Misjudging the room: This is the kind of condescension, vanity and tone-deaf elitism that the adult industry has come to expect from Bella French of ManyVids.

Queen Bella took to Twitter on Sunday, to tell the world how “humbling” it was to live like a regular person for a few days, during a business trip to Los Angeles.
Mon Dieu! French was forced to endure the indignity of a stay at a Super 8 Motel!
Bear in mind that this woman got rich by taking 40% of performers’ earnings on ManyVids.
Do You Hear The People Sing?
We’re so sorry that a convenient motel chain that the lowly unwashed masses find affordable isn’t up to your standards, Ms. French.
Queen Bella eventually yanked the tweet following a backlash from porn’s sans culottes.
Here are some samples:
3 Responses
Outside of Montreal and Hull there aren’t too many in Quebec who think their poo doesn’t smell like rainbows..
Maybe Quebeckers need to to visit the Castro in SF, smell a couple of actual rainbow flags then smell their shit. I don’t think there is even a comparison between the two. Ms. French needs to go work a street corner in Montreal as a street prostitute and learn a couple of things about the real sex worker world. Maybe the RCMP will arrest her for being a pimp, cuffing her hands tightly behind her for a few hours in the process then locking her in a jail cell with 50 other sex workers. I don’t believe prostitution should be a crime as long as VD tests are exchanged and it is kept out of residential neighborhoods but Ms. French Kiss needs to see what it is really like for sex workers out in the real world.
I would like to add that for those commenting that they had to live in a hotel or their cars and starve that I am sorry they are in that situation. Most people that I have known to live in a hotel long term end up staying for a few days at the beginning of the month then living in a tent, their car, a homeless shelter, etc. the rest of the month. At $50-$60 a night (the cheapest hotel rates in Michigan as of 2019) I don’t know how anyone without a lot of money coming in can do it. $50 a night comes to about $1500 each month if someone lives there full-time. Also, most hotels don’t have cooking provisions so they have to eat out or buy gas station sandwiches. Even just staying for a few days while traveling, if a hotel was halfway decent and had cooking provisions that hotel got my business. I used to vacation in a vacation destination in Michigan every spring, before I bought a motorhome people used to ask why I stayed in a very basic hotel (there wasn’t even phone service in the rooms) when there was a fancy one just down the road. The reason (other than I liked the owner) was because there was a cooktop, microwave and refrigerator in every room. Also, since there wasn’t liquor sold on the premises I could bring my own liquor in without pissing off the owner or manager. I can only imagine how having – those provisions would improve those that need to live in a hotel long-term.