A PSA From us

That Didn’t Take Long:

The story below hadn’t been up thirty minutes before people I have never even heard of where coming out of the woodwork, at the young ladies request I have removed her name from the story but I am not ready to pull the story and the photo entirely.

I don’t mean to question anyone’s livilihood but I think anyone who is potentially going to work with this particular girl has a right to know that she has something that certainly appears to be genital warts.

I have offered her an unedited response, let’s see if she takes me up on it


The photo below was shrunken to fit on the screen but the inset photo is actual size, Now let me say right off I have nothing against this girl personally, but she is working while in this condition and claiming that there is nothing wrong with her, that is CLEARLY NOT the case, as you can see.

I am no more a doctor than Sharon Mitchell is but , girl, you need to see one…and STOP working till that subsides, you are NOT “O K”

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A PSA From us

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Mike South

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