Does This Surprise Anyone:

Self proclaim misogynist and lump of human debris Jim Goad is now writing for

“His victim, Sky Ryan, was beaten up badly. At 5:45 am on May 29, Goad left Ryan on Northwest Skyline Boulevard with her left eye bleeding and swollen shut, facial fractures and a serious bite to her thumb. She says she received 26 stitches to her face and her eye bled for three days.”

That’s from the account of his most recent conviction for which he has just finished serving 3 years behind bars.

Goad is the author of The Redneck Manifesto, a 1997 book published by Simon & Schuster that presses all sorts of buttons about race and class. More important, he first gained national attention with his ‘zine Answer Me!, which explores the darker side of life. The notorious “rape issue,” for example, describes, among other things, how women secretly enjoy being sexually assaulted. Goad also made a spoken-word recording titled “Let’s Hear It for Violence Toward Women.”

Is it a surprise to anyone that this fuckup would end up in porn at some point? And isn’t now just about the perfect time? Why he will fit right in, and should he decide to make movies He will probably be hailed as some sort of artistic genius. Goad is currently writing for, the same people that hired the real Luke Ford.

I’m sure he will make many friends there in porn valley, guys like Kahn Tusion and others, and all they while they place the rest of us at further risk, but will we shun them? Hell no Porn Vally currently thinks that overt violence towards women is “tres chic”.

Are we ever gonna learn?

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Does This Surprise Anyone:

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