‘Fake Taxi’ Sticker on Real Taxi Puts Cabbie’s Ass in a Singapore Sling

Singapore cab company Premier Taxis Pte Ltd has recalled a vehicle to remove a sticker displaying porn website Fake Taxi‘s logo after it was spotted on the car’s rear end.

A photo purportedly taken in Bukit Merah, Singapore and sent to citizen journalism website Stomp on Thursday (Sept 5) shows the decal pasted on the boot of a Silvercab, which is operated by Premier Taxis.

From an advertisement for Fake Taxi
From an advertisement for Fake Taxi

Fake Taxi

Fake Taxi‘s videos begin with a conversation between a taxi driver and his lissome female passenger. Usually, the driver leverages on the passenger’s lack of funds and convince them to engage in sex on the taxi’s back seat.

When you drive a taxi around for days upon end picking up girls, women and couples, you experience some crazy things. From the streets of London and the back-roads of Prague comes FakeTaxi – where there is no such thing as a free ride. Prepare to be excited, thrilled, shocked and completely turned on!

A prudish witness named Nicholas said: “I think this is inappropriate for the public. The worst thing is this is not just any ordinary car, but a taxi.”

The Straits Times contacted Premier Taxis and Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (LTA) for comment.

“There is no provision that covers car decals except for what can be advertised on a taxi,” said lawyer Gloria James-Civetta, head lawyer at Gloria James-Civetta & Co.

She added that the decal on the Silvercab could possibly be considered an advertisement under the Road Traffic Act, which prohibits advertisements from being displayed in or outside public service vehicles like taxis without prior approval from an authority.

Lawyer Amarick Gill, director of Amarick Gill LLC, said he felt the ‘Fake Taxi’ decal on the taxi should not be cause for concern.

He said: “It isn’t clear that the decal shows a porn website. There is nothing defamatory or obscene about it.”

509710cookie-check‘Fake Taxi’ Sticker on Real Taxi Puts Cabbie’s Ass in a Singapore Sling

‘Fake Taxi’ Sticker on Real Taxi Puts Cabbie’s Ass in a Singapore Sling

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2 Responses

  1. Fake Taxi makes the shittiest porn. Thye blur the faces of the male in the scene. Makes it annoying and unwatchable. If you are ashamed you are in porn then don’t enter porn morons.

  2. yeah, Fake Taxi sucks…What’s the deal with the popularity of fucking in a vehicle anyways? The one place that does it right is the spanish company that uses the one way mirror box truck.

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