Mister Marcus Arrested For DUI

TMZ actually broke the story.  Mister Marcus was arrested last night in Hollywood for DUI. He was  pulled over in a Hyundai Elantra around 2:30 AM after cops noticed the car weaving all over the road.  He failed the breathalyzer and was arrested and is still in custody.


75410cookie-checkMister Marcus Arrested For DUI

Mister Marcus Arrested For DUI

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20 Responses

  1. I bet he’ll get a offer for Gay work, since he already has the Experience and the Talent.
    He needs the money really bad!
    Oh, Brian and Lexington and CJ, where are you?
    A brotha needs some help.
    He is letting that concious of his get to him, Diane and Peter and the whole FSC might need to come to his assistance, Watch!

  2. Mr. Marcus: Just a DUI or a Mass Conspiracy?

    “I got a DUI for marijuana, but I didn’t get a TMZ write up,” said Rob Black Thursday afternoon commenting on the Mr. Marcus story.

    “My lawyer said, Rob, this is how these things go away. You don’t talk about it and they go away. But what if they don’t go away? Then you can talk about it.

    “Marcus got in TMZ and that pisses me off,” Black laughed saying it’s he who could use the publicity right about now.

    “I’m trying to be the national figure for the adult industry; I’m trying to start a national labor movement for the adult industry.”

    Black suspects that Steve Hirsch told TMZ about Mr. Marcus for some sympathy.

    “And the narrative could be this poor guy [Marcus] his life is out of control. Is that what the angle is? Like all this Farrah Abraham shit. This is all an elaborate work. Rehabilitate Marcus’ image by having him hit rock bottom and then have the media start talking about how this poor guy’s life is being destroyed.

    “All of a sudden Steve Hirsch, you scumbag, you take the attention away from Lylith Lavey? Now the narrative is this girl’s going to torture Marcus because he’s black, and it’s driving him to drink. Now he gets pulled over.

    “I’d love to check Marcus’ cellphone,” said Black.

    “Was it Steve Hirsch who calls Harvey over at TMZ and said it’s good to go? Forget Lylith Lavey. Talk about racial prejudice and bias. Marcus felt pressure to drink and drive. Steve Hirsch will put him in his rehab place, rehab Marcus and give him the job he wanted to give him in the first place.”

    Black said the fear portrayed in this story line is Marcus was ready to go over the side.

    “Bravo Steve Hirsch, now we connect the dots. Or maybe it’s a stupid motherfucker who just got caught drunk driving. Or is it a mass conspiracy that goes from the top to the bottom?”

  3. I was going to say that he probably should have run… whatever street cred he might of had was lost. 🙂

  4. It was a rental and I wasn’t weaving all over the road.
    You guys are some opinionated assholes. Free speech I guess.
    I took a picture once with a cop in Vegas whose last name was McAnally, obviously God has a sense of humor and he’s way ahead of us.
    I know karma but I know her sister serendipty better.
    I do not wish you any ill will or bad luck its not my nature but I do wish you a good life free of troubles.
    Follow me on twitter @akaMrMarcus

  5. Hopefully his cellies were Marc Wallice and Magic Johnson and they double-teamed Mr. Syphilis up the ass.

  6. Mr. Marcus, I don’t have a problem with your DUI. In fact, I think all alcohol related driving offenses should be stricken from the books and that alcohol unless abused does not affect a person’s driving ability (certainly a person your size can easily handle a fifth of vodka before I would worry about your driving ability). However, I do have a problem with you fucking oodles of porn talent while infected with syphilis. As a porn stud you should have known not to work until cleared by an appropriate doctor — one that specializes in adult and not Dr. Slip-n-Slide and his nurse/cashier/slurpee maker Long Strap-On Dong Silver at the local 7-Eleven slurpee and VD testing outfit. Any doctor worth his doctorate knows that you don’t clear up Stage Two syphilis in ten days of taking antibiotics. I can’t even clear up pneumonia in ten days of taking antibiotics, syphilis certainly would take longer! It is also a performer’s responsibility to know how long it takes to clear up VD and when a doctor is out of his knowledge base. Mr. Marcus, there are three people that have flunked out of porn — Marc Wallice, Donkey Long and you. The jury’s out on whether Rob Black and Max Hardcore have flunked out or not.

    I hope that someday you and Mike can hash things out in an exclusive interview to be posted to this site. It might be your first opportunity to try some Mountain Dew (and I don’t mean the piss-colored soft drink) or White Lightning. I would like to see the Mr. Marcus reaction to a few shots of that stuff (it is 190 proof or 95 per cent alcohol)!

  7. Not trying to play devil’s advocate here, but early stage syphilis is rendered non-contagious 24 hours after receiving a penicillin shot (source: CDC website). Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t a person still test reactive for some STDs without actually having the ability to spread it?

    Amazingly nobody was said to have contracted syphilis from Marcus (before or after his treatment) so one of the other 4-5 performers that carried the disease may have actually been patient zero. If Marcus can show he really received pencilin treatment from his personal doctor 10 days before he started working again, then maybe he wouldn’t be completely vilified as the evil bastard everyone’s making out to be.

    If an STD test was faked as easily as it was on 2 separate occasions last summer, then wouldn’t one think this type of thing happens more often than porn people would like to admit. The only reason it got so much attention is because it was syphilis, an STD that’s pretty rare nowadays. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if porn producers allow chicks with dirty gonorrhea and chlaymidia tests to work on a regular basis because profit (not health) is the real #1 priority in the business. I mean, even if Marcus is banned from ever working again, does that mean the industry would really become safer? I think only a naïve person would believe that.

    By the way, nobody had a better look at Marcus’ genitals than Lylith Lavey. She could’ve refused to work with him on that fateful day, but for whatever reason she did not. Chastity Lynn was in the same situation earlier last year, but she chose NOT to work with Marcus. Why didn’t Lylith make that same choice?

  8. That is a good question, doesn’t that performer’s today do genital exams before the work? I don’t think so….

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