innocent girl thing, so they took back the goods and banned her from ever coming back onto the premises. So, “The Great Cheese Heist” was a bust. And if you ask me she got off easy. People like this have usually stolen before, and will again. Losses they create end up hurting employees and customers by lowering revenues and increasing prices.

I read your previous story about her thievery, and I have to say you nailed it. She’s a cool customer who will lie or turn on the waterworks to get away with what she does.

The Ralphs supermarket in Woodland Hills, Calif., located a half-mile from Trinity’s reputed “trap house“.


We were able to confirm the email writer’s account, ran the story and thought that would be the end of it.

Not so fast.

We’ve now learned that, since the publication of our story, Trinity St. Clair returned to the Woodland Hills Ralphs store that had 86’d her.

Was St. Clair back at Ralphs to take a selfie in order to discredit our report? Was she trying to stock up for a little wine and cheese party at her nearby “trap house“?

Sadly, history does not record the answer.

However, she was spotted by Ralphs staff and asked to leave the premises.

A pattern of criminality

One of the things that struck our reader informant is that the mousey St. Clair has a history of theft.

Last year, I reported on St. Clair’s October 2013 shoplifting arrest in New Castle, Delaware, days after the 2013 Exxxotica Expo in Edison, New Jersey.

New Castle is 96 miles from Edison and lies just south of Wilmington, Delaware; a little more than half-way between Edison and Baltimore, Maryland.

From California to Delaware: Trinity St. Clair's Criminal Record and its Significance - Trinity St. Clair and The Great Cheese Heist
Trinity’s mug shot from her October 2013 shoplifting arrest.


St. Clair was released on her own recognizance (O.R.) and ordered to appear in court at a later time. However, she did not to appear and a “Capias” Failure to Appear (FTA) warrant (known elsewhere as a bench warrant) was issued in Justice of the Peace Court 11 in New Castle. St. Clair had fled the jurisdiction, never to return.

One month after we ran the story of her flight from justice, Trinity decided to tell “her side” of the saga on Twitter.

It was a tale of victimhood: she claimed that the only reason she was arrested was that she needed a jacket because her boyfriend kicked her out and the temperature was below 11 degrees (fahrenheit). Unfortunately for Trinity, historical weather data proved that in New Castle on the day Trinity was arrested it was a sunny afternoon with a high of 83 degrees. In fact, it was one of the warmest days of the month for that town.

Trinity St. Clair and The Great Cheese Heist (READER EMAIL)

They say that a criminal will often return to the scene of their crime, compelled to do so by some irresistible force, be it guilt, concern that they left some clue behind, or some more obscure drive. While there’s no information available as to whether St. Clair ever returned to the scene of her Delaware theft, her return to Ralphs might be explained under two theories: Trinity was daring the supermarket to catch her; or she did all it for the love of cheese.

255260cookie-checkTrinity St. Clair and The Great Cheese Heist, Part II: The Return

Trinity St. Clair and The Great Cheese Heist, Part II: The Return

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11 Responses

  1. I have a third theory. Maybe Ms. St. Clair thought current staff either forgot or never knew that she attempted to steal a $5 block of cheese from that Ralph’s store and was banned as a result (unfortunately for her nearly everyone in the San Fernando Valley reads Mike South each day). Whether she was going to try to steal another block of cheese and a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20, Boone’s Farm, Thunderbird or some concentrated, canned cum is known only to her and her prisoner hookers.

  2. Who steals cheese? Seriously? Someone should tell her that the government will give it to you for free if you go on welfare.

  3. She heard some pimps talking about working their girls hard to make the cheddar and she figured she would just BOOST some.

  4. I hope there’s a Part 3 and new photos to go with it. Very entertaining stuff.

  5. I hope Part 3 is video footage of Ms. St. Whore getting caught trying to steal more Mad Dog 20/20 (or maybe Boone’s Farm if she is a bit classier than I give her credit for) and cheese, getting caught, having the cops called on her, her being cuffed and stuffed by the Los Angeles Police Department (or if the Ralph’s is outside of city proper the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department), her resisting arrest violently, being maced (and since they call their local grocery store “Ralph’s” hopefully she starts “ralphing” all over the store as a result) and carried to the car in a hogtie by 25 police officers to face felony charges. Unfortunately she probably has someone to pay the $50K bail to get out of jail but I bet the LASD jailers can make her pay for at least a couple of hours.

  6. Trinity cams on Camsoda tonight. She must be hard up for money with some of her income revenues in shambles.

  7. Karma, that is probably a fact. I wonder how many months before her house is foreclosed on (if it hasn’t been already)? Also, I wonder how many months until she gets her hands tightly cuffed behind her either on a Kink set or from some horny cops called to arrest her for stealing a candy bar and a pack of mints from Safeway?

  8. Does anyone know what Ms. St. Whore is doing now that most of the country is shut down? With that jumbo house payment she probably can’t afford not to hook for very long. I bet she is about to run some Red Light Specials with blow and gos discounted to $15 and “full service” and a “trip around the world in 20 minutes” going for $100 as she slips into utter desperation and a lack of her drugs. Ms. St. Whore will be the cheapest hooker this side of Bangladesh or Thailand. Maybe XXXReporter or Jingleheimer can go take advantage of the deals and report as to whether her pussy is full of herpes, stinks of BV or dripping from gonorrhea and chlamydia (if it is, don’t fuck her). If she passes the look and sniff test, report on how loose or tight her pussy, asshole and throat is.

  9. Karma, for some reason I am not surprised. May Ms. St. Whore get a bad case of the clap and get a snotty cunt. I wouldn’t wish coronavirus even on her. I certainly won’t be taking advantage of any “specials” she may be offering. $15 coronavirus blow and go specials out of Ms. St. Whore’s garage, anyone? As things get worse the price will probably drop precipitously.

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