Has Seymore Butts Lost His Mind

I know that he has been irrelevant in porn for some years and he is dying to resurrect the semi success he had with “Family Business”.  He has even produced a new show he put on vube called “Goldshow” where he claims to have 25 million views.

Got news for ya there Adam….If you had really gotten a 25 share you would have ABC, CBS and NBC beating down your door to put your show im the air….youd be bigger than “Honey Boo Boo in her heyday, about as bright too apparently.

I tried to watch a few epsisodes of Goldshow and have to say, it’s abysmally poorly done.  Sorry Seymore but either yer blowing smoke up peoples asses or someone is blowing smoke up yours..or both….

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Has Seymore Butts Lost His Mind

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5 Responses

  1. I never could stand him, his content was some of the stupidest I’ve ever seen, and now he wants attention again? He should just try to snag an appearance on one of the Kardashian shows. Oh, and my video of a gecko scaling a wall in my house got a 25 share, too…….in an alternate universe.

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