“It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.” -Mark Twain

Porn is full of idiots and generally speaking I have no problems with idiots, hell life is full of idiots, my readers, of course are not idiots because , well they are my readers.

People in porn do and say such dumb things that it it is rarely newsworthy. But every now and then someone who proclaims him/herself to be intelligent and opens their mouth revealing such astounding stupidity that they deserve to be held forth as an example.

Such is the case today.

I’m not gonna name the guy because you can figure it out and he probably doesn’t want the distinction anyway, despite the fact that about a few thousand times more people will read his words here than will on his “blog”.

This guy directs videos for one of the largest and most respected companies in the business. He has been around the biz for a long time and that is probably why he isn’t very educated about the business he is in, he has chosen NOT to learn anything as times and technology shifted.
So lets get to it

He Writes:

“As to this claim:”DVD quality downloadable video is available” all I can say is that I’d like to know where. What is downloadable, over a period of considerable waiting, is a smaller, low-res version of whatever you’re trying to get. It in no way approaches the quality of what we can put on a DVD owing the the tricky technical problem of density. A hi-def DVD picture is so dense your home computer will stall out trying to get it anywhere near full-size.

So far, picture and sound quality on downloads doesn’t approach what you can get by simply sliding a disk into a slot and firing up your 42-inch flat-screen and your surround sound system. We’re about half a dozen years away from being able to mate your modem to your TV without significant loss of picture and sound quality. If you don’t mind sitting in front of a computer monitor and watching a quarter-screen version of a big, fancy feature and listening to a couple of fuzzy tracks through itty-bitty speakers, all while sitting in an office chair as opposed to sprawling on your king-size bed, then these things are not issues, but for most porn consumers, Web smut is instant gratification, or scratches a particular inch, but it’s just no competition at all when it comes to product quality.

Contrary to a lot of crepe-hangers who have been predicting the demise of both DVD and adult publishing since the advent of the Web, both are now in healthier shape financially than all but the biggest Internet outfits.”

Ok lets start at the top

As to this claim:”DVD quality downloadable video is available” all I can say is that I’d like to know where.

Gee Ernest, try this site? try about a million other sites around the net. I have been doing it on ezmadedvd.com for over three years now. Oh and I guess you must have slept through all the hoopla about bit torrents and what not.

What is downloadable, over a period of considerable waiting, is a smaller, low-res version of whatever you’re trying to get.

Hmm I wasn’t aware that 720x480p is a smaller low res version of a DVD, I presume you know what 480P means, but maybe not.

It in no way approaches the quality of what we can put on a DVD owing the the tricky technical problem of density. A hi-def DVD picture is so dense your home computer will stall out trying to get it anywhere near full-size.

The word you are looking for isnt density its bandwidth and for the record the bandwith of your typical DVD is about 4Mb/s the same as a cable internet connection. And I have a Pentium 3 computer that plays full HD video 1080P and only loads the CPU to about 25%. Maybe it’s time you replaced your commodore 64. Video playback in HD is cake with most video cards these days even on older machines…way older.

So far, picture and sound quality on downloads doesn’t approach what you can get by simply sliding a disk into a slot and firing up your 42-inch flat-screen and your surround sound system. We’re about half a dozen years away from being able to mate your modem to your TV without significant loss of picture and sound quality.

Really? Damn you mean that bit for bit identical copy of your club jenna release I downloaded in 15 minutes (as a test case) isnt the same quality? damn coulda fooled me, all the menus are there and its bit for bit identical to a screener copy I have. And my 12Mb/s cable connection is slow compared to what will be available to cable customers not in 6 years but in 6 to 9 months nationwide all comcast and time warner cable customers will have access to 25-35 Mb/s wonder where that number came from? it’s the bandwidth for HD Video. that means you can download and play 1080P in real time. OOOPs there goes that open mouth again….

If you don’t mind sitting in front of a computer monitor and watching a quarter-screen version of a big, fancy feature and listening to a couple of fuzzy tracks through itty-bitty speakers, all while sitting in an office chair as opposed to sprawling on your king-size bed, then these things are not issues,

Hmmm I guess you know more than Netflix and apple someone didnt tell them that their video on demand services they now offer couldnt deliver high quality video suitable to watch at home…damn how do the cable companies get all that digital video to your dumb old TV set anyway?

Contrary to a lot of crepe-hangers who have been predicting the demise of both DVD and adult publishing since the advent of the Web, both are now in healthier shape financially than all but the biggest Internet outfits.

Ya better take a look around ya Ira, those companies started out on the internet and are now stealing a page from our playbook by flooding an already saturated video market with content they shot 5 or more years ago, they just found a new way to make money with it, and maybe you should speak to Montcalm (Gallery Magazine and others) about how their publishing is healthier than ever…oh yeah thats right they went belly up … Ok talk to LFP I mean 3 years ago they had 40 plus publications but the half dozen they have now are better than ever right?

Now I don’t want y’all to think I’m singling out Mr Greenejeans here, he thinks like a lot of people in the porn biz, a lot of people who will soon be looking for a job. I know if he was shooting for my company I’d fire him simply for being a moron. Anyone who thinks as he does hasn’t the technical ability to do the job required.

OK I’m off this soapbox

Lemme see what AIM and the FSC aren’t doing……

21540cookie-check“It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.” -Mark Twain

“It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.” -Mark Twain

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3 Responses

  1. I see the thread on Oprano got you all riled up. Its funnier that I got a guy claming to bea technovisonary that doesnt see the value of the itouch or apple TV.
    Boy is he going to really be surprised later this year.

  2. The guy is clueless. He knows nothing about the computers. I just picked up a quad-core with 22′ monitor and HDMI out. So downloading and converting files is a snap. Watching a 720p or 1080p video looks outstanding on it.

    Also besides gaming, the Sony PlayStation 3 is an excellent device for high definition video playback. Besides Blu-ray disc playback support, the PS3 can also play high definition video files, which can be downloaded from the Internet. The most common HD video file format is currently the Matroska (.MKV) file format, which the PS3 does not currently support. The .MKV files however in many cases contain AVC encoded video with AC3 audio, which are PS3 supported formats. In order to play the files a simple process of converting the .MKV files to .m2ts files must be performed. You can not tell the difference between a real blu-ray disc and the .mkv file.

    I could go on and on but why is it up to us to educate him.

  3. im finding as many h.264 (which .mkv actually is, mkv is a container if you take the video out its playable PS3 simply doesnt recognize the container) anyway the PS3 does play the h.264 with ease

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