I’m off To Dayton Gonna shoot Some Mid West Farners Daughters….

She Has the Educational Requirements Met:

This was in the July AVN Fresh Off The Bus Section, when I read it…I like to have died laughing , as we say here in the south.

The girl is Julia Bond, Age 18


Julia: “I didn’t graduate”

AVN “How far did you make it?”

Julia” “11th grade, I think.” [uh huh ya right…]

AVN: “What jobs did you have before porn?”

Julia: “I worked at an Italian restaurant for, like, a day, and I had another job for a day”

AVN: “So other than porn you have worked a total of two days in your life?”

Julia: “Basically”

Now fast forward to the end of the interview…

AVN “What are your long range plans?”

Julia: “To become famous. And to start my own production company.”

There ya have it….and y’all wondered why so far nobody (cept maybe Skeeter and Gene Ross) have flunked out of porn….I can’t make up copy this good, it just kinda says it all. Hats off to AVN’s Acme Anderson for printing that with a straight face…too funny dude…

15980cookie-checkI’m off To Dayton Gonna shoot Some Mid West Farners Daughters….

I’m off To Dayton Gonna shoot Some Mid West Farners Daughters….

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